Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Why do Roshei Yeshiva, prominent Rabbonim say one can't raise children Bnei Torah in the 5 Towns?

ואנשי סדום רעים וחטאים-לה' מאוד

The "pause vowel" is by וחטאים, How does one recognize a סדום'ניק by them portraying themself as "I don't mean myself, just Hashem", AKA Secular Chareidim, 

which the 5 Towns has many of them secular leaders camouflaged as Chareidim, 

therefore one can't raise children Bnei-Torah in such a corrupt environment. 


  1. What do those secular Charedim blame on Hashem?

  2. Sdom'niks don't believe in the next world, so what's the question?

  3. Pretty Heavy taking a Whole Section of Jews and tossing them out the window !!!
    There quite a few of beautifully raised 5Tniks who are very Chareidy and Very frim.

    Anyway, Which gedolim said that one can't raise frim kids in 5T ???

  4. Rav Shulman ztl tried very hard to help kids with no yeshiva. But the evil fraudsters running Monsey mosdos, beroisham Yeshiva of Spring Valley, ignored him. Especially notable that he was once a rebbi in YSV. What else is new?

  5. 5 Towns kids have been “flipping out” in droves for years. Shul that have been beacons of MO for decades are turning black hat. Meanwhile in Lakewood, Monsey….

  6. You mean even Rabbi Avi was not successful with your zadikim?

  7. A distressed mother wrote a letter published by the Yated complaining how the charlatans in rabbonishe levush who run Monsey's mosdos are even ignoring R' Avi when finding a makom for kinderlach was among his tafkidim at Torah Umesorah.

    For sure when it comes to kids without yeshivos, Pinny Lipschutz's heart is in the right place. He has not shied from publishing said letter & other items that put pressure on corrupt administrators.

    A major Rebbe refers to the worst of the bunch, haynu YSV's Yudi Frankel, as "Mister Eitz vu'Even", due to all the tears he's been gorem Yiddishe mammas and the heartache to everyone else involved. Even though Frankel is fort a puppet of Sruli Orzel & the boys, he adds his own layer of achzoriyus.

  8. Who paid for CCRC's trip to the Free Fress Florida event?
    He must be down there since he is not 'hocking' on a computer.
    Enjoy the vacation while it lasts.

  9. Is there only one school in all of Monsey?
    If that YXZ Yeshivah rises Achzarim just go to another one. Why would anyone cry to get their kids into such a
    Yeshivah ?
    Am I missing something here?

  10. Maybe your brain is missing some components because you asked the same YXZ question during one of your previous rounds of bickering with YSV misnagdim, when it was explained that out of several achzorei Monsey YSV are the worst, and that most Monsey mosdos have juvenile hangups to beshita not take kids falling into several categories. The gedolim have called the categories irrelevant except to the baalei gaaveh that they rankle. The other illegitimate "mechanchim" include the "Brisker" who hocks in his wife's office a gantz tog (or in arkosaihem against his own brother) instead of learning (the chickens came home to roost when no one in Lakewood would take his aineklach), the baal kaass who is a registered sex offender, the now post-bariatric fat slob who couldn't hold down a job so Agudah fixers threw him in the lap of a Mid-Atlantic community, the volatile son of the volcanic Baltimore molester who when a Torah Umesorah convention panelist said yeshivos must root out molesters, the Baltimore Jewish Times reported that he jumped up to scream that there is "no such thing" as molesters in yeshivos. But why bother rehashing this & much more when the Aino Yodaya Lishol has an agenda up his sleeve that leaves him incapable of accepting facts?

    1. Nimnee vegumree that YSV is the worst because ???? It’s all a very personal hate this “crying Schumer” momma” man keeps looping here at yudels.
      But he does admit that even in his imaginary rage YSV is not the only one. Well, guess why they are not the only one ….
      Maybe it’s a parent issue.

  11. Prime example of a Philly boy who didn't know how to learn. Beyond that he was not run of the mill, even quite weird, actually.

    How much was Philly involved in the cover up?

    Did molesting in Agudah / Torah Vodaas camps have anything to do with his broken engagement when he was dumped by Rabbi Chill & his daughter? The Chicago rabbis did not even bother to mention to the camps angle going back to the 1980s-1990s.


    Zev Steen, teacher at Bnos Yisroel, employee of TAG internet filtering (huh?) & Star K senior researcher for Pesach products & bedikas tolayim. He is also narrator of Star K videos on bug checking.

    1. Was he a molester or a molestee ???
      Who covered for whom ?
      Spill the details. All of it.
      Do the groiseh mitzvah with all hideerim. Let the WC Pope be proud of you. He’ll get the Zaideh to schlep you out from the hot seat with payos or without.

    2. He must of been a police officer too. Otherwise, ma untangle shmendrik aitzal the nut job commentator ??

  13. Chronicles of an OU Baal DimyonFri Nov 11, 09:42:00 AM 2022

    "your previous rounds of bickering with YSV misnagdim"

    The OU mashgiach in Queens! Who else?

    Dem "deya zoogeh" would still halt zich a mon d'omar even if he hadn't hocked around in Monsey's Beis Shraga for a shtik tzeit.

    1. Can’t be worse then the Briskeh prime deah zoger who never learned in his life let alone Brisk.
      Oh. Yeh. He did plenty fressing there -that is his expertise

  14. Better late than never?Fri Nov 11, 09:53:00 AM 2022

    Nechemya Gottlieb's & co at TAG, who brought us Citifield tzvantzig yohr tzoo shpet, after Gottlieb needed something to do when forced out of chinuch, have not publicly stated a reason why pedophile Zev Steen was relieved of duties as not stam an employee, ober der DIREKTOR RABBINER of TAG Baltimore. But Gottlieb & co are privately telling the oylam with a straight face that everything is just fine & dandy because, supposedly as they claim, no TAG equipment was used in the production or dissemination of Steen's criminally immoral porno.

