Thursday, June 22, 2023

Alert! Regarding Vaad Harabonim of Queens kashrus Administrator (R' Chaim Schwartz) Note: R; Chaim Schwartz et al is still threatning Rabbonim and individuals!



  1. The signers have much verified baggage as well.
    Like the medrash tells us: Tool koirah me'bain Einecha.
    Enough said.

  2. Quite surprised that the Minchas Chain aligned himself with these infamous Burcharians.
    No good (or Chain)will come out it for him or his kehillah.
    If this was such a great 'bizayon for klal yisroel - whatever it was - why are no other 'run of the mill' queens Rabbanim signed with him ?? Why aren't the 'run of the mill' Bucharian Rabbonim signed on to it ??l

  3. Chicken Roost in Kew GardensThu Jun 22, 04:54:00 PM 2023

    Chaval that the rabbonim hachosmim don't have evidence regarding Chaim Schwartz's eager accomplice who is an OU employee!

    Both of them need to be removed!

    It's my understanding that underlings report to OU Chief Menachem Genack on the tummels that emerge on this website.

  4. This is almost 4 years old. Avaddeh Reish Kol Bnei Galusa R' Joel Shoinfeld put the kibosh on any uprising to protect his shlock shamass Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz!

  5. R. Genack is still negotiating with the Chain Mincha on what conditions to sign. The underlings are asking for too much chain money

  6. 'Run of the mill' Bucharians

    You mean the ones who are Ashkenazishe wannabes? They chalish to be on the useless Vaad of Queens so of course they won't show any displeasure about Schwartzie

  7. That a Chamor looks in the mirror and see a chamor gadol confirmed what a dumb a….he is.

  8. Let’s not forget about the Ashkenazi yeshivas that made their dinners in Bucharian halls with all the Treif going on there recently. It’s the new trend of Uzbek/Ashkenazim of queens who love chaimel.

  9. It is very clear that you have no clue about who the signatories are and speaking down on Talmadie Chachamim - I hope there is a way to remove you post and start the teshuva process . Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Chaim is av Bet Din and is from Iran. He is one of the biggest Talmdiee chachamim living in America.

    Rabbi Yitzcak Israeli is also av Bet Din and known as one of the biggest sephardic poskim alive (not from bochora)

    Lastly rabbi haimoff is also an expert in kashrut and sits on the Bet Din for gittin and a major talmid chacham from Israel.

  10. 'You Know Who' from OU must be going BANANAS that his $$$ Big Benefactor Rebbelah's shvugger, the Minchas Chain / der Humner Rebbe / whatever floats his boat tze reefen zich, is publicly frying Schwartz! The Bananaskeit might be from stress, ober lav davka! The Bananaskeit ken zein is mitoich Simcha Rabbah that any impending downfall of Schwartz gives him more egotistical room to advance zich aleins. When he barges into commercial kitchens at Queens Vaad catered events, maybe he can do it in an official role instead of just a noseybody trying to put himself on the map?

  11. They may be decent enough for their community nevertheless A bit of title inflation from the previous poster for the bucharian and Iranian

  12. Knowing their corrupt numbers, it would make sense if Chaim Schwartz & his overlords show more respect to the other Bucharians who call themselves "Chief Rabbi": Yitzchak Yehoshua who was put in cherem for taking shoichad to push through fake gerus & fake kashrus. And Amnon Khaimov with the "semicha" from the Neolog koifrim in Budapest who stole the shul of incapacitated alter Ashkenazi Yidden, average age 95, in Corona, Queens.

  13. Yudel, why did you post it now when this letter is almost 3 years ago???


    rav hamachshir of Seniorenzentrum & Milo Catering

  15. I think he wants to show how no VHQ rabbis in queens, Stepped up to remove Schwatz. Although VHQ was offered millions by the OU to buy them out. Big push from R Steinberg and R Welcher because they know VHQ Kashrus is garbage. But they were overruled by the other Vaad members those young kids playing rabbis. Either way, as much as Schwatz try’s to cover up all his crimes we all know who he really is. He will pay for his crime’s together with those who protect him.

  16. Actually. The rabbanim are known across the entire olam hatorah and well respected and revered poskim . Not specific to their community.

