Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Did the Heimish hashgochas improve our options.

The Heimish Hashgochas have come into play in the past 20+ years. How have they (or
have they) improved the kosher consumer's options? There are various standards in kashrus; some will be satisfactory for the general public, while others are looking for something better, e.g., a mehadrin standard.

The larger or some communal kosher certifier's goal was "basic kosher" for the general public. The kosher consumers looking for a mehadrin standard made many of their food from raw ingredients and did away with all of the other items available to the general public.

Along came the Heimish Hashgochas to fill the gap and provide to the consumers that want the mehadrin standard some of those items that were not yet available to them. It was a new market that was developing. A much larger market than the Yoshon market.

As time went more Heimish certifiers appeared on the market, and more Heimish distributors seemed that be catering to this new market. Competition grew from the distributors and the certifiers.

The larger or some communal kosher certifiers had no interest or rather no need to cater to this new market, as the Heimish distributors & certifiers were doing that already. If they had realized the size of this niche in the market, they would have attempted to get their share of this mehadrin market.

As time went on, the new market's distributors were looking for more products, and the consumers of that market were glad that they could obtain more of the items without compromising their kashrus standards.

The one item that changed over time was the Orthodox Union, aka OU, started certifying only Glatt kosher meat and stopped approving kosher meat that is not glatt.

Little does the consumer realize that he is not getting what he is being led to believe that he is getting.

The Heimish hashgochas were used only to produce the mehadrin product in a facility that was inherently kosher but not mehadrin ingredients or the presence of a full-time mashgiach. They would still do a kosherization, change the boiler water, change the bishul akum oil, and have a bishul Yisroel for the product.

Now the Heimish hashgochas are produced in non-kosher treif facilities, and the kosherization and production are sometimes compromised somewhat. 

The Mashgichim inspectors are g-d-fearing individuals but need to be trained and fluent in reading, writing, operation complexities, etc. Many of them are family members, so there is an inevitable conflict at least.

The heimish certifiers may consider accepting a certified olive oil or any other product that does not meet the mehadrin standards and affix their distributor & heimish certification to the product unbeknown to the mehadrin consumer.

The select few educated Mehadrin consumers would approach the larger International certifiers to provide the mehadrin consumer with a mehadrin standard product. The response they receive is, "we are geared to the general public only; go to your heimish certifiers-they are your standard." The sad fact is we are getting the raw end of the stick.

We are paying a dear premium for a mehadrin product, and we are getting an inferior mehadrin product at times inferior to the International kosher certifier's standards.


  1. Dee Besteh ShgoocheWed Dec 14, 09:30:00 AM 2022

    You forgot to mention the gangsterei that goes on.

  2. Aless abee mattir zeinWed Dec 14, 09:40:00 AM 2022

    Hypocrite Gimpel "zelche makkos" Wolmark put on a show in the Yated of this past erev Shabbos about the woman who was nebich struck by a vehicle & killed in front of his yeshiva. He's bellyaching out loud that he doesn't want to be in a situation that's Eglah Arufahesque. He's calling around to all the gedolei Eretz Yisroel to ask them what tikkun to make.

    Is he serious after being a long time enthusiastic partner in gittin meusim & the beatdowns with Mendel Epstein & Belsky?

  3. Star K mit shmoyna begudimWed Dec 14, 11:52:00 AM 2022

    Very sad when every shyster who wants to cut corners for billigster preiz, has on speed dial all the counterparts of Star K mit Shmoyna Begudim.

    I'm talking to you, rabbis Weissmandl, Steinmetz, etc

    Does anyone know by the way what kind of standards the sons of "The Joker" aka Yuka Ruv are implementing? If there was one heimishe shgoocher that was completely unreliable, it was the father who nebich was not all there.

  4. Wed Dec 14, 09:40:00 AM 2022

    Once in a while he tries to enlighten the world that he (bought) is a ROSH HaYeshivah - What ever that means on Carlton Road.


    The last page has the fancy shtempel that Wolmark had a graphic artist design for him when he attempted to trick the Rabbanut into buying his fake bittul kiddushin. When is he going to use it already as a symbol in shgoochas which will likely be just as 'reliable'?

  6. What is R' Yudel's view of the current management of Sachdis? Have the standards come back to where we don't have to worry about consuming insects? Or is there a lingering status quo from the Itzu regime?

  7. Free Propaganda PlatformWed Dec 14, 02:08:00 PM 2022

    It's quite simple actually, and at no cost, to make a shpiel in the Yated for your own shady benefit. They are so eager to fatten the newspaper each week so that the oylam can spend all Shabbos reading it in lieu of learning, that they will accept for publication the most dubious interviews & essays that go straight to print without the most basic fact checking.

    Just recently there was a Modern Orthodox cousin of the dynamic Paysach Krohn-Ephraim Bryks duo who used the Yated for a whitewash of all the family members who are molesters, rapists, embezzlers & running a kosher style deli + the zeidy's good friend labeled a secret agent for WWII Allied Intelligence when he was actually an uber-Kapo Nazi collaborator, a Meshumod doch who wasted most of his life trying to do shmad on Yidden. Then there was the case of the Modern Orthodox husband with Marrano wife who are doing forbidden kiruv on not only Marranos, but also every primitive Shvartz African tribesman making the preposterous claim of being lost lost Yidden. All their activities are assur gomur (including on Marranos altz sofek mamzerim). The Yated was even gullible enough to include the drivel that some big Rebbe supposedly came bachalom to the Marrano woman to approve the outreach giyur. The couple happen to be on the Boards of Reform & Conservative orgs who "convert" any drei kop they can convince to "join" the Jewish people.

    So yes, when Wolmark comes with his mirage, the Yated must be even more excited since he speaks yeshivishe shprach. They probably gave him a shoe shine while gobbling up every word in Wolmark's shpiel.

