Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Vote against Gay , LGBT, etc


November 21, '22 (v.1a)

Re: HR8404, Chullin 92b, & the opportunity for "Mi LaShem Alei"


1) HR8404, the same sex marriage bill advancing through Congress is, coming up for a Senate vote NEXT MONDAY, November 28th 5:30. We must publicize, IMHO, how R"L it would nationalize the Gezairas HaChinuch/ Educational Equivalency Regulations threat, already well advancing in N.Y. Legislation for same-sex marriage, being supported by 25% of the Republican Party - 12 senators - (last Wednesday) would render it mainstream enough to escalate pushing indoctrination (albeit subtle) into Orthodox Jewish education (and certainly everywhere else) - as already started in Illinois*. We already see this threat in N.Y. State in wake of government commandeering religious education here.

 (* "Credit" goes to legislator Mark Kalish, former board member of Aguda, who, already several years ago, voted for a bill to require the LGBT litmus test for school textbooks funded by the state, as reported in the Jewish Press.)

2) We must make the evil of same-sex marriage very controversial in republican quarters - so they don't get so many republican votes for it in either house, especially by raising an alarm in genuinely Orthodox Jewish quarters, and wherever else possible. One way we can do this is, as suggested, by focusing on this legislation escalating the threat of the Educational threat, AKA "Gezairas HaChinuch," on a national level. This legislation will lead to the "nationalization" of the Educational/ Gezairas- HaChinuch crisis in the worst way, perhaps not in regards to teaching evolution, but in regards to the requirements to teach "respect" for those who choose to embody and celebrate rebellion against G-d in the LGBT to'aiva way, as N.Y. State required in January 2010 when it passed the infamous Dignity for All Students Act, changing the Civics teaching requirements in N.Y. Education Law section 801a accordingly.

After what hit N.Y. (which too many people still persist in failing to understand), we have no excuse to remain passive. We know what their agenda is. THIS would advance it nationally - and on a state level too - in other states.

Perhaps the method outlined here needs some modifications, but the idea to show the same sex marriage legislation connection to the Educational threat is a potentially powerful one.*

{* The educational threat was well exploited to promote "lesser evil," radical pro-BGTLQ political candidates in N.Y. (who - arguably - weren't truly going to help us anyway:  There's no reason that strategy should not work where it incontrovertibly applies. NOT doing so could send a terrible message, that we can be exploited to advance their enemy "lesser evil" Toaiva agenda - but we fail when it comes to truly advancing our own Torah agenda.}

3) Even if, G-d forbid, HR 8404  passes - if we render it controversial enough, as we did BE"H when it passed the NJ legislature recently - that will reduce the Heavenly kitrug, and provide us some practical benefit in pushing back against educational tyranny by the bipartisan LGBTQ barbarian mob.

4) We also need to debunk the distortions and ziyuf haTorah promoted in the OU statement sent to senators last week, helping give senators more leeway to vote for this rebellion against G-d, by including shallow religious exemptions (about which even Abba Cohen complained), for specific types of financial interests, identified as religious institutions. NO ONE else can debunk the toxic emissions of that OU letter, if not Orthodox Jewry.

As we approach Chanukah, it's an ideal time to raise the alarm.
Same-sex marriage bill in U.S.Senate: "Vote Scheduled: At 5:30pm, on Monday, November 28th, the Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Baldwin-Collins substitute amendment #6487 to Cal. #449, H.R.8404, Respect for Marriage Act." / Twitter
Here's what we issued yesterday:

Legislative Recognition of Same-Sex "Marriage" (H.R. 8404) Endangers Us All

26 MarCheshvan, 5783 /  November 20, '22 (v.5)

Leaders and All,

Please urge calls to republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives (especially Rep. Nicole Malliotakis: 202.225.3371) to vote NO on the bill recognizing same-sex "Marriage," H.R. 8404.  We need to emphasize our principled opposition to ANY such measure - despite what parades as "religious exemptions."  True to Orwellian form, this legislation, which would eliminate the federal Defence Of Marriage Act, is mislabeled as the "Respect for Marriage Act." Although five deviant judges on the U.S. Supreme Court legistated a right to same-sex "marriage" out of hot air in 2015 (in the Obergefell case), the unhinged policy was never formally promulgated by the American People. That's why this upcoming vote is so catastrophic. Congress technically represents "The People."  For the American People to embrace such an open rebellion against G-d is simply suicidal, as we explain further, based on the Talmud (Chullin 92b) and Midrash Rabbah (VaYikra 23:9), which convey that lesson for all Mankind.