  17. Sorry. We forgot to either erase or change the date.
    It won’t happen again

  18. Mertropolitan RobocallSun Jun 25, 10:12:00 AM 2023

    "VHQ Kashrus is garbage"

    If there was ever an understatement!

  19. How does the Association of Kashrus Organizations aka AKO, not do a review of VHQ, like they have done on other agencies?

    Or should they throw the VHQ out of AKO membership?

  20. AKO's Fishbane knows whose toes he will regret stepping on. Queens Vaad have historically been - since the 1960s - huge bullies using mafia tactics to silence any dissent, as well as to prevent leaks of their willful violations of kashrus & other areas in halacha. Joel Shoinfeld had it as a mesorah from his old man. Joel's handpicked shmattah Chaim Schwartz heralded a whole new dimension of adding an immature, almost cartoonish approach in his paranoia about who is or possibly is in possession of knowledge of any of many kashrus violations he is secretly covering up. Many of the Queens Vaad's members with YU backgrounds are Moderner who couldn't care less about Torah. They want to keep their crowds happily fressing kol davar assur to protect their fat pulpit salaries just like Schwartz will do anything to protect his own salary. The supposed "yeshivish" Queens Vaad members are usually either the zelbeh shnit as the Moderner, or even worse, they are the ones who in their supreme greed have upmachen to funnel lots of the filthy profits directly to their own pockets.

  21. We will see in Montreal at the AKO convention in July.
    Anyone want to sponsor the Minchad Chain reservation? Let’s all nominate him (Minchah Chain) to be the keynote speaker and let Altusky be the guest speaker.
    Don’t we want fireworks in Montreal and here at Yudels??

  22. That's interesting that Mendel Epstein's good friend Steinberg & Rabbi Welcher pushed for an OU takeover when they are part of the problem. While Rabbi Welcher may not be cunningly corrupt, his kashrus yedios are many decades out of date which is why for instance that he poskens in favor of infestation for both Queens Vaad & Chofetz Chaim yeshiva.

  23. Rabbi Peretz Steinberg is a significant protector of Chaim Schwartz.

    1. The big O. The Minchah chrain also protected ….until it didn’t pay for him to protect him anymore.

  24. Spotlight on the Queens VaadSun Jun 25, 11:11:00 PM 2023

    Welcher is not so innocent if the Queens Vaad themselves are to be believed. They claim that Welcher poskened for them that they don't have to remove the idols of the Shinto religion that the Chinks placed at the sushi counter in Aron's Kissena Barns. Wow did Schwartz ever act like a barnyard beheimeh, akshening zich to leave the getchkas be, despite that there are major halacha implications and just plain inappropriateness in a supposed Yiddishe gesheft.

    (Supposed because Aron is fronting with Queens Vaad knowledge for the real owner chayos who were kicked out of 5 Towns for kashrus violations)

  25. There was a stupid cat Shinto idol next to the cash register of the Passaic Chinese restaurant before the treif was revealed. Yechezkel Auerbach brushed off rabbonim who told him to remove it. They pressured him & the akshen dug in, insisting he will do nothing! Kol oirev leminayhu. Auerbach should flock over to Queens to perch with Chaim Schwartz!

  26. The cat was also brought by the sushi crew to Seasons Lawrence before the big scandals & ownership change there. I know that Rabbi Shain is not a fan of Rabbi Eisen but to his credit when he found out it was an idol of a Far East religion he immediately made sure it was removed.

  27. Schwartz finally removed the ketzeleh from Kissena while arrogantly being dismissive that Rabbi W told him there's no need to but he's doing it anyway to quiet things down from a rabbi who he smeared as misguided for requesting it's removal.

    But the workers also had on display a fish idol from the same Yaponchicker avoideh zarah that Schwartz allowed to remain, really digging in his heels that he's not budging on it (except maybe to bow down to it)

    I haven't posted here in many years. The last time I did was also about Kissena. There was a kashrus mishap that happened not long after the supermarket opened which Schwartz was furious that the story got out. Either he or his caustic friend from the OU immediately jumped into the fray to threaten me bichsav with going to the H / Gimmel place. And I know that Schwartz really beat up bad on the site mashgiach who he suspected of telling people.

