Thursday, June 01, 2023

It may be time for all lakewood private school parents to register their children en-mass in Lakewood public schools, the State will have to fund those schools.


  1. What in the world is happening with the OU/GE ovens.
    My timer is not working and Zmantech haven't been answering calls for weeks.
    I wonder if it is still reliable.
    Something smells very fishy.

  2. Everyone is getting responses from Zman tech and the OU.
    Call the OU at 212-613-8241.

    Perhaps you have the GE with Star-K, Zman tech may work on some of those problem ones.

  3. Email or text them

  4. I also emailed and tried calling ZmanTech
    No response on the email for three weeks and the guy answering the phone didn't speak english very well and said he's new and doesn't know how to fix my issue.
    I just returned the Zman timer.


  5. Thu Jun 01, 02:50:00 PM 2023
    Fri Jun 02, 12:04:00 AM 2023

    Do you live in Ballimaur ??

  6. Lakewoods BOE can't wait to accept all our Zaddikim into their school with unisex bathrooms which is etched in stone and can not be changed.
    The KCL also is waiting for this move so that they can get a gov't account and charge all kinds of "fees".
    And, last but not least, our host would love it. He'll have stuff to post every hour on the hour. That let him increase his advertising fees ( If he does not do it now he'll surly do it then) PLUS get some hashish for every hit.

  7. Hello Rabbi Shain, thanks for letting me know. Zman is going over a little transition now, hopefully for the better, I hope for your understanding, but if there is anything specific that I can try to help, please let me know.

    Rabbi Tzvi Ortner
    Director, Halacha and Technology

    Phone: 212-613-8265
    Fax: 718-889-7419

    Orthodox Union
    40 Rector St.

    New York, NY 10004

  8. RY, It looks like Zman closed down, not "trasnition".
    I can't get through to anyone on phone or email who can help with my broken timer (it's new)
    The OU says call zman and the appliance store guy told me they stopped selling it because there's no one there.
    Ridiculus. When a company closes they should let ppl know.