This terrible bill may pass the U.S. Congress next week, in the wake of 12 homosexualist Republican senators voting for a procedural "Cloture" measure (closing the Senate debate) last Wednesday, Nov. 16, 62 to 37.  Those "Republicans-Who-Shall-Remain-In-Infamy" provided the Democrats the numbers needed to push same-sex marriage through to a final Senate vote on the actual bill itself, which is expected next week.

{* We're informed about a Senate vote on a very shallow religious accommodation amendment expected next Monday afternoon, November 28, G-d forbid: 

Senate Cloakroom on Twitter: "Vote Scheduled: At 5:30pm, on Monday, November 28th, the Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Baldwin-Collins substitute amendment #6487 to Cal. #449, H.R.8404, Respect for Marriage Act." / Twitter (

Motion to Proceed on H.R. 8404: Respect for Marriage Act:}

H.R. 8404 needs to return to be voted on by the House of Representatives again [after the expected Senate vote, we understand] because the bill previously passed by the House - with 47 reprobate homosexualist Republicans (including Lee Zeldin of NY) - was modified with that religious exemption amendment. 

The Road to Hell is Paved with Religious Exemptions:

Homosexual "marriage" proponents added deceptive "religious exemptions" - for certain religious institutions - in order to expedite passage, and to minimize opposition votes, as they cleverly did in N.Y. State in 2011.  Then too, homosexual marriage proponents deceptively sidelined opposition to the Marriage "Equality" bill by providing sellouts of religious persuasion a shallow pretext of "religious freedom protections" for organizations (and, similarly, threw  individuals - both those they defined as "religious," along with everyone else - under the bus).  That additional language allowed key swing Republican state senators, including Sen. Saland, to make-believe that the bill did not jeopardize religious liberty. Consequently, the bill passed by a margin of two, with four republicans voting yes.  [Thank G-d, shortly thereafter, all four republican senators who voted against G-d were out of office.]  Predictably, the marriage-baiting movement is employing that tactic on a national level.  (If the modus operandi isn't broken, why fix it.)  We must unequivocally protest passage, regardless of religious protections, real or imagined.

Religious Liberty Vs. Religious Principle:

If few others understand, then at least we ourselves should realize the following. Even if, 
hypothetically, the religious protections in question would be meaningful, efforts to ensure our religious liberties must never be exploited to undermine our religion itself.  That's precisely what's happening.  From reading the letter of one organization speaking on behalf of some religious communities, one gathers that the writers were more interested in procuring government funding than accurately representing the Torah position, or identifying the actual needs of individuals - both "religious" and otherwise - to be protected from governmental tyranny, including terroristic threats of religious persecution by the federal government.  

Furthermore, we must never even imply that we're making peace with those who war against G-d Himself by legitimizing and celebrating homosexual or transgender sins - or the ideology of the BGTLQ movement, which is heresy.  Even  when it's not counterproductive (by virtue of enabling the very legislation we're obliged to unrelentingly abominate) to seek religious exemptions, ANY such efforts must unequivocally clarify our genuinely irreconcilable opposition to any policy recognizing same-sex marriage, homosexualist ideology, or homosexual acts.  Any implication of Jewish compromise with the LGBTQ agenda - the latter constituting the antithesis of Judaism - renders efforts on behalf of protection of Judaism both fraudulent and counterproductive.

Therefore, we must clarify: this, and any slightly similar legislation,  will eternally remain anethema to adherents of authentic Judaism, even if it would sport substantial religious exemptions, which it does not.  In fact, if all of the legislators truly grasped the depth of our Torah-based opposition, I venture to suggest that some may consider shifting their positions in the correct direction.  Unfortunately, many of those unelected, unaccountable "leaders" ostensibly speaking on our behalf fail to do so faithfully and accurately.  They represent not the Torah, being the Will of G-d, nor the Jewish People. They represent their own financial/social interests, and noticeably so.

Orthodox Jewish communities may not be able to stop this legislation in time, but we certainly can evoke enough opposition to render it's passage  quite controversial.  And that may help us in several ways, in America and in Israel.  It took the pro-life resistance movement about five decades, but we've finally seen some noteworthy progress in partially curbing the state-sanctioned mass-murder (in the name of healthcare) of innocent preborn infants.  At the very least, our sincere efforts to preserve the definition of Marriage, which should encourage the efforts of many others, could help alleviate the unprecedented downpouring of Divine Justice, for which America - and the other gender-warped western powers - are apparently quite overdue.


A Universal Message: 


All people, Jewish and otherwise, need to understand something truly crucial here. We've been exhorted by our Sages that  recognition of same-sex marriage poses, very literally, an existential threat.  The recognition of same-sex "marriage" is precisely what triggered the annihilation of civilization in the days of Noach, via the Great Flood (Midrash Rabbah (YaYikra) 23:9, on Lev. 18:3).

