Tuesday, September 13, 2022

קול קורא KOL KOREI



  1. Boruch HaShem Reb Yudel joined the kol koray scene. Thus it’s not a Bais din shukol (even number).
    On the other hand, Reb Yudel is the perfect match for this Odd Numbered Bais Din.

  2. Why are they ignoring the larger issue that being that there is no feasible way KCL can be effective without a huge workforce.

  3. Genug mit Shlomo Goren ChevraTue Sep 13, 11:06:00 PM 2022

    Here we have 2 real signatures + hypocrisy of the Philly-Chicago mamzerus machers.

  4. We need a kol koreh to proclaim what the halacha has been since the Vaad ha'Arba Artzos?

  5. WOW. This is absolutely brilliant. One kashrus agency has a colossal failure because a non Jewish person thought he could beat the system . THEREFORE, we should punish and destroy all of the small home based Kosher businesses by insisting that they have kosher certification or they're out of business.
    I cant wait to see what the next SCANDAL is when all of the mashgichim insist on a home visit "surprise" inspection.
    The mashgichim will put Chaim Walder to shame
    Cut me a break. Fix what is broken and don't look for shtussim.

    I would trust the home kashrus of any frum Lakewood business owner over any establishment and definitely over any kashrus agency

    1. Ignorance is screaming from this comment.
      ANY bussines that requires a hashgqcha needs to start off with someone who cares

  6. The companies that rent popcorn machines & cotton candy machines should be under hashgacha. I've never seen any of them certified. What do you think could happen if a goy rents the machines? Such gesheften that advertise in Yiddish language NY publications also advertise to everyone in the Yellow Pages.

  7. http://theunorthodoxjew.blogspot.com/2022/09/it-is-entirely-possible-for-yeshivas-to.html?showComment=1663098691757#c138315679672668647

    Itzu Glick may not be the most popular personality around here, but he was 100% right in the letter he signed on behalf of Hisachdus beis din attacking Philly, that Satmar will not usually be moiche against missteps by Litvisher, but they draw the line when it comes to anyone making major pirtzos in the Klal's yichus.

  8. Bs"d

    With all your good intentions - the proclamation bears the signature of Sam Kruma-etc.! If the food we eat must be kosher how much more so our bodies! (O.K. I understand - a mamzeir is also obligated to eat kosher, but) remember:

    One who "prophecies" in the name of avodah zara is still executed even though his "prophecy" may be in accordance of Halachah!

    This is especially treacherous in view of the obvious fact that this pervert of our Torah is relying on the truly committed to simply "forgive and forget" this perfidious thing of the past and to literally enable the proliferation of mamzeirus into the midst of Jewry R"l!!!

    Don't let him!

  9. @ 12:25 pm

    The K mamzerus scheme is not a "thing of the past"! It is a clear & present danger!

    The zoyna continues living with a man that is not her husband. The Chief & zein zun sit around socializing with the fremdeh guy & his zoynah when they are in friendly territory like at the dinner of Philly Community Kollel. They only signed they are machniya to R' Dovid Feinstein for a last minute escape hatch from the cherem. It's a worthless document of through & through sheker with their falshe weasel chasimos. And this is not stam rishus. When Moderner Feminists call Philly yeshiva they are told to continue being roidef the 1st & only husband. Even according to ORA he is no longer a me'agein, so what do these sadistic thugs want from the poor victim yungerman?

    The illegitimate couple are probably being calculatedly quiet regarding if they've brought mamzerim into the world, not allowing their shuls to publish mazal tov announcements. They've been "married" for 7 or 8 years and just started placing ads last year in the day school dinner journal to laud the hanhala.

    1. This husband is no victim. As there is no reason he's not giving a get now. As he can't live with her either way

  10. That's very interesting if Tamar Epstein & Adam Fleischer are supressing birth announcements where they daven in the Philly burbs. Rabbi Doug Zeldin's OU shul in north Chicago which is crawling with many molesters, has a member who is horrific even by child predator standards. His name never ever appears in shul bulletins, but some geshmaka Yidden working with the askan R' Feivy M, were able to prove it because the predator's wife & children are named in some bulletins.

  11. The Kol Korei for Hashgochas in the homes is the work of AKO in order to cover for one of their prominent AKO members.

  12. Do you mean to say that AKO is actually acting also as a diaper?

  13. HOW is the AKO kol korei covering for the Manalapan restaurant fiasco?

  14. By the old saying "If you can't convince them, confuse them".

    It usually works well on the gullible consumers.

  15. It turns out that, as I always said, a bottle of Farmland Milk has LESS kashrus issues than heimishe products in Lakewood
