Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Infestation scandals at Season's supermarket, Lakewood, 5 Towns, Passaic, etc.

Lakewood's KCL (Kosher Council of Lakewood),
Rabbis Weisner, Perl, Feingold group, et al

5 Five Towns Vaad- Rabis Eisen, Forst

K`hal Nesiv Hatorah (R' Forst) (Mehadrin)

Queens Vaad Hakashrus

Are all the same low kashrus standard!


  1. Not interested in where not to buy. We want to know where to buy kosher veggies. All those looshin haureh about where not to buy does interest me and many many others.

    1. If that’s the case why would you be on this miserable beings blog

  2. Only positive and kosher Garden and R' Ari Green's have consistently been insect free, thanks to Rav Moshe Vaye and R' Dovid Goldstein.

  3. What's the story?

  4. R’ Yudel- Khal Nesiv Hatorah -( R’ Forst shlit’a ) was never a hashgacha. It was a list of stores and restaurants that followed
    Kehilas Kashrus standards. There was minimal periodic spot checking and/or communication with stores. Additionally it is no
    longer in operation.

  5. Woe to the MisguidedTue Aug 09, 10:05:00 PM 2022

    The tzebissenna commenter at 4:48 should know that an ostrich that sticks it's head in the sand is the siman of an impure, non-kosher species!

    Additionally, the ancient Japanese proverb “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” was popularized in the 17th century as a Shinto maxim, carved in the famous Tōshō-gū Shinto shrine in Nikkō, Japan. Shintoism is an avoidah zara.

  6. Technically it's Clifton, not Passaic.

  7. Tue Aug 09, 10:05:00 PM 2022

    This commentator sounds like an experienced idol worshipper with all the trimmings.

  8. Actually, the Queens Vaad are the ones who allowed a sushi guy to have an idol from the Shinto religion on display at his concession inside Aron's Kissena Barns supermarket & only removed it after too much negative attention got out about it.

    It's a joke in any case that Aron is the owner. What does he have, like 1% stake? The real owners are the freya bums who were thrown out of the 5 Towns, banned from operating food gesheften there. The Queens Vaad is covering it all up by having a front man pose as the owner.

  9. Shtrengste Shgoocha?Wed Aug 10, 05:50:00 PM 2022

    There seems to be increased levels of infestation lately of celery. On display for sale at supermerkets under different Chassidishe hashgochos are celery stalks with prominent leaf miner trails.

    But when you go to nearby supermarkets that are boutique style, catering to very wealthy goyim, zet men they are bringing back from market very healthy looking stalks with zero infestation that they might have paid a big premium for. And they are selling the healthy stalks for less than the disgusting stalks fin inzerreh!

  10. A goyishe Chef asked why is all the Heimish Quinoa always infested, yet the Quinoa from Restaurant Depot is always clean?

    Because the Heimish use cheap chazerei product and rip you off price wise.

  11. Why does the ou give a hashgocha on frozen strawberries etc ?

  12. This free fresser should not be walking into a 1% frum owned bender.
    But as a idol worshipper somehow his subconscious took him there and was very happy that is until someone made a fuss about it. Then the fresser had no choice but to ‘swipe it’ and worship it elsewhere. You have to wonder why he is pushing ‘clean grain and veggies’ from Goiyim, as in treif or close to it, over supporting 100% frum owned stores ???
    Maybe he needs ‘mehudar’ food so he do his ‘Peor’ worship to those idol that he knows so much about.
    Did the zaideh’s einikel help him toil in the getchkeh teachings to come to these getchkeh pesakim ??

  13. Before Passaic-Clifton Vaad threw out that shvantz Auerbach, the Passaic Chinese joint with the future covered up treif also had that Shinto idol at the front counter, which many Shinto worshippers bring to work with them. It's some dumb ketzela standing up & giving a hand wave or episs azoi. When a rov in Brooklyn heard about it he called Auerbach to ask him to have it removed on the double as there are problems from it for any Yidden in the immediate vicinity even if it's the goy's property. Can you believe shvantz Auerbach akshened & absolutely refused to do anything about it? Because of his bizarre akshonus, some Brisker chevra said if that's how the shvantz talks, we don't trust his kashrus on that place either. They were nitzil from the treif before that whole scandal became public knowledge!

  14. There is another terutz for the goyishe chef: most "kosher" quinoa is under supervision of Rabbi Moe Heinemann & the boys over at Star K, which explains a lot.

  15. Agudah Multiverse of MadnessWed Aug 10, 09:43:00 PM 2022

    Is it really so shocking to see shvache standards in mekomos Hatorah when the Agudah "manhigim" alein are happy with Shick catering?