In this vein, we relay here an insight aired last Thursday night on the "Levin At Eleven" radio program, hosted by senior Culture-War veteran Rabbi Yehuda Levin (heard weekly 11pm to midnight at 620 AM in NJ):  About two decades ago, as legalization of same-sex marriage was being discussed in the U.S., Rav Shmuel Avigdor Faivelson, OB"M (an internationally renowned Rosh Yeshiva, in Monsey N.Y.) observed, based on a statement of our Sages in Babylonian Talmud tractate Chullin (folio 92b), that recognition of same-sex marriage threatens the very existence of the Nations of the World.  There, Our Sages identify three Divine commandments, to which the Nations of the World have historically adhered. One is their refusal to sanction same-sex marriage with marriage contracts. Rav Faivelson inferred that if the Nations would fail to adhere to that one commandment, they would thereby undermine their very right to exist. That would literally place the world in an "end-of-the-world" type of scenario. [What he stated appears clearly implicit in the aforementioned Midrash Rabbah as well.]

This is precisely what Congress seeks to perpetrate right now, with the help of the Republican Party. Accordingly, this warning of our Holy Sages is something to which both the Jewish AND the non-Jewish world must be alerted right now.  The Torah teaches that G-d is All Merciful.  He does NOT punish without ample warning and opportunity for repentance.  We therefore need to ask ourselves: how do we expect for people to be aware of the monumental dangers we face, and act accordingly, if so few take the initiative to discharge our duty as Jews and unapologetically, unequivocally raise the alarm?  Granted, opposition to the abomination of Sodomy (Lev.18:2220:13) does not rank high on the popularity scale in many parts of the western world. However, Monotheism itself was far more unpopular when Avraham Avinu fought the entire world to establish it as the dominant paradigm, until today.  

We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines. How much more so when we ourselves and our children are being directly threatened by these very same homosexualist advocates. And, unfortunately, these adversaries including many who are ostensibly of Jewish extraction.  Also bear in mind here what our Sages teach us in Sanhedrin 98b, in the name of Rebbe Yochonon and Rav Papa, regarding the fate of the idolatrous nations. 

Additionally, we  must never lose sight of the fact that the prime mover behind the weaponizing of the long-standing 1895 N.Y. State Education Equivalency law against Jewish schools is the BGTLQ movement, which has hijacked N.Y. State government -- with support from some of our own "leaders," who consistently dupe elements of our communities into voting for the self-interest of said "leaders" over Torah principles.

Being Attentive:

Last week we experienced a (staged?) scare over the report of an alleged Russian "missile attack" against Poland, which initially appeared to foreshadow a broadening of the intense fighting in Ukraine. This occurred just around the time of the procedural but pivotal Senate cloture vote on same-sex marriage (against which, by the way, Russia zealously guards itself, thank G-d). That should give us pause.  It illustrates in high relief how potentially close we may be to global, and even nuclear war. G-d promised us that He won't destroy the world with another global flood (Gen. 9:15). Nevertheless, G-d has countless additional means of laying down The Law. For example, see the Tosefta Ta'anis 2:11 regarding a global plague, citing Zechariah 11:10 [which is the same chapter cited by the aforementioned passage of the Talmud in Chullin (92a, bottom), regarding the 30 commandments, of which the Nations of the World keep only three].

This takes on heightened meaning in the midst of the escalating war, waged against G-d Himself, by  homosexualist and transgenderist western governments doing their best to emulate Gog's end-times crusade against G-d and His Chosen People (see the commentary "Aitz Yosef" on VaYikra Rabbah on Emor 27:11 and on Ester Rabbah 7:23).  When we hear of threats of "nuclear Armageddon" - from even the President of the United States - we need to realize that it's G-d Who is sending us wake-up calls, to set us back on the right path - so that - via sincere repentance - we won't need Russian President Putin (or anybody else) to save us from ourselves.  But the choice is ours. And we're careening in precisely the wrong direction. [It's quoted from the world-renowned Gaon of Vilna that the (culmination of?) the war of Gog and Magog will take a matter of minutes.]  Homosexualist politicians, and their superficially religious enablers, ignore Divine warnings at our collective grave peril.  No technology in the world will save us if G-d decrees that Divine Justice will supersede Divide Compassion.

Action Item: Congressional Switchboard:   


[Ask for the number of the specific Congressman (or Senator) needed.]

Specifically, we urge all residents of Staten Island and Bensonhurst to call Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY 11): 202.225.3371 (office open 9 to 6).

