Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Why are there so many secular Chareidim move tothe Five Towns?

Allegedly, Rabbi Yakov Bender explained it;

Quote,"We are working for 30 years to become mainstreamed with the "Mo'derna" in the 5 Towns, don't ruin it". 


  1. Sdoim vaAmoira Adma Tzvoyim Tzoiar 5 TownsMon Aug 22, 01:04:00 PM 2022

    When has Yankel Bender been correct about ANY issue in the last 40 years?

    Bender was present at the first "rabbonishe" meeting in the early 1980s where they covered up for child molester Yudi Kolko.

    Bender sided with Hiller in the infamous old machlokes against Rav Perr. This is the same Hiller who later went to jail for embezzling over $10 million together with the scandalous original owners of Seasons Supermarkets.

    Bender sided with serial adulterer Dovid Weinberger & fought tooth and nail to sabotage Weinberger getting thrown out of chinuch-rabbonus.

    Bender has no dress code for mothers of talmidim who prance around in skin tight pencil skirts & other attire not appropriate for bnos Yisroel. And he has no social media policy while mothers are batteling with each on Facebook, more than a few using the F word and the like. Perhaps this is also for Weinberger's benefit.

    Bender provides the better rebbeyim for the rich people from Lawrence while leaving Far Rockaway bnei Torah with the shvacher rebbeyim. At least we know where Bender's priorities are. He often brags that Darchei Torah produces both Harvard lawyers AND BMG talmidim. He puts Harvard first.

    Bender promoted himself as champion of special needs kids - but only when a local billionaire paid for the in house center to open because his son couldn't get into any yeshiva. As soon as the billionaire's son was cycled out, Bender shut it down.

    Bender backed the 5 Towns Rubashkin Schnorr Fest assifa which major area rabbonim were against altz chilul Hashem & misgareh b'Umos she'yehai chotay nischar. Bender was silent when thugs working for OU & Agudah were publicly mevazeh the major rabbonim for not going along with it. Prosecutors & the Judiciary later cited the Schnorr Fest as proof that Rubashkin has zero remorse for his crimes and is living in a fantasy world of bashing the government for enforcing laws.

    Bender is backing the YU rabbis (includes Open Orthodox who attended YU before YCT existed) & yeshivishe fakers running the kashrus cover up.

    1. Excuse me, Bender does in a day more then you did the past 40 years. And like every person he for sure made mistakes on the way. But that does not and should not diminish what he did and keeps on doing . first and foremost it's because of him that there are thousands of frum or like some like to call it ultraa orthodox families families in the five towns . where once a yesheva Bocher was looked down at. And this is besides taking care of hundreds of problems daily. Opening hatzola, aCheezer etc he's literally a person that would take his shirt off for another yid

  2. R' Avigdor Miller said of that meeting (where then yungeh shnooks Scheinerman & Bender were trying to put themselves on the map as politically correct cover uppers), that the gantze mayseh is being controlled by corrupt Margulies with a wink from the Agudah, so he directed askonim to fight them bechol koyech. Rav Pam, the alter Tenker Rov & the Shaarim Metzuyonim Bahalacha agreed with R' Avigdor. It's not like anything was a chiddush. Kolko had previously been thrown out of Stolin by Rav Dishon where all the boys ran like crazy to get away from him & his loose paws. When Kolko switched to Torah Temimah he just got more selective & secretive when targeting victims.

    1. Aye. Your mayselach are not old enough.
      Get some REAL mayselach from a few generations ago. Maybe then someone or two will at least believe you.
      Or better yet jut concoct them as you have done in past so often.

  3. Oy Gevalt!

    I hope Reb Yudel never has any eineklach living in the Five Towns! They'll be thrown out before they get there!!

