Sunday, June 25, 2023

Vaad Harabonim of Queens (Rabbi Chaim Schwartz) is an upstanding member of AKO

 A Buchrain Rabbi caught VHQ restaurant serving Treiff meat. And mashgiach wasn’t fired for his negligence, and the VHQ didn’t publicly admit to their mistake. 

I don't think there is a mention that consumers should Kasher their dishes if they purchased food from that restaurant. 

Why do VHQ queens get a free pass???

This is the video

VHQ confirmed that it was Treif. And they dropped the place without any explanation to the public. This was 8 months ago.


  1. Where is the video ??
    You as bad as them. It quite contagious it seems.

  2. It's like apikorsis for Rabbeinu Chaim Schwartz to be moideh to any cover up or failing. That LIVING WAGE is to be protected at all cost!

    Now back to business as usual please with Rabbeinu & his eager sidekick lending a hand from the OU to spread vicious rumors that the Bucharees are the problem!

  3. Fishbain is Missing in Action!

    Does Schwartz get a free pass because his shver was a somebody in Chicago?

  4. Reb Yudel, we are surprised by your gullibility, AKO's goal is "zero transparency".

    AKO is the diaper of the kashrus industry.

  5. The silence from Chaim Schwartz is deafening.

    Even Margulies had to at least give lip service that he's "investigating" Kolko when that scandal went public.


    Queens Vaad STILL listing Versailles Palace as limehadrin min hamehadrin with Bais Yosef & Yoshon available upon request!

  7. I think not.

    You know all that bashing of Rav Altusky that started popping up on the blog with frequency?

    Although at least most of the defamatory comments might be written by an OU mashgiach who I'm told is quite infamous as an internet troll, he works closely with Schwartz as one of his 'enforcers'.

    I don't think Rav Altusky & his hashgacha being a Queens Vaad competitor is the only motivation to bash him. There have been other competitors that haven't gotten such 'special' treatment.

    Chaim Schwartz has a cousin Prosky who is actually considered more like a brother in law.

    Prosky is divorced from a Bludman woman who is part of the Altusky mishpacha!

    1. Didn’t know that Schwartz is so good looking.

  8. The Queens Vaad is very hands off with their mashgichim so no surprise that the Versailles shlemazal still has his job.

    There was a fleishdik restaurant on Union Turnpike with constant kashrus violations where the bulvan owner kept ignoring the mashgiach & getting away with it.

    The only reason why the Queens Vaad finally dropped that place is because one day when the mashgiach did his job by speaking up against a violation, the hands on bulvan lost it & beat the mashgiach to a bloody pulp. Because the mashgiach, who ran for his life, was a walking, talking display of savagery that's nisgalgel from Queens Vaad corruption, the Queens Vaad had no choice but to drop the $$ generating bulvan for self-defensive PR purposes.

  9. This story is just as true as all the other queens vaad stories.
    Starting from the yesoimimlach, coffee, and ou sidekick all the way to bryks and rabbi schoefeld mayselach.
    At least he has a great track record…

  10. Only the OK Hechsher got attacked for Treif negligence with their Chinese restaurant. Chaim Schwatz on the other hand probably got an increase salary for a job well done covering up another Treif restaurant under him.

  11. Sun Jun 25, 7:57 PM is, as usual, that infamous OU mashgiach running to defend Chaim Schwartz. He denies everything, Shakran vos er iz, when he knows that all of it & many more Queens horror stories are shockingly true.

  12. @ Floyd

    You're close but not quite. The way I remember the story is that the mashgiach had enough of all kinds of abuses, mostly verbal / emotional, so he quit & walked off, leaving the joint with zero oversight. When the geniuses on 73rd Ave finally woke up much later, they sent a district rosh mashgichim down there. That's who was attacked & bloodied.

  13. AKO is to blame for these kashrus tragedies, they could get involved and make a review.

    The OU wanted to take over the VHQ, but Schwartzie wanted too much money, the Queens Rabbonim should have thrown him out for all of the other scandals that he's been doing over the years.

  14. @ Sun Jun 25, 7:48 PM,

    the picture is Prosky, not Schwartz

  15. Inquiring Minds Vant to KnowMon Jun 26, 08:45:00 AM 2023

    The OU has to know that Joel Schonfeld is Chaim Schwartz's puppet master for the corruption & cover ups that go way beyond being less than OU standard. And they know that half of Young Israel Kew Gardens Hills left the shul in protest when his father forced him in as the new rabbi. Has Joel fallen out of favor at the OU? What ultimately forced Joel to abdicate his Queens throne for Baltimore? And is Joel still on the OU & Queens Vaad payrolls?

  16. "the Queens Rabbonim should have thrown him out for all of the other scandals"

    Schwartz knows where all the "dead bodies" (of the scandals) are that the bunch of corrupt rabbis in that borough went along with, if not directly ordering him to carry out. If push comes to shove, they know Schwartz has no interest in being a martyr. He will open his pisk to take them down!