  15. Baltimore the City that BreedsFri Nov 11, 10:05:00 AM 2022

    "Star K videos on bug checking"

    An oxymoron within an oxymoron.

    Star K, who don't give a hoot about consuming insects, have a pedo put on a show of phony checking for them!

  16. Yossele fun KrackowFri Nov 11, 10:48:00 AM 2022

    William Zev Steen is grandson of William James Steen, born in Cologne, Germany. Steen is not their real name & they are not Yekkes. Great-grandfather Chaim Yossel Sternschuss was born in Krackow.

    1. Who is bigger? This great non Yemen great grandfather or the infamous Zaideh who Nebach can’t rest in his “Roo Platz” due to his einikel’s groiseh “massim toivim” ?

  17. Paysach Krohny WatchFri Nov 11, 11:45:00 AM 2022

    Eckstein from YeshivaWorld was camped out at the entrance to the CitiField bathroom. That's where he stuck the microphone in the face of the Claptrapper with the Gomco clamp to ask his opinion of bloggers who expose corruption.

    Krohn angrily belted out the self-serving response that: "THEY SHOULD BE PUT IN CHEREM!"

  18. Eeny Meanie Miney Moe HeinemannFri Nov 11, 12:49:00 PM 2022

    "Star K senior researcher for Pesach products & bedikas tolayim. He is also narrator of Star K videos on bug checking."

    Does anyone need further proof to vindicate Rav Sternbuch's protest that Star K is completely unreliable?

  19. The OU mashgiach is fighting soooo hard all the way in Queens to protect Yeshiva of Spring Valley, that maybe takkeh it's not only because R' Yudel doesn't like the place, maybe it is personal for the mashgiach. Did WEST SIDE KOSHER sell the treif from YSV's infamous "baby" Shevach Meats? Does the mashgiach's first cousin Yvonne teach at YSV girls? Or does her husband "Bambino" teach by YSV boys?

    Yvonne sure is busy whether she's in chinuch or not! She was charged by the County Health Commissioner as being a Slum Lord operating illegal rooming houses & found guilty in State Supreme Court. The County Clerk's office entered the incriminating details against her on it's website under index # SU-2018-035294 & the big $$$ judgement at index # 2019-00016232.

    Aye mashgiach, is there anyone in dein gantze mishpooche who can behave themself as a straight, law abiding & productive citizen????????????

    1. CCRC. You not considered productive by free fressing all your life.
      Your not considered productive be banging computer keys all your life to discover all kinds of Loshon Horah in order to keep on using your free Loshon Horah passes.
      Your are not considered productive ever, period.

  20. And they all eat Chalav Stam in five towns without thinking twice. Now they have Rav moshe to rely on them, but why when you can buy golden flow in the same store?

  21. Ah. Reb Yudel doesn’t like the place.
    So that’s a great place to apply the free LH Pass to vent your hate and all that non Toeles LH on MY relatives.
    Truly yours,
    OU Mashgiach.

  22. Reb Moshe has a teshuva that the operated cows are treif, so there is no cholov stam, only cholov yisroel or cholov treif.

  23. Aye OU mashgiach, as you've been previously informed, all the pirsumim on you & the mishpooche will stop when you can control your uber-hypocrite self from attacking kimat everyone else.

    Where exactly do you get off attacking everyone you disagree with while mired in your krumkeiten, when you are part & parcel of a za cesspool of corruption?

  24. Pesach Hotel FresserSat Nov 12, 11:57:00 PM 2022

    A hotel organizer tells those inquiring that he provides no shmura matzos but you are welcome to bring your own. So what about if we are willing to bring our own? Do you cook & bake with non-shmura matzoh meal? Yes, you are welcome to ask the caterer which items from the kitchen to avoid if you so prefer. But you realize this is farcical as there will be cross-contamination galore? Well, there is no guarantee against cross-contamination BUT THE 'YESHIVISHE' 5 TOWNS CROWD ALL COME & THEY HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THESE CONCERNS YOU ARE RAISING ...

    1. Don’t fool yourself and others.
      There will be plenty of Lakewooders there. All we have to do is pick up the rug and smell the coffee.

  25. Whoa! Yanky be lashing out tonight in KG! Chill man, like go do a musical Havdollah with Shabsi Fixler or something

  26. bottom of page

    Zev Steen

    Tell us about yourself

    I came to Baltimore for high school at Ner Yisroel, and never left. Over the years, I have been involved in the Agudah, Star-K, and a number of local high school programs. TAG actually started in Baltimore under a different name. I was involved in that program as well.

  27. The OU mashgiach probably already tags along to chapp arein the free fress, free kumzitzen & Shabsi's free musical havdulah at EMET for the Bucharees. Even Chaim Schwartz comes running to EMET to darshan & put himself on the map. Nisht genig tze zein Queens Vaad puppet & on Teitelbaum's-Wolpin's robocalls

  28. CCRC you can do the same.
    You come to the free fress anyway. I mean your the free fress guru.
    You also can come in once in a while to TeitPin place even though they do not supply a fress.

  29. please elaborate as to why cholav stam is treif, rav moshe does not write that at all in his teshuvas

    1. ראה ״קונטרס בלב ים״ הנדפס בסוף ספר ״שיעורי רבי יעקב משה שורקין״ על מסכת בבא קמא בענין זה

  30. He writes very clearly in his teshuva in yoreh dayah, that the operated cows are TREIF.