    Rabbi Bender is a very frum person. He is so makpid on v'nishmartem, that he forced every one of his Rebbeim and staff members to vaccinate. He had harsh words for anybody who did not vaccinate, even after they recovered from Covid. He was makpid that all shuls close and remained closed throughout Covid. (He himself happened to gett Covid a second time after all the boosters)

    He vehemently fights for Eretz Yisroel and forced every bochur in Yeshiva to join WZO, and paskened maaser money can be used. (B"H his partner Reb Elya Brudni helped him on that one.) He had harsh words against those who said not to join the WZO.

    He also vehemently fights a certain Hashgacha in the Five Towns. (Just happens to be the wrong hashgocho. Not eveyone gets it right every time!) His partner Reb Elya also told local Roshei Hayeshiva and Rabonim (who did not sign as the 53) that Daas Torah paskens it is ossur to eat by Mehadrin establishments. (One Rosh Heyeshiva asked him why his Daas Torah is more Daas Torah then his own!)

    He is a very frum man. He is very shtark in his hashkofos and will not sway for anything. (Well, almo$t anything)

  4. 1-The vaccines are being proven are actually suicide jabs, therefore they are all רוצחים במלא המובן.
    All of the Doctors have no נאמנות על פי הלכה, they were only concerned about their license and the CDC murderers.

    All of the doctors are on the payroll from "Big Pharma", so they can't be trusted.

    If yudel would be in the Five Towns he'd make seder there and undress all of those Secular-Chareidim in public.

    Yudel, come to the 5 towns for three months.

    1. Do you have business hours?
      Do you accept medicad?
      Do you know medicine or is all your vomit a result of surfing the net?

  5. Reb Nota, Z"L said

    "An Organization formed for Illegitimate purposes,

    can only produce Illegitimate offspring".

    Was that referring to certain aspects of the 5 Towns?

  6. Bend means Not straightMon Aug 22, 11:01:00 PM 2022

    There's a sucker born every minute, especially those falling for all the puffery about Achiezer (aCheezer?). But when your Bible is the 5 Towns Jewish Slimes newspaper of Chabadsker Tuna Beigel Larry Gordon, you won't know anything except his non-stop chanfening of his advertisers like Bender.

    Yankel's son "Rabbi" Boruch Ber Bender was not even employable as a Darchei paper shuffler in the back office, so they had to start Achiezer to keep him occupied. One of Boruch Ber's own rebbeyim agav is moyche that contrary to his dimyonos he is not saving the whole world via his cellphone and that he needs to stop calling himself "rabbi"!

    Boruch Ber will not so much as lift a finger in pikuach nefesh cases if he doesn't see the story getting in the newspapers to advance his fraudulent kovod & glory.

    And "thousands of ultraa orthodox families in the five towns"???? How do they fit the bill, those whose veiber are dressed more prust than respectable goyim, lo aleinu????

  7. He may of been referring to “Yudelstake”.
    You never know…

  8. Boruch Ber Bender had heard that someone criticized him for being the diametric opposite of R' Chaim Brisker defining that the tafkid of rabbonim is to help people who have tzorus. So Boruch Ber immediately whipped open his cell, calling the critic to huff into voicemail: "We have our own rabbonim"

    If there was ever an arrogant retort that said it all ...

  9. What happened to Bender's collaborator Rav Brudny? He was one of the smarter people out there. He originally laced into Philly at the Agudah Convention during the measles outbreak that their anti-vaxx meshugass is reckless & frankly insulting. Then suddenly, he comes completely under the spell of Philly, not just for anti-vaxx, but for all Philly meshugassen, especially the Zionist shpiel, which dozens of gedolim protested bichsav.

    Rav Brudny recently gave a vaad in the Mir that was a whitewash of the Philly-Bender Zionism. Philly's official propagandist Pinny published it in the Yated.

  10. Bender also bucked the trend to ban Belsky from the 5 Towns after Belsky insulted the local rabbonim & roshei yeshiva in his scorched earth campaign to protect the noief Weinberger.