    They are all survivalists. When too many hair-raising scandals publicly leaked out from the accounts in Eastern Queens & Long Island, the rabbinical bosses & Schwartz ganged up to lynch the area managing director Shaya Richmond. They fired Richmond as the scapegoat, publicly bashmutzing him, even though he didn't make a single move without their micromanagement.

  17. Many years ago someone posted a picture of Shoinfeld & Chaimel Schwartz in full molei piv tzchoik mode, bowling over with laughter while they were visiting NYC Council.

    It didn't go over very well. One of them came on to write a very angry response as they didn't expect that unflattering, outright embarrassing picture to migrate on to Yudelstake!

  18. If only someone could get a picture of when Schwartz's Modern Orthodox Masters sent him running to shake hands with hamenuvol Anthony Weiner to schnor some of his porkbarrel distribution $ that was available on a first schnor basis. You are what you eat & you are what you schnor - they both impart Timtum!

    The above picture would command a high price. It's like when R' Feivy M. had a $1000 bounty for someone to get a picture to him of a common occurence that Belsky was hugging & kissing his tayere chaver at chassunos, the convicted child rapist EVP of Iggud Haganovim who embezzled $80 million, Lipa Brenner (shver of Queens Vaad's Efraim Bryks). The bounty was because Belsky was attempting at the time to circumvent Rav Pam's assering Brenner from stepping foot in Torah Vodaas. Agav urche, Paysach Krohn (Bryks's shvogger) got in trouble with Artscroll for whitewashing Brenner as a tzaddik in his Maggot, I mean Maggid, fairytale book. Artscroll had to revise the book to eliminate the Brenner cover up propaganda.

  19. Life imitates fictionMon Jun 26, 12:19:00 PM 2023

    There is a script that reads like this about a fellow named Seinfeld & his chaburah of batlonim. One day they were arrested & tried for a criminal avlah of non-assistance to the victim of a tragedy. During the trial, a long parade of people who the batlonim had done avlos to appeared in court to testify against them.

    A sach parallels tze medameh zein!

  20. What redeeming quality does Queens Vaad have for Fishbain? Queens Vaad doesn't even have "yeshivishe shechita"! If anything, Chaim Schwartz was trying to partner with Spiegel of Empire infamy to set up shop at a Palestinian Arab shlachthoiz in Jamaica, Queens!

  21. Mon Jun 26, 09:00:00 AM 2023

    Reb Shaya was given a very prestigious Rabonus job by none other then the queens guys. (Even if its not true its perfect for this site).

  22. He means parallel right angels.

  23. Shaya Richmond of the Edward Ave shul was relieved of his duties as VHQ head of mashgichim to the east of Queens zone. His superiors at VHQ told people he was removed because he was responsible for all the gross violations of kashrus in villages like Great Neck. Or at least they only said so when you knew about all the gross violations they were trying to hide. This is par for the course, similar to when rabbonim outside Queens would complain about Chaim Schwartz to Schonfeld because they didn't realize Schwartz is just his puppet. Schonfeld would respond by throwing Schwartz under the bus with a fake commiseration act that yeah he's takke shvach, but what can we do? He's nebich all we've got right now

  24. Don't know if Richmond even knows any Yoreh Deah after that shvach yeshiva he was in but he is anyhow the same shnit as Schwartz. To make a few bucks he followed whatever orders he was given to turn a blind eye to the kashrus fraud. It happens on a large scale at many accounts because they themselves are frauds.

  25. Isn't that the shul that the caterer was delivering the kiddush by truck? You couldn't even hear the Shabbos drashah through all the truck backup beeping!

  26. "Lipa Brenner"

    Aye mashgiach, he figures prominently in der gantze mishpooche!

  27. Mazel tov.
    At least there is a Video posted.
    Why it took so long to post ? Your guess is good as mine.
    You know it take time to alter videos. Not saying 100% this is altered. But the odds are high that it was - as usual.
    Also, who is this Nissim meat company.

    1. You’re the funnest lol. The person speaking in the video does outside work for VHQ. He mentioned one of the VHQ distributors by name because the workers or Mashgich claimed it from VHQ meat company. VHQ did take away the Hechsher so they aren’t denying it happened. They just didn’t publicly admit they are at fault or tell anyone to kasher. But of course queens doesn’t care so what’s the difference..

  28. It amazing how all these comments including the video are like
    "ah yoovon in Seekah". They have absolutely no clue of what actually occurred. But they already concluded what everyone should of done or could of done.
    It really hillarious.

  29. What’s more amazing is that queens Ashkenazi CC and OC yeshivas will turn a blind eye to all this. And even request double portions on next VHQ food order. Hilarious community that thinks keeping kosher is a chumra even for those that sit in Bias Medrash.