    1. Did you get it?
      The Mechabeh of this grubeh antisemitic dvar shtus implies that instead of noshing while paging through the Yated he is studying some Bible or Babylonian Talmud etc.
      Don’t worry. Nisht ah vort toireh.
      We don’t want you to be choished b’keshairim.
      He’s busy surfing the net.
      You know surfing the net for this “mind drayer” is naming pikuach nefesh and his Special Rabbonim in Israel allow him to surf on “Saturday” too.


    old but interessante story

    he is shvugger of R' Mordechai Betzalel Klein

  9. It's as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning that the OU mashgiach in Queens was going to angrily lash out like he did at 8:30 pm. The mashgiach is also part of the Krohn-Bryks clan and was hoping they could get away with it after the modernah cousin was lying to the Yated to cover up the MANY skeletons in the mishpooche's closet. That's rich that the mashgiach squeals "antisemitic", this from the mishpooche that are the epitome of anti-Semitism:

    who huddle with Nazi collaborators(!)

    And who at least a few monsters in the mishpooche have molested & worse 100s of Yiddishe kinder, ruining the precious neshomos for life, to continue the work of the Nazis ymach shmum.

    And mashgiach, vus hockstee vegen Bible & Talmud when you admitted to everyone about your prized kisvei galochim?

  10. Shmuel Fuerst, who should be Last, signed that mamzerus endeavor. It's only a siman ledavar as he's reportedly as prolific in enabling mamzerus on a national scale as Philly accomplice Nota Greenblatt. Notice how the Agudah continues putting Fuerst on a pedestal that he's Chief Dayan of Illinois. Between Fuerst, and Chicago Agudah's LBGQT advocate Yehiel Kalish (who to advance his consulting business purchased membership in a non-Orthodox temple), and the Chicago Agudah machine protecting all the menuvolim in town (especially if they have a few bucks like Meystel), the Agudath Israel of America has become a full fledged Woke organization. When are Bernie Sanders & AOC coming to shake their hands?

  11. Street Corner CrazyThu Dec 15, 11:04:00 AM 2022

    When R' Feivy Mendlowitz looked into the so called bittul kiddushin led by Belsky and financed (at least $1 million) by Fuchs of Platinum ponzi infamy, he called Belsky to inform him that he's going to be internationally mefarsem all the michtevei gedolim against him. R' Feivy says with a smirk that you should have heard the screaming in reaction coming from the phone on the other side.

    1. Fahvish.
      Shoin Nuch ah chochom “looked into”. He knows anything other than molesters and nivul peh against each and every godol ?
      He knows how to look into all eateries to find some raisins.
      He knows how to Schvindel and see you in Bankrupcy court.
      Bais din? That is for losers only.

  12. Mesirus Nefesh for MamzerusThu Dec 15, 11:22:00 AM 2022

    The Yated of course would not publish that the special beis din of R' Chatzkel Roth & the Freimaner Ruv put Greenblatt in cherem for enabling Philly or that other batei din blasted the Philly father & son for making a pirtza in Klal Yisroel. They were all going to put old Shmuel & junior in cherem too until Sholom issued that dumb scribble on a scrap piece of paper that they are "machniyeh to R' Dovid Feinstein". This of course is a desperate lie to hold off the cherem at the last minute as the father & son still tell the Modern Orthodox crowd to be roidef the victim of the scandal, and father & son still socialize with and promote the zoyna & her tzveiter "husband" by sitting with them at shindigs of Philly area mosdos.

    The Yated's ehanced role in the cover up was to hastily arrange getting the Philly guru on a plane to throw him in front of as many gedolei Eretz Yisroel as the pictures will fit in the centerfold. What better way to fool the oylam goylem that Philly is supposedly still part of the oylam Hatorah? Pinny must have been exhausted while playing travel agent as he was fresh off of running around to the gedolei America & sitting on their heads with extreme pressue tactics that they should not sign the threatened cherem against Philly.

  13. Thu Dec 15, 11:22:00 AM 2022

    Nebach the Cherem did not work so we have CCRC fressing a few months to get over it and now trying to turn the tables - so he can fress from both sides of the table.

  14. Ess passt that the Queens Vaad "Av Beis Din" Peretz "the ......." Steinberg is also signed on to the mamzerus scam with Belsky & the rest. Far be it from him to turn down an easy buck. Why do you think he threatened Mirrer yungerman R' Moshe Handler who alerted Rav Elyashev that the Queens Vaad was literally destroying toizent fin alter kevorim - bifrat yesomim - to resell to Russian chazir fressers & shkutzim? It was altz the millions in filthy profit that was being raked in. Ka-tching!

  15. Who knows if this Handel guy ever went into REY. Just because he said so?
    Just because some shamesh gave out a Bakshi’s inspired tzetel?
    For many years the egoist askoonim terrorist did what was best for their mafyoza income.
    BTW nothing changed. This site proves it.

  16. OU mashgiach in Queens, you & your Queens Vaad buddies are completely corrupt. There are all kinds of witnesses for when the Queens Vaad panicked that they were publicly exposed for their greedy, immoral kevorim scandal. Elchonon Zohn ran to the Holy Land and 3 days in a row was thrown out by Rav Elyashev ztl himself who caught Zohn lying. Zohn scurried back to Queens with his tail between his legs while the arrogant Queens Vaad scoffs "we have our own poskim". Shoineimol! Yerovom ben Novot was also his own posek to defile the Bayis and he had to be more chushev than Dovid Hamelech, even equal was nisht genig.

  17. Talking about having their own poskim..
    This site excels at that.
    But they are a step ahead by not only choosing their own poskim they also choose their own pesakim.
    That’s for sure a step ahead of Doovid HaMaylech.