    All the shuls threw out Torah Vodaas from their planned shnorring Shabbos, limiting Belsky to Yanky Safier's house. Safier thinks he can do whatever he wants altz Wolfson's money - just like the other Wolfson eidim Gimpel Wolmark, partner in crime of Belsky & Mendel Epstein.

  11. The volunteers lining up behind B.B.B. were often more Uchie than Achi, with very little Ezer.

    There were Agudah Kovod Zucher types who were lazy. They had a lot of resources available to them that would have drastically reduced the cost of homeowners to rebuild after Sandy, but wouldn't cooperate because it would've meant a drop more administrative work for themselves.

    Yenta wives of the Agudah Kovod Zuchers jumped at the opportunity to personally hand over the relief checks so they could put faces on the names to be able to better yenta about who was approved for what amount.

    The wealthy socialite wives at Open Orthodox Beth Shalom also stuck their noses into it so thay could brag at the cocktail circuit that they are do gooders. It was totally inappropriate to pair up those machshayfos with bnei Torah mishpochos so the socialites could sneer at their orremkeit. The most awkward thing of all was the distribution of new shaytelach by the machshayfos who have never so much as tried one on & despise the women who wear them. But shhhh, because Open Orthodox Beth Shalom is a full fledged member of 5 Towns Vaad - including for the kashrus - so Y.B. will not stand for such talk!

  12. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonTue Aug 23, 02:28:00 PM 2022

    Aye, mashgiach in Queens, Cómo estás? The OU should be worried about you dozing off on the job today after your Yudelstake outburst attacking Bender opponents in the wee hours at 1:16 am.

    We get it, the only cheder that takes in the riff raff from your gantze mishpooche, is Bender's, even in the case of einiklach of embezzlers & child rapists.

  13. Yankel Bender was trying so hard to chanfe me on the Agudah conference call mitten covid that even I was disgusted!

  14. Five towns and proud of itWed Aug 24, 10:29:00 AM 2022

    So pick on R Yankel and his family - until you need a place for a child who has been rejected by every Yeshiva. Or an appt with a doctor who is full up until next January. Or a slot in a psychiatric hospital that serves kosher food. Or help with anything else. Then ALL you heilige yidden and rosh yeshivas come running - just like you do to raise money from the “secular chareidim”.

  15. I wouldn't sacrifise my children to the five towns, as a prominent Rosh Yeshiva recently stated "one can't be mechanech chilrdren al pi Torah, in the Five Towns".

    Yes the entire atmosphere is affected.
    Rabbi Bender may not have been that way when he started, but it nebech affected him negatively.

  16. There reason there are so many secular chareidim in 5T is because where should they go?
    To Lakewood ? That ton is overloaded with chareidy secular guys.
    No room for outsiders to join that club.

  17. @Uchie Ezer
    Didnt see people from Brooklyn or Lakewood coming out here to help when people had no food, electricity or possessions. Didn't hear anyone saying "what can we do?" DID see Beth Sholom women restocking their homes with Cholov Yisroel for months to accomodate people who moved in - sometimes for months. DID hear parents of children who went to heilige Brooklyn Bais Yakkovs getting yelled at by teachers and principals because their daughters didn't do homework or didn't wear uniform shoes. DID hear of the Lakewood guy who invested all his wedding money in generators and then tried selling them in the 5Towns for 5 times his cost.

    Gimme a break - all you see is a cash cow. Send your Rosh Yeshivas, your Adopt a Kollels, your "avreichim" - we will help. But have a little respect!

  18. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=lMRS4YvKjdsCW7cbV2a3Aw==&system=prod

  19. The 5 Towns LIAR covering up for Bender & Achiezer thinks we are stupid when it was international Yiddishe neiass that Chaverim came from all over to extract his neighbors from the Sandy catastrophe. Tons of Chaverim from BROOKLYN and even from Kiryas Yoel.