The public is also asked to call Rep. Lee Zeldin (NY) 631.289.1097/ 202.225.3826. Let him know that if Congress passes same-sex marriage, it WILL be the fault of the Republican Party, especially those who allowed a dozen deviant Senate republicans to vote for Cloture last Wednesday. (There is discussion of Zeldin, who, thank G-d, is finally leaving Congress, now heading the Republican National Committee.)

Our Sages exhort us: "He extends His Wrath, but (ultimately) He collects His dues."

Thank you all in advance,

Help Rescue Our Children

USA: 845-642-1679* «» 

* for calls and texts, but not WhatsApp

Israeli Helpline: 03-721-3337


  1. Dee Besteh Two FacedSat Nov 12, 11:20:00 PM 2022

    Halevei that Satmar would listen to their own 'Sachdis beis din!

  2. Agudah Multiverse of MadnessSat Nov 12, 11:50:00 PM 2022

    How is it possible that the Roly Poly son in Staten Island who lost his way keeps making a public mockery of the tatten R' Moishe ztl?

    First he came out pretending there is no teshuva in the Igros assering kiruv on intermarried goyim while he was running around with secular billionaire Kaplan & his menuvol hoiz bochur Leib Tropper. A one time BMG yungerman had noticed this perversion which he brought to the attention of several rabbonim. Even when Rav Bloch stepped up to attack Roly Poly befarhesya, he wouldn't back down. Then when the luv 'em or hate 'em grandson of RSFM ztl smelled a rat & went digging to uncover a legal document proving that Kaplan had funneled through Tropper a whopping $3 million in shoichad, Roly Poly at least became more muted. Roly Poly would not issue his phony denounciation of Tropper until the znus tape emerged that was validated by a Hollywood technical lab working for the Edah.

    Then much more recently, Roly Poly was taking shaylos at the open panel by the Torah ohn a Mesorah convention when he blurted out a hitztadkus of toyevah, that yeshivos should absolutely allow enrollment of kids raised by a pair of homos and otherwise have no negative reaction to such abominations. The melamdim in the ballroom could not believe their ears. The tatten says lehedya in the Igros that a pair of fags is the most disgusting thing imaginable. But Roly Poly has amnesia when it $uits him. One very exasperated rebbi in the crowd tried very shtark to argue with Roly Poly. Roly Poly shut him up while insisting that toyevah is "not any worse than any other" situation at home not in the spirit of Torah!!!!

    Eileh "Manhigecha" Yisroel? R' Chaim Brisker ztl warned us long ago what was coming!

    1. Maybe all this free pass Loshon Horah is good enough to be choshesh but think fr a second that this site has any Mesorah whatsoever either.
      Let’s stop here…

  3. Kashrus (& allergan) concerns in water filters made of organic components

    The lubricant oils have to be food grade

    this brand is under OU so there have to be others out there that are not kosher but need to be

    Then the mediums are not just charcoal and other inedible sources:

    Waterdrop WDP-F46 replacement water filter for LG refrigerator

    [Premium filter material] Instead of using charcoal containing coal, wood, walnut shell, and apricot shell, Waterdrop adopts 100% selected coconut shell carbon block from Sri Lanka that contains a surface area that is twice as large, with more micropores than inferior carbon block. This allows the filter cartridge to efficiently reduce chlorine, turbidity, bad taste and odor

    some filters purposely add minerals to your drinking water, like the above one

    many filters are made to add food grade polyphosphates

    there can be as much as an entire additional cartridge just to leach the polyphosphates into your drinking water

    this manufacturer of drinking water polyphosphates is under hashgocho - does it have to have hashgocho? Likely yes

  4. That first link on polyphosphate says this:

    "Polyphosphates have been used in commercial applications for over 60 years. Restaurants and convenience stores use polyphosphates to protect their expensive ice and soda machines."

    (This pashtus also includes hotels)

  5. Why don't "the community" cite Rav Shteinman ztvk"l assering support for the lowlife gays instead of Belsky who supported gay predators?

  6. I got the impression that the OU doesn't care (after speaking to them), but a rov told me there are shitos that non-kosher ingredients used as a vehicle to deliver minerals into water are problematic.

  7. It also includes the 5T entertainment in Orlando and the Lakewood entertainment 6 Flags.
    But let’s sweep it under a big rock.

  8. Sounds like from all these heiligeh and choshiva quotes that if Hitler ym”s
    ran against a gay lesbian our vote would go to Hitler hands down.
    I mean we do have to be moiser nefesh for our unsubstantiated pesokim from our gedolim.

