Friday, March 03, 2023

Some Kashrus information- FYI

 All New York Kedem wines are from grapes with seeds.

Minchas Chinuch/Tartikuv is likely the most aggressive in the Heimish Hashgochas to obtain hashgochas.

Some Meat Boards may be only kosher "Manalapan style".

OU allows filtering apple juice with Gelatin based filtration. 


  1. About Kedem, what does it matter?
    About Minchas chinuch/tartikov, more aggresive then crc hisachdus?

  2. What's wrong with grapes with seeds?

  3. I understand that Reb Yudel doesn't have in his home anything from Minchas Chinuch tartikuv; is that a correct quote from you?

  4. Others are makpid to only use wine for kiddush, etc if it's from seeded grapes, not seedless.

    1. What’s the reason for such a hakpada? And what wines are made from seedless grapes? Cabernet or merlot?

  5. Minchas chinuch is like Belz in Israel, as long as you pay your fee, you're in business.

  6. Need some clarification:

    Some Meat Boards may be only kosher "Manalapan style".

    The meat or the board is Manalapan style ? Or both?

  7. Queens Vaad is the most aggressive non-heimish. Your hair would stand on end if you see how they drop their "standards" to get the $$$ accounts on board. The further you get away from Metropolitan Ave in KG & Main St in KGH, the more it starts slipping. Almost anything in Conservative movement criteria flies from no mashgiach to not frum people as mashgichim, and accepting product under lousy hashgochos that the OU would never allow.

    With Chaim Schwartz it's "that LIVING WAGE" uber alles. And he comes well prepared for inter-movement collaboration from KVH with it's rainbow coalition of denominations. Schwartz's Modern Orthodox masters at Queens Vaad also appreciate lots of extra gravy $$$ no matter vee feel they have to dirty themselves to get it. It helps that some of the masters are closet Open Orthodox or Open Orthodox sympathetic, but the underlying GREED $$$ is not limited to the biggest Lefties among them.

    And though they think he's a maniac, the Queens Vaad will take the no charge support of their shochen OU mashgiach fighting propaganda wars on their behalf.

  8. There are places like BJ's that sell meat boards at wholesale pricing. It wouldn't be so difficult to chalila pass them off as "kosher".

  9. On the topoc of grape juice, does anybody know when the last time Nature's Own has produced grape juice?

    Nobody has had in stock fro months. Recently GG 5 Towns has been carrying it. But the cases are full of dust. They clean the bottles before putting on the shelves.

    1. Sounds like Yayin Yashon.
      Good for the old folks.

    2. And why is that a problem?

    3. Selling old expired product as new is a mekach taus


    R' Malkiel conferring with Sachdis

  11. YSV the Root of All EvilSun Mar 05, 01:06:00 AM 2023

    There was a major meeting of Monsey hanhalos tonight. For the first time ever there is serious discussion of forming a vaad to make sure every child has a place.

    Is there any possibility that the WORST of the bunch, YSV, will cooperate? Will Dictator El Supremo Sruly Orzel allow it? It's not impossible if he thinks his image will get a boost from playing nice. It also helps that miserable Yudi Frankel has departed the scene after he figured out he could unload his house on a Vizhnitzer for close to $1 million.

    1. The root of all evil like Haman.
      The board members are all Amalakim.
      But the tunebagels are the saviors. The Mordechai together with Esther of Metro Monsey.
      Will drink to that a McAllan or a nice old glenfiddich. Some will stick to Patron with a little FILTERED oj.
      Will also polish off a super size Meatboard from the new Satmar fleish store.

  12. What are the exact protim that became a tummel with the Lakewood Vaad finding spots for the upcoming Elul? And which administrator / owner of which moissad was the troublemaker who created the whole scandal?

    1. YSV threatened to come to Lakewood.

  13. Aless abee mattir zeinSun Mar 05, 10:10:00 PM 2023

    Is the gelatinous apple juice like the fish parasites than many hashgochos, including heimishe, are hiding behind the OU's manufactured "heter"?


  15. Phoenix Vaad Hakashrus mashgiach

    Hashem yerachem! I can't remember a story sadder than this!



  17. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Mon Mar 06, 10:26:00 AM 2023

    First the OU mashgiach in Queens is matzdik kisvei Galochim, now he's being maysis umaydiach with mashkeh that has yayin nesech areingemisht.

    MOST Glenfiddich varieties of Scotch & ALL varieties of Macallan Scotch are blacklisted by the national hashgochos because they have wine additives.

    And when the mashgiach encourages everyone to follow suit from his big grubbah zoiff of Gran Patron Tequila, the Burdeos variety has wine & maybe even the worm - nuch besser in the mashgiach's preferences.

    Hurry & line up while supplies last. The OU mashgiach will give you a new goldennah becher with each zoiff, ain oiness.

    Amazing how the OU mashgiach is able to keep tabs on all Fresserei everywhere from his perch in Queens. There is a new Satmar fleish gesheft in Monsey that barely opened it's doors & the mashgiach's already salivating about meat boards & other red fare that has Fressers excited! There is a little kashrus complication of WOLFING all that down tzezamin mit zein Tunafish Beigel, but the OU & Queens Vaad can get very "creative" and are up for any challenge.

  18. Mon Mar 06, 10:26:00 AM 2023

    Wow. Today CCRC DID take his 'candies'.

    And he so jealous of the YSV rejects Peerim Seedah that he grepst out a whole 'nother fress.

    CCRC calm down. Tomorrow you get all of everyones left overs provided its from non-hashgacha sources. Also, oib you brech again all the queens 'homie' leftovers will arrange from your Guru Paulsie to overnight his leftover Chazeray so you can keep something down.

    Talking about CCRC's Am haratzus in single malts there are at least 5 Gelnfiddiches approved WITH A HECHSHER (Thus CCRC stays away from those) and the Worm tequila seems like his guru must of quoted the Zaida that its good if you filter it - at home only not under any hashgacha.

    Happy purim to You, CCRC. Don't expect too much money, hashish, bakshish or anyother Yudel currency. However hope you get trailer loads of leftovers from your chasidim in the estates AND tiepin's members.

  19. Rav Horowitz just issued an alert in heimishe publications that Kemach vegetable soup with mushrooms is infested with bugs

  20. Sir Drinkalot OU mashgiach, you are suddenly quiet about MacAllan scotch whiskey, which none have any hashgocho and all have wine that is noisen taam. They nailed you and you can't paint yourself out of that corner that you put yourself in.

    And why are you throwing back the tequila toilaas at your critics when you were the one who recklessly suggested it's refreshing to indulge in?

  21. If you add a hadas and some 1126 holy water AND then filter it its OK

  22. With all these comments about the OU Mashgiach, TunaBeigels, etc It's hard to take this blog and it's information seriously.