    While it's nice to hear that SOME of the "Real Housewives of Beth Sholom" were hospitable, how did anyone eat in those Open Orthodox kitchens without kashering? There is a blabbery millionaire who is a member of that temple who likes to brag about cruise ships he has been on. He gets "all frum" on you about how he demands the crew pull all new china plates out of storage just for him. When you ask how that one piece of the puzzle solves all the other myriad kashrus problemmen, he breaks into a little laugh & changes the subject with "don't ask so many questions".

    Worry about your own Bais Yaakovs. Sticky Fingers Hiller barging in to order around the office staff against the psak beis din & against the court order. And all the corruption at the "Bais Yaakov of Long Island" aka TAG, under the nose of Rabbi W, whether the kickbacks to the head of services for her "preferred" therapist racket or the administration member protecting a bully on the Lawrence bus route, even blowing off a big shot doctor from Young Israel who tried to stop the bully.

    Who sees the cash cow? Your Lawrence pals from the Met Council who took the money for the poor to put in their own pockets? The resources being referred to would have been at cost, instead of the full retail that everyone had to pay to rebuild.

  20. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=Y4D/FAhklRLKHMnmtAQvqg==&system=prod

    Child molester being protected at Yankel Bender's Simcha Day Camp located at the Darchei Torah campus

  21. All these unproven crimes are “Pennie’s” compared to the Loshon Horah posted 6:24 Lekivod of Shabbos / Rosh Chodesh.
    Come Tishray, if by mistake he’ll fall into Teshuvah mode he’ll be stuck since he “Loshon Horahed” a whole community aka as a rabbim.
    Let’s not continue…

  22. Full disclosure. I am a “Darchei fan” and my grandchildren are currently in YDT. 3 of them.
    However I’m not on Bender payroll of any sort and have no gain or benefit from clarifying some facts.
    I’m embarrassed that I spent 5 min on this trash filled site of people who clearly have axes to grind with anything or anyone aside from their perfect selves.
    I will stand up for facts and do what I would want others to do if I was the subject.
    What I do know is that Rabbi Yaakov Bender lives and breathes the yeshiva, the children of the yeshiva and has an open door for ANYONE, rich or poor. Does that mean he accepts all to his yeshiva? No. Does he try to guide them and be there for them? Yes.
    Vaccines? Do I think he’s a murderer like many like to say? Hashem should help anyone who talks such vitriol.
    Do i think vaccines are a messy topic that rabbonim should be issuing follow up statements upon? Yes and wish Rabbi bender would address it as there is lots of pain out there.
    One thing is a fact. Anyone that sits on this site writing such nivel about a tzadik like Rabbi Bender who gives so much to others, clearly has deep issues or deep hate or a combination of all of the above.

    As far as his son Baruch Ber, I think this talk is just absurd and comical.
    While I don’t have a personal relationship with him, I live in the Five Towns and I have lived here for 26 years.
    Haters love to hate and love to make fiction.
    Forget that fact that he nor Achiezer are in that paper much ever, I am just amazed at the total trash being said by some nebuch hater. He is woken nightly, arranges favors and emergency connections, appointments and surgeries for everyone and anyone and most of whom don’t have a cent to their names and whom have no notoriety in their lifetimes. Achiezer rarely fundraises and last year when they did, my Rav in Woodmere asked for a show of hands at how many people benefited from some sort of Achiezer kindness over the previous year from achiezer or bbb. There weren’t 5 hands left down out of hundreds of heads. Not five.
    But carry on folks.
    You are all bringing moshiach quickly with your “facts”.
    I’m sure that you all have happiness in your homes and happy sons and daughters who get to witness your beautiful life’s disposition.

  23. Re: Darchei Torah.

    Why do you think that the Good deeds should cover for all of the known and unknown despicable acts that he's behind, regardless if openly or not.

  24. As the saying goes, A diaper can only cover so much, but it reeks after a while.

  25. Saying that Rabbi Bender is “behind” certain things is quite different than saying that he has been on the wrong side of many stories over the last 40 years as I think honestly wrote. Like a previous poster wrote, we can only wish to accomplish what he does daily.