    1. Had we done so, perhaps it would never been a holocaust as we wouldn't have been identified with Weimar perversion

  9. Ingrisher Rainbow CoalitionSun Nov 13, 04:01:00 PM 2022

    סערה בקהילה היהודית בניו יורק: קהילות סאטמר וסקווירא בניו יורק, הנחשבות לקנאיות ולקיצוניות ביותר, הפרו את הקונצנזוס היהודי לגבי 'בחירות האמצע' שהתקיימו השבוע בארה"ב, והצביעו בעד המועמדות הדמוקרטית קאת'י הוקול לתפקיד מושלת מדינת ניו יורק, שמוצגת בתקשורת כלהט"בית התומכת בנישואין חד מיניים. מולה התייצבו חברי כל שאר בתי הכנסת והחצרות החסידיות בניו יורק, שתמכו במועמד היהודי לתפקיד מושל ניו יורק לי זלדין, חבר הקונגרס בסיעה הרפובליקנית.

    בקהילות החרדיות בניו יורק מתקשים להסביר את תמיכת שתי החסידויות הקנאיות קיצוניות במועמדת הדמוקרטית, בניגוד לעמדת שאר החצרות. אחד ההסברים, שלא זכה לאישור, הוא שהמועמדת הוקול הבטיחה לחסידויות אלה מחיקת חובות וקנסות לקופת המדינה בסך עשרות מיליוני דולר, ואולי גם לא להקפיד בסוגיית הסירוב ללימודי ליבה.

    הזעזוע מהמהלך היה כה גדול, עד שבתקשורת הפנימית של יהודי ניו יורק, הוצגה המועמדת הנתמכת ע"י סאטמר, במלים אלה: "להם, לסאטמרים ולסקווירים, מותר הכל. אם תופעה כזו היתה נחשפת בישראל, היו כל האדמו"רים והרבנים בניו יורק, יוצאים במחאות גדולות וזועקים על הידרדרות החרדים בישראל. והנה, זה קורה בניו יורק, והכל בגלל הבטחות המועמדת הוקול, לספק תקציבים גדולים, הם מעודדים הצבעה למען המועמדים הכי מלוכלכים מבחינה הלכתית, מי שנשואים גברים לגברים ונשים לנשים, והם אומרים במפורש שכל עניינם להפוך את ארה"ב למדינה פרוגרסיבית שכזו, שכל מה שהיה אסור אצל הגויים עד לפני לא כל כך הרבה שנים, יהפוך להיות מותר, ויחייבו את כולם להכיר בהם ואף לקבל אותם כחלק מן החיים".

    בחצרות החרדים התומכים במועמד היהודי לי זלדין, מוסיפים ש"במקום שסקווירא וסאטמר יכריזו ויאמרו כי אינם יכולים להיות שותפים לחיים מתועבים כאלו, הם קוראים להצביע להם ולחזק אותם, וכל זאת מפני שהבטיחו תקציבים גדולים למוסדותיהם. החינוך היהודי השורשי בניו יורק נאבק קשות על המשך החינוך הכשר, ששולל להחדיר תועבה לסדר הלימודים, ובמקום שסאטמר וסקווירא יסייעו בידם להילחם באותם פרוגרסיבים התובעים לחייב את החרדים ללמד לימודים אסורים, באים סאטמר וסקווירא לתמוך במתועבים האלה, מפני שהבטיחו להם כל מיני טובות הנאה".

    עמדת האדמו"ר מסאטמר וגיסו האדמו"ר מסקווירא מנוגדת לעמדת שאר הקהילות והרבנויות בניו יורק. ועל אף זאת, הפעם גדולה מבעבר התמיכה של סאטמר במועמדת הפרוגרסיבית. התמיכה הגורפת התבטאה בכך שהאדמו"ר עצמו יצא בהכרזה, באמצעות מזכירו האישי הרב מאיר צוויבל, שיש להצביע למועמדת הדמוקרטית. הכרזה ישירה כזו מפי האדמו"ר עצמו נעשתה בסאטמר רק לפני 50 שנה, בשלהי יום הכיפורים תשל"ג, כשהאדמו"ר הקודם רבי ייואל'יש טייטלבאום הכריז לפני תפילת נעילה כי יש לתמוך במועמד החצר לכהונת מושל מדינת ניו יורק.

  10. YSV the Root of All EvilSun Nov 13, 04:21:00 PM 2022

    Oh Arrogant One who immediatly attacks YSV critics, you might think you are high on your evil geshmack from victim blaming, but there are many critics who are rabbonim, askonim & just poshutteh Yidden - non-victims who are disgusted with the behavior of that "yeshiva" & any other misbehaving moissad in town.

