Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Insects could give meaty taste to food – and help environment – scientists find | Insects |


  1. Alert: KCL Mashgichim don't think all insects are not permitted.
    They don't see any eyes or legs, etc.

    If you eat kcl, you may be eating worms.

  2. Is that a new slogan for Seasons supermarkets?

  3. About two months ago, Evergreen supermarket had slugs in their vegies, KCL's Administrator their insect experts concluded that slugs aren't insects, because we don't see eyes, legs, etc.

    A Lakewood real insect expert made enough of a commotion that snakes, slugs, mealy bugs, etc are all insects.

    Many don't rely on those fake experts for insects.

  4. This is part of the left-wing evil propaganda.
    They are at war with civilization. They have burned more than 100 farms this year killing millions of chickens and hundreds of thousands of kosher animals.
    They want to reduce your food requirements because they will have to feed all their slaves, which they think we all will become.


    NY State Kosher Enforcement takes action against a Sachdis account

  6. Yeah, Ave M Kosher Bagels, who cares?

    Who has time for minor little details in kashrus?


    Things are not so kosher at OK Kosher when they ignore psak beis din that has to be enforced in State Supreme Court.

  8. The OK is an equal partnership of the two levy brothers who are both deceased at this time.
    The brother that was running the OK partnership, forged a document that his brother gave him over his share as well. That document only surfaced after his brother died under suspicious circumstances.

  9. We can't find that case on line, can you describe the issues, the bais din psak, etc?

  10. Just because Y wanted all those accounts does not mean it was forged.

    Another Y tactic.

  11. Zalmon Liberow vs OK Kosher is not a run of the mill lawsuit.

    Despite having wound it's way through Court for a while in pretrial mode, the first appearance will not happen until Aug. 31st. Liberow is representing himself and applied that the Court waive all fees altz ani v'evyon, which took a while but was granted. The OK have not notified the Court yet whether they have a lawyer.

    Before there are any lawyers involved there are no e-filings. The Clerk only publicized a few tzettlach that Liberow had written by hand & manually submitted. I assume more information will be uploaded online by the Clerk next month.

    1. Pushut can’t live without Loshon Horah on Rosh Chodesh elul.
      The only Linus zechut is he has no clue what Elul is about.