  26. Correct, He is "Behind", therefore to blame him for numerous issues that he was on the wrong side.

  27. Clarifying Fake so called FactsWed Aug 31, 03:20:00 PM 2022

    Yes, many people benefitted from Achiezer being the conduit for things like Sandy relief. It was inevitable, especially with so many volunteers manning phones & doing Boruch Ber's grunt work. But how is that is a contradiction to when Boruch Ber is the obstruction to taking action before anyone else knows about it?

    When someone like the Biden style grandfatherly figure of Tue Aug 30, 2:53:00 PM denies that Boruch Ber gets in the newspaper, he is playing on the ignorance of those outside the 5 Towns. Within in the 5 Towns, Larry was quite eager to broadcast any Boruch Ber item on the front page of his weekly rag. For sure during the beginning years of Achiezer, you could get a headline out of Larry if Boruch Ber so much as ran over with a bandaid because someone stubbed his toe. Of course, the injured party would need to be someone who Boruch Ber is interested in coddling.

    Some have been wondering about a particular media photo op. Did Boruch Ber run to the hospital altz the kid who was nebich sliced to bits by the boat motor? Or did he run altz the cover up for the Lawrence billionaire operating the boat? At the same time there was a goy involved in an identical tragedy just outside the 5 Towns. Only the goy was arrested, not the billionaire. It was such a touchy situation that they needed backup so they summoned their reliable attack dog Aryeh Z to warn & bully everyone in an editorial to not even think about assigning any guilt to anyone. As for the billionaire, he kept a very low profile throughout that episode. But some time later, Larry let him be front & center all over his rag when the billionaire was on a crazed binge to stop Mount Sinai hospital from opening a branch, despite that it's a sakonnas rabim for the entire 5 Towns-Rockaways to be without a single serious hospital. What Larry, Bender & the billionaire did not disclose is that all of the billionaire's scaremongering tactics about SHVARTZA orderlies from a hospital ogling your wives & daughters was a bogus smoke screen for the real motivation. The billionaire had bought a large foreclosed property that he was himself trying to develop as a private hospital. He demonized Mount Sinai because it is a financial competitor. The private hospital never did get off the ground because another Lawrence billionaire, a known litigious maniac who is shutef of the first billionaire, descended into lawsuits with the doctors & others integral to essential operations of any would be hospital.

  28. So there is Boruch bet
    Then there is Larry
    Then there is a rag
    And a boat
    And a hospital
    And a billionaire
    And another billionaire
    Whalen does the play start
    Where can I buy tickets
    Which moishas does the profits go to
    Is the free fresser now out of breath with all the minor fiction details.
    Most important which nights are the shows and how much fress is being offered.
    Is it free or that’s only for genuine convention free fressers

  29. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachThu Sep 01, 02:54:00 PM 2022

    That poem from Boruch Ber to billionaires is straight out of the playbook of the OU mashgiach in Queens!

    He of course knows who all the characters are but he plays dumb while belittling whoever spilled the beans because he thinks it's his tafkid to fight on behalf of all corrupt establishment profiles, especially the ones who butter his broit & the broit of zein gantze mishpooche!

    Most of them are easy for most anyone in Nassau-Queens to figure out.

    Boruch Ber Bender son of Yankel needs no intro.

    "Larry" Gordon is the Moderner newspaper publisher vos halt zich noch a Crown Heights Lubav. He does any & all dirtywork of establishment $$$ advertisers $$$, especially 5TV, the OU and their accounts. The 5 Towns "yeshivishe" rabbonim turn a blind eye when Larry shills for all the krummah stuff & apikorsis of his Moderner & Open Ortho advertisers. Too many mutual relationship benefits over there with Larry.

    The billionaire behind the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with the boat motor on that poor little boy from Yankel Bender's Darchei, is the son of a QUEENS VAAD RABBI.