    As far as this discussion on entertainment venues, Yudi Frankel received complaints about YSV outings to play video games at treif Chuck E Cheese that blasts rock music very loud. Without batting an eyelash over his stone cold eyes or consulting with his Mafia Don, Sruly Orzel, he decided on the spot that since it's standard practice to go Chuck Es from Lakewood chadorim-BYs, as he claims, he will do nothing to stop or discourage it.

    What a "master mechanech" that so many Monsey parents entrusted with their kinderlach!

    And never mind that Mir Yerusholayim rosh yeshiva Rav Elefant always gives a krechszt that video games afilu ohn rock music is one of Esav's biggest klei zayin against Torah of tinokos shel Bais Rabban.

  11. The free fresser is loosening up - his belt too.
    He’s admitting that more moisdos follow the same games in Monsey and outside Monsey.
    Playing video games even with ah krechtz is a lot better then using Loshon Horah free passes.

  12. (Not to be confused with the Ruv of Montevideo, Uruguay, who retired to Willy and was considered an adam gadol in Satmar kreizen)

    Just because the Spring Valley menahel SAID that all the mosdos in Lakewood organize outings to a treif restaurant with video games & loud pandemonium, it doesn't mean it's true.

    Are you out of your mind? There are plenty of Lakewooders on this blog, so let's hear from them what the metzius is.

    I'm SO SURE that Lakewood klei koidesh parents who don't want kids of baal habatim together with their kids, and whatever else is not yeshivish enough for them, are maskim to Chuck E Cheese.

  13. Yes, like that updated link from Eidensohn there is sakonna from toyevah promoters al pi the Maharal on Sanhedrin 92.

    One thing that's easier to control al kol ponim is the sakonna from Star K who facilitate both bishul akum AND secretly certified toyevah "weddings" of the Reform & Conservative. Something can be constructively learned even from the Woke meshugoyim - Star K should be cancelled. Not only are they creating a precepice vos der Eibishter zolt hittin when they enable the disgusting abominators but as we've heard many times here from R' Shlomo Zalman ztl, bishul akum "loopholes" is goirem chasnus. And here's a point that hasn't been raised here yet: there is a shita in Chazal (Shir Hashirim Rabbah) that what clinched it for gezeiras Haman was not shehishtachavu, but being lax in bishul akum!

    And here is the latest shocking news on the (ex-?)Star K official who remains jailed after his arrest last week.

  14. Another Chazal says that Moshe Rabbeinu was the only one of Klal Yisroel's elter zeidees who came up with a route to be saved from Haman that Beis Din shel Maalah found acceptable.

    The commenter this morning is right that we should follow Rav Yudel's lead to cut Star K out of the picture.

    שמעתי שעושים פה מסיבה בלעדיי

    Mit chazzonus

  15. So far all these years it’s emor harbay very much and more talk more and even more hock but NOTHING happens.
    No action.
    All talk and no action equals no results

  16. Star K was also caught with the catering for a secular gvir making bar mitzva in Yankee stadium that was a travesty of hoilelus & chilul Shabbos rolled into one. They were manipulating the electronic scoreboard throughout the party to spell out a bunch of inane messages. And don't even get me started with Fresh Express and the Star K general creepy crawly agenda


    this is the mahpeicha niggun that was jokingly referred to

  18. It's difficult to extricate Star K who have stuck their tentacles in so many places & have pulled the wool over the eyes of many bnei Torah that they are an acceptable standard. Talk about convincing oratory baloney in the style of Obama! It veiter doesn't help that most Baltimore residents are out to lunch in being sold on Star K's lies and they will angrily dispute anyone who criticizes rabbi Heinemann who they revere like some kind of deity. There are entire communities outside Baltimore who are almost completely reliant on Star K. Just one example is Amish Country in Lancaster. The big 'Brisker' manhig they've got there, who should know better, is rubberstamping the Baltimore machine & their food deliveries to Pennsylvania. This is an old kehilla that has a daily minyan since 1887. They also lately have a cheder, Bais Yaakov, yeshiva gedolah & kollel. One segment that Star K really cashed in on is university & college cafeterias around the country. I don't know if the OU has been lazy in losing most of those accounts to Star K or if these are problematic to oversee to an acceptable standard which is no problem for Star K as long as it helps the bottom line $$$.

    1. Oh does our Rabbi want to have these accounts..
      As is quite obvious.


  20. "pulled the wool over the eyes of many bnei Torah that they are an acceptable standard"

    Get on line behind Queens Vaad puppet Chaim Schwartz!

    1. All they have to is share some of the yesoimim’s gold teeth and it will all be OK.

  21. The Agudah, Star K & TAG are in full gear trying to save face from the Zev Steen scandal, the gay yungerman who had his criminal charges upgraded to include "perverted practice" which in Maryland is nogeyeh only to maasei toeyveh.