  28. Mon Jun 26, 11:54:00 AM 2023

    More tall tales.

  29. Only true tales. But the above liar figures it's so many years ago already that he can get away with denying it.

  30. There's so much irony on this website. Chezky Auerbach is cousin of the small time Rebbe in Queens who is the financial backer of the out-of-control OU mashgiach. The Rebbe shnors lots & lots of money that he shares with the mashgiach which is one reason why the mashgiach is straining to deny there is an avoidas elilim scandal.

    (Meanwhile the mashgiach ridicules Kew Gardens residents who get a few freebies from Tomchei Shabbos and/or "Bloomie's" while he's able to avoid the inconvenience because the shnorring he benefits from is many leagues more $$ lucrative $$. And take one look at the mashgiach. He certainly EATS WELL!)

  31. Paysach Krohny WatchMon Jun 26, 07:32:00 PM 2023

    The Kosher Hive in Monsey that took over the old Shoprite of Talman next to Walmart is owned by those ex-5 Towns kashrus violation bums hiding behind Aron Hirtz & the Queens Vaad.

    Hirtz's father is good friends with the Gomco maniac.

    1. They are all molesters.
      They are all thief’s.
      They all don’t care about kashrus.
      It’s just a matter of time until they become a Finkel.
      It will soon be all OK. That’s when they lets Yudel in and let him mouth off a bit.

  32. Schwartz has issued so many different types of threats over the years to so many different people that you need an IBM mainframe to keep track of it all.

    What are the current specifics?

  33. 7:49 pm must be yener OU mashgiach again running to Chaim Schwartz's defense.

    While almost everything from him is lies, that post actually has a lot of truth to it.

    Like with Ebstein at the bakery on Main St in KGH who was luring kids to molest with free cookies. Schwartz put on a phoney act that he's acting against molesters, that he even went to the trial & forced Ebstein out of the bakery as soon as the Judge convicted Ebstein. Schwartz can save his fake posturing because he's not fooling anyone. Ebstein was left alone while he was out on bail. There is no reason why the Queens Vaad couldn't have acted before the conviction to keep Ebstein away from the kinderlach!

    A Queens bakery owner who admits he molested a 10-year-old boy who came in for cookies isn't going to prison - and plans to be back at work next week.

    Issac Ebstein, 50, pleaded guilty earlier this week to luring the child into an abusive friendship five years ago at Queens Kosher Pita in Kew Gardens Hills.

    He was released without bail and is expected to get a year of probation and sex-offender counseling when he's sentenced. He will not have to register as a pervert.

    Prosecutors cut the deal to spare the victim from having to relive the ordeal.

    A woman at Queens Kosher Pita said Ebstein would be back to work tomorrow - a prospect that horrified neighborhood residents.

    "If he works here, I will pull him out myself," said a customer named Claudiu, who had just learned about the guilty plea. "There's no way he's coming back here. If he does, we won't buy here anymore."


  35. YSV the Root of All EvilWed Jun 28, 02:53:00 PM 2023

    "just a matter of time until they become a Finkel"

    Schwartz is a YSV boy!

    Like President, like alumnus!

  36. Tue Jun 27, 09:39:00 PM 2023

    Sounds like another tall tale where they omit most of the story.

  37. Roidfim Owned by VHQWed Jun 28, 05:37:00 PM 2023

    Sorry Mr. OU mashgiach of Kew Gardens at 4:36 pm, but your latest cover up for Chaim Schwartz doesn't quite cut it, not even close. That website lifted the Ebstein article word for word from the NY Daily News.

    Aren't you ashamed to constantly lie in auto-reflex fashion in your pathetic attempts to mach avek any & all scandals? Veisst ois not!

  38. The Paysach Krohn video that was privatized at Awareness Center is when Eckstein interviewed Queens Vaad member Krohn in the pesach mamash of the Citifield assifa bathroom, vos dem ort mamash passt! Asked his opinion of bloggers, Krohn very angrily (& conveniently for himself) lashed out: "THEY SHOULD BE PUT IN CHEREM!!"