    The "attack dog" (git gezugt!) referred to as Aryeh Z. is otherwise known as Aryeh Zev G., himself a QUEENS VAAD RABBI, who when he was in Queens had a pretty weird shul. He loves getting into the dirt for the OU & others, much in the style of the mashgiach actually! But at least Aryeh has "a few bucks" that got to his head & some shtoltz to him. He's not a total zero like you know who.

    The tzveiter billionaire is always suing people. I don't want to give enough hints that would make him want to sue Blogger to find out who wrote about him. Put it this way, if you are able to sort through the toizent layers of front companies that he hides behind, you can read about how he became Case Law in the United States when a Judge yelled at him that in all his decades on the Bench he has never seen such a vindictive, litigious nut like him.

  30. I think 2:54 was yoitzay the Loshon Horah mitzvah according to all his unshakable Brisk shitos. Any more LH which is unquestionably coming will be his bonus and with that he will be able to weigh down the whole world for another Pro LH year full of mitzva’dik LH.
    Baurooch haSham

  31. Eyes Open in Far RockFri Sep 02, 02:00:00 PM 2022

    Anonymous Five towns and proud of it said...
    "So pick on R Yankel and his family - until you need a place for a child who has been rejected by every Yeshiva."

    This only works if you have money. I have seen with my own eyes emails sent by Bender WHO TYPES IN ALL CAPS WITH NO GRAMMAR OR PUNCTUATION in which he told a single mother desperate for a yeshiva for her only son that they cannot take him BUT IF SHE IS WILLING TO MAKE A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE YESHIVA THEN THEY CAN DISCUSS IT FURTHER.

    1. This is a cheap lie. I am not even asking for a screenshot. Because you don't have one

  32. Eyes Open in Far RockSun Sep 04, 06:28:00 PM 2022

    You're right I don't have a screenshot because they (two separate) were not emails to me. But I saw them and anyone who has had close dealings with Bender would not be surprised by the idea. There is not a single measure by which he is an impressive or "godol" figure: not learning, not tzidkus (I've been stuck behind him several times while he drives his luxury SUV around and stops in the middle of the road to have a conversation with someone), not kishronos. He's a reasonably impressive real estate investor - I'll give him that.

  33. Eyes Open in Far RockSun Sep 04, 06:34:00 PM 2022

    Oh - and let's not get onto how he tried to shut down Shaarei Chaim when they opened up and has tried to crush any other "competition" that might reveal the mediocrity of Darchei. If a parent questions certain things when they interview? Denied - and I'm not talking about being argumentative I'm talking about a guy just asking "has the English education improved in the last few years, because I know some people weren't happy with it a few years ago". and this was quoted as the reason for him being denied a place. Then there's the fact that no rebbe there is allowed to send his boys elsewhere because that would suggest that Darchei is somehow incapable of servicing whoever they want.

    Hopefully sooner or later people will see that Emperor Bender is not actually wearing any clothes.

  34. I think he was much better before the up hat kapote and ‘godol’ status. He was simply a good Rebbe/principal with a genuine love for each boy. Now already he’s got the photo ops, the so called ‘daas Torah’ angle; he’s hot stuff. He should have stuck to his role in Chinuch. He just would have become better and better.

  35. Yankel Bender, Come on down!


    You're the next photo op contestant on the Frock is Right!

  36. To Mr. Anonymous Mon Aug 22 4:59 Pm
    ---Thank you for your beautiful comment.

  37. To Five Towns and Proud of it:
    Thanks a lot for a truthful and honest comment.

  38. To the comment that Rav Bender first denied a child entry into the Yeshiva and then said to the mother that if you send $, we can talk about it:::
    Let me tell you a secret, I am not a big Rav Bender fan, but one thing I can say for sure, is that Rabbi Bender would never ever do such a terrible thing.
    I am positive that you fall into one of the following two categories, 1. You are not married.
    -------2. If you are married, your wife at the present moment is going through the worst Geihenom possible.