    The Agudah have called in all their reinforcements including Dayan Hopfer who issued this letter trying to take everyone's minds off of how horrible the Agudah looks. Agudah Mid-Atlantic Director Ariel Sadwin spent all his protekzia to get Steen out on bail after his first arrest, only to get rearrested a few days later. According to a blogger who used to be a kiruv rabbi & who learned in Chaim Berlin and/or Ner Yisroel, Steen was a groupie of both Moshe Eisemann & Yosef Tendler. Steen's accused back in the day when he was a Ner Yisroel talmid of secretly tape recording bochurim making choizek of or otherwise baredding hanhala members which resulted in the expulsion of several mesivta boys.

  22. He was and still is in the WC Pope’s groupie to legally steal money through bankruptcy. Now the WC Pope will also trac him how to deal with a divorce and schlep it through the gantze arkoois until he makes the other side sick enough.
    THEN he’ll go to some weird BaisDin ( like the non-exsisting one in Canarsey and cry. Then our good friend Blau will egg on ORA to do the dirty work.
    The unOrthodoxNonJew (no lying when it says unOrthodox) will have another field day either with a lot of nivul peh or with less nivul peh.
    This is what keeps the WC Pope with his congregants led by CCRC busy (after their free fress routine)

  23. The OU mashgiach is getting exceedingly confused in Kew Gardens-Richmond Hill.

    He accuses his arch-enemy on the West Coast of legally "stealing". Bankruptcy is only stealing if the choivos are not eventually paid back. What about the mashgiach's own father? Did he pay back any victim whom he embezzled from their client accounts & then fled to the Holy Land instead of facing the music from the NYPD Fraud Squad & Queens DA?

    And talk about corruption in Canarsie (not Canarsey)! Zein mechuton Bryks has a mechuton Faskowitz who started in the corruption industry in Canarsie & continued when he moved to Queens.

    Details in next post.

  24. Yeh. Right. The Pope pays back his arkoois wins. Who are you kidding. If he wanted to quiet down the Zaideh endless rolling in his rest place he would of gone to a din toirah to some real bias din. Not to those ORA sponsored koifrim.

  25. (This was published at the time by Rabbi Feivy Mendlowitz. Mostofsky was President of Faskowitz's shul in Canarsie during the scandal, who was instrumental in much of this according to other published statements by Vicky Polin & JWB. Mostofsky's son was recently the biggest buffoon who was arrested for the Capitol Hill riot. Faskowitz contacted the judge to request a lenient sentence)

    Steve Mostofsky, national Young Israel’s lay president, is Agudath Israel's fix-it man for the Hersh scandal. This isn’t the first time Mostofsky tried thuggish tactics to suppress truth of child abuse in the Orthodox community

    In the 1980s, Mostofsky was clerk to notorious Brooklyn Family Court Judge Leon Deutsch. A Deutsch case was Dr. Amy Neustein, whose 8-year-old daughter was switched to custody of her divorced father by Judge Deutsch, despite strong evidence the father sexually abused her. (An eyewitness, a child abuse expert & the girl’s own statements were some of the evidence.) When astonished State Senator (now Gov) David Paterson held hearings into such cases in 1989, Mostofsky – as Paterson tells the Village Voice – appeared at Paterson’s hearing, notebook in hand, “intimidating mothers before Judge Deutsch from testifying to the committee.” Paterson filed a formal ethics grievance as a result

    When Neustein was to appear on Geraldo in 1987, Mostofsky called program producers that morning claiming, falsely, that Neustein's “paranoid schizophrenic” (no such diagnosis) & the program would be embarrassed if it persisted having her as a guest. Rivera wasn't impressed & the Neustein case became, per NY Magazine, “the best-known cause celebre,” which evidence of child sex abuse was hushed up by influential members of Brooklyn's Orthodox community

    Mostofsky wasn’t finished. Years later (2005), when Neustein & Michael Lesher published a book on child sex abuse & family court reform, Mostofsky (by this time president of Young Israel) again bullied to suppress the truth. When he learned of the book’s impending publication from an article in Jewish Voice & Opinion, he personally called JV’s publisher & – according to her – “screamed” he'd sue her, Lesher, Neustein & even Paterson for daring to make any statement on the Neustein case or any criticism of Judge Deutsch. At the same time, Young Israel’s lawyer, Marty Samson, wrote threatening letters to JV & the publisher of Neustein-Lesher’s book (though denied being asked by Young Israel boss Mostofsky). Lesher also took a threatening call from David Pollock, director of Jewish Community Relations Council, who didn't deny cooperation with Mostofsky. Mostofsky, asked repeatedly to comment, didn't deny threatening Lesher – he won't comment at all