  16. It's so predictable that the OU mashgiach in Queens is going to bat to attack someone exposing the Queens Vaad cover up at Kissena Farms, which he's LYING when insisting the gesheft's REAL ownership is "frum". And even more predictable that the mashgiach shleps Baal Peor into his lunatic ravings, the one type of idol worship which involves the most disgusting utility of bodily functions imaginable, which is the mashgiach's favorite topic! The Vilna Gaon teitches the Chazal of Hergel Naaseh Teva that the more someone is shtupped in thought about a particular inyan, the more it becomes his teva mamash. So next time you pass by the mashgiach in Kew Gardens or far eastern Queens or da Bronx, have a nose plug ready, or nuch besser a NASA grade gas mask, veil TZE SHTINKT!

  17. Goldberg at The Main Ingredient in Passaic hates answering kashrus questions. He absolutely refuses to answer even which shechitos he's using.

    What does Goldberg have to hide?

    Seasons Clifton gets their takeout chazirei from Goldberg.

  18. Volfgang is a Deutscher payger who nebich took a Yehudis for a veib.

    When the OU was on Shallot's in Manhattan, dach zich he was shutef with the frey woman owner from Chicago.

    But heyos Volfgang is baal habos of treif gesheften, isn't that a violation of OU policy? It's also a harder violation for Genack to cover up than simply pretending that Sholom Rubashkin does not wear a Yechee yarmulka altz the Meshichist meshugass that he subscribes to.

  19. Who's goldberg?
    Who's hashgocha?
    Where is he located?

  20. Goldberg owns The Main Ingredient on Main St, Passaic, in the building previously hosting Zundel Berman. It's under both PCK & Tarnopol. The Main Ingredient is co-branded on Seasons Clifton labels in the take out section.

    The ausvarfs from 5 Towns who are in stealth mode in Queens, hiding behind Hirtz, also have a location in West Orange. And they had some kind of role in the Passaic Chinese tarfus scandal. I once saw a papertrail on this, maybe on this blog in a previous year. Actually most likely on this blog because after it was posted there was a nudnik fighting with all his koyach to drown out the message that exposes the Queens Vaad. I don't remember now if the stealth ausvarfs have an ownership stake in the Passaic Chinese or if they played some other sinister connection.

  21. "pretending that Sholom Rubashkin does not wear a Yechee yarmulka altz the Meshichist meshugass that he subscribes to"

    That's the specialty of "der Shady Rebbe" Horav Pinchos Lipschutz.

    Fetter Elya must be 'proud'!

    Ober fort, becoming Rubashkin's bosom buddy is the most $$ lucrative move the Yated ever made!

  22. Queens Vaad is messing the whole place up in cahoots with Seasons Scarsdale.

    The trucks from Scarsdale are delivering all over Westchester, Western CT, Riverdale, rest of the Bronx, Manhattan, and even as far away as Northern NJ.

    Come to mention Hirtz, his mother is finally out as Menahales of Shevach. She wants to start a new "Bais Yaakov" that's EVEN MORE to the LEFT. Did Queens Vaad's pathetic "chinuch arm" finally come to terms with who they're dealing with? Or does she think she can do "better"?

    There is a website where all the veiber check with each other before enrolling their kids in new yeshivos. There are a lot of worried women saying they are uncomfortable with the feedback they are getting about Hirtz. Of course there are some propagandists (who are probably married to the male yentas protecting the Queens Vaad on this blog) who cheerlead that Hirtz is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The other mothers are more frank, like these replies:

    "I am hesitating about sending her there is since I heard rebbetzin hirtz plays favorites and can be nice to those girls while at the same time be mean to the rest of them"

    this one is more diplomatic:

    "If your daughter is pretty, academic, popular, the type the principal surrounds herself with, it 'could' be a good experience"

  23. Fri Aug 12, 11:12:00 AM 2022

    As the loshon horah and moizee shaim rah intensifies here at Yudels, we can feel that the aseres yemay teshuvah is around the corner. Here at Yudels, the avodah for the Aseres Yemay teshuvah is to learn, study and practice with all chumrah, hedurim and cheshoshos to not make the same MISTAKE that Gedalya ben Achikum made. Min Hastam The Israeli Gedolim and Poskim had some PRIVATE instructions for the 'special few' how to be Zoche in the upcoming yemay Hadin.
    Thank you for the heads up. If you can help your readers excel in this avodah please do so.