  26. Part 2

    No lawsuits were filed. It's worth remembering Mostofsky had had no connection with Deutsch or the Neustein case for 15 years & couldn't point to a single inaccuracy in any Lesher-Neustein statement. Yet Mostofsky used his prestige – & his lungs – to suppress discussion of child abuse by an Orthodox Jewish father

    Jeremiah McKenna, chief counsel to the State Senate (who investigated the Neustein case), was publicly quoted in 2005 calling Mostofsky part of “a continuing conspiracy to conceal the truth of what happened.” Lesher publicly challenged Mostofsky to explain why the president of Young Israel should suppress a book on child abuse - (From Madness To Mutiny) - & family court by 2 Orthodox Jews. Mostofsky didn't respond

    Now Mostofsky's helped orchestrate the arrest (or detention) of 3 concerned professionals caring enough about young Isaac Hersh to visit him & obtain his account of abusive treatment at Tranquility Bay (which the boy’s father, Mostofsky’s client, shelled out $40,000). The point is Mostofsky isn’t just a matrimonial lawyer taking a custody case. He’s not even just a lawyer who, with his partner Harvey Jacobs, has on many occasions repped Ohel (a bulwark of Orthodox Jewish Brooklyn) & therefore might be expected to help abused Jewish children, not to contribute to their abuse…

    No, the Agudah – which he says picked him for this job – knows his history better. So should we. If someone seeks to cover up nasty child abuse in Orthodox Jewish Brooklyn, Mostofsky's a natural. Judging from his record, he doesn’t have scruples about tactics

    It’s time Mostofsky answer questions – publicly – about his behavior, past & present. Certainly - Agudath Israel - that bastion of fraud & deceit - also known as Cover-Up Central for child rapists & enablers - created yet another link to their infamous criminal behavior - under the guise of daas Torah.

    For the full article May 2005 Jewish Voice & Opinion see the “Press & Presentations” page of Some have issues with that magazine, but Lesher vouches on accuracy of everything stated there

    (The Agudah finally backed down in the Hersh scandal when R' Zelig Epstein screamed at them & Dr. Pelcovitz threatened to file a complaint against them with prosecutors)

  27. "ORA sponsored koifrim"

    What an odd tayna coming from the OU hypocrite in Queens!

    His mechuton Bryks is a shutef in the Mendel Epstein-Belsky financial shakedowns masqueraded as inyanei gittin. At least ORA have a sincere but misguided motivation to help women, while Mendel Epstein's gang are a mafia who provide their thug 'services' to the highest bidder

  28. The Vaad to Expose the Queens VaadSun Nov 20, 11:24:00 AM 2022

    "the yesoimim’s gold teeth"

    Only a very sick person could have joked like that.

    Ignoring the mechoah of Rav Elyashev ztl, the Queens Vaad, Elchonon Zohn & their accomplices will have to answer for all the yesomim that were dug up & thrown in the garbage in order to resell the kevorim to freye Russians for millions of dollars - when kevorim are assur bahanoah - Tur YD 364.

    Bizayon hameiss is d'Oraysah - Sifri Ki Seitzei 21. Zicher the overt acts of the Queens Vaad, but even passive acts as poskened by Noda Biyudah tinyana YD 210 & even for one little bone fragment - Chasam Sofer Shut YD 353 - or even a single hair - Chashukei Chemed Bechoros 48.

    The yesomim already went through enough when they were living. The Queens Vaad being mevazeh them now victimizes them with a new cherdas Hadin - Shach, Taz & Levush YD 363.

  29. Like the Brisker Rov said, there's a chiyuv to be mevatel lernen for kovod hamess, so kal vachoimer, ben bnoi shel kal vachoimer to be mevatel tze moiche zein the bizayon hamess of Queens Vaad-Zohn or whoever the culprit is in any given case.

  30. Aye. You gotto love these Chachoomim who comment here.

    The Briskwh Rov was mechadesh this New Halacha that .. there's a chiyuv to be mevatel lernen for kovod hamess...

    Nothing more needs to be said. It says it all.

  31. The OU mashgiach in Queens is an even bigger Am Haaretz than we knew. The Brisker Rov's famous zog which is universally known in Eretz Yisroel & even murgal befihem of Satmar in NY, starts off merely repeating that the HALACHA is to be mevatel for kuved of the niftar. He adds the kal vachomer which is anyway pushet.

  32. CCRC trying very hard to wiggle his way out that groiseh chochom she he stuffed into the BR’S mouth.
    Shame on you.
    Sorry, the WC Pope sure is proud of you.