  24. כל ישראל עריבים זה לזה, It's an obligation to publicize,
    As Reb Ahron Kotler, Z"L said

    "The truth must be heard,
    Even if the public doesn't like the sound of it.
    Whatever the circumstances, regardless of the consequences.
    The truth must be stated-loudly, clearly & unequivocally".
    (Quoted by Bunim-Ob"m)

  25. Paysach Krohny WatchFri Aug 12, 07:26:00 PM 2022

    Since Mrs. Krohn was inseparable from Mrs. Hirtz at Shevach, can we assume ol' Paysach will be imported to the new school in the 5 Towns for paid Mother Goose Speaks sessions & assorted Fairy tales? The Lawrence feinschmeckers doing The Great Escape from Brooklyn that Hirtz is trying to chanfah should like that kind of shallow material.

    Hirtz's husband is also now out of a job at that former Conservative temple on Utopia Parkvay. Man oh man was this all long in coming that they're both off the local public dole. There's a really atrocious explanation, which here's a hint: whoever dropped by even for a single Kiddush in Frishe Meadows could plainly see it. Glad to hear the abusive oissnutzing has come to an end.

    1. Some real oiberflechlacheh jealous dude who couldn’t get anyone the listen to his non lectures even if the listeners got paid. And he is the mimcheh deciding who is successful and “shallow”. Yeh. Right.
      Wish we can find someone -anyone - who claims that today there no more Loshon Horah like you preach - and spill all those beans about you and your Mishpoocheh

  26. There goes the Chofetz Chayim Heritage foundation down the drain. No need for them anymore.
    Any support you give them is against this ‘Halacha’.

  27. The Queens OU mashgiach who is jumping up & down @ Sun Aug 14, 2:32 PM, is correct that Paysach Krohn is "not shallow". Avaddeh, when Krohn wields that infamous Gomco clamp, the barbaric, bloody wounds & emotional scars inflicted in the tayereh kinder are quite DEEP, not shallow.

    1. Really really Nebach on the thousands of tayereh kinderlach.
      I think they are and or become molesters. None stay frum. All due to this barbaric procedure.
      Nebach Nebach. Nebach.

  28. Why do you innumerate only these places just say it simply: All stores around the world are selling infested stuff unless its repackaged postive or repackaged kosher garden or done by you friend goldstein. or is it RABBI Goldstein. PERIOD.

  29. Rabbi Shain, can you share what you know about Tarkitov hashgoca? It appears to give hashgoca on many products.

  30. After thorough research, Reb Yudel has nothing in his house with Tartikuv.
    Tartikuv claims to have "chimras and hidurim" but not even basic Kashrus.
    But they don't have not chiras, not hidirim, not kashrus, only gelt in the pocket.

  31. Mon Aug 15, 09:30:00 PM 2022

    The the most mehudar Moihel use Rabbi Eliyhu Shain Shlit'a

  32. Chuchem fin der Mah NishtanahTue Aug 16, 12:47:00 PM 2022

    One of the most amusing & appropriate lines in history was coined by R' Yudel that Tartikov is "Star K mit Shmoineh Begudim".

    I've told this over to Chassidishe in the food industry who have the most serious demeanors. Suddenly, they struggle to hold back from bursting out loud in laughter.

  33. At a meeting of Chasideshe Rabbonim re: a certain Heimish hashgocha that they were discussing, one of the Rabbonim calle Reb Yudel, what does he say?

    He said that the ones that really know him don't wait for him by the end of Krias-Shemah.

    They asked to explain, he said because he never comes to the "EMMES"

  34. Machshil the Rabim in Lemalei Schoik PivTue Aug 16, 09:53:00 PM 2022

    While it's not appropriate, here's a line that generated tons of very loud laughter which it's not poshut for anyone to hold back when hearing this ...

    When Chaim Schwartz got up to the microphone at the AKO conference in Texas and called the Queens Vaad a "MEHADRIN" hashgocho!

  35. Update: Whoever is comfortable with the Queens Vaad's standards may be comfortable with Lakewood's KCL Hashgocha.

    5 Town Vaad since having Rav Forst to come out of the closet and become part of the 5 town vaad openly, may soon surpass Lakewood's kcl hashgocha standard which is "make sure your fees are paid on time".

  36. Shameless charlatans and flagrant fabulists are nothing new. But they seem to be proliferating rather wildly these days.That would include the Five Town Vaad, Lakewoods kcl, Minchas chinuch Tartikuv, among many others.

  37. Why is it that Reb a yudel and Reb first are both from Monsey or associated with Monsey.
    Monsey is, was and always will be a machlokes city. Only for the good but machlokes nevertheless.

  38. Ain lecha gedoilah mizu in QueensThu Aug 18, 10:41:00 AM 2022

    A certain OU mashgiach who LOVES MACHLOKES, and makes a zoo in & out of a NYC outer borough, was once in a yeshiva in Monsey!
