Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Shocking- At a Bris, some kids took a substantial number of Donuts, when asked "so many donuts"?, yes we sell in school for $1.50 Each



  1. At least it wasn't a ponzi scheme! They were actually giving a donut for the $1.50 😢

  2. Shocking....
    because of lack of mentschlichkeit OR because they're engaging in business??

  3. It's gezel to take items from a simcha for tzrochim not related to the simcha. The baalei simcha don't put out the donuts for these ausnutzer profiteers to take advantage of them.

    Yeshivos should ascertain the source of items being sold on their premesis.

  4. I'm no fan of Shaya Richmond, formerly of Queens Vaad, who was the fall guy of Chaim Schwartz-Joel Schonfeld to blame for all kinds of kashrus scandals that they themselves had Richmond carry out, but there was a famous incident like with the donuts that happened at a Bris that Richmond made. While someone was giving the drasha, a shameless thief among the guests rudely got up to pack up a gantz grois smoked fishele to take home. There is even a Rov who cites the grois fishele from Richmond's Bris as a classic example of how some guests are stealing from baalei simcha. There's no way Richmond was happy that yener Ferd hijacked his big fishele instead of letting the guests partake at the event it was intended for.

    (Someone else was tempted to mail a toite fishele to Chaim Schwartz, but that's a different story!)

    1. The guest thought it’s a too fancy Bris so he took the fish and later delivered it to the Richmond’s so the kimpiteh could rest up a bit.

  5. R' Yosef Rosenblum ztl, talmid of R' Aron Kotler ztl, was makpid that bochurim should not dabble in gesheft, even bain hasedorim, unless the elterren have no money to give them for basic needs.

  6. Another sort BMG shukTue Jul 04, 05:41:00 PM 2023

    There are also practical reasons to not allow unofficial fress sales in yeshivos. One day a yungerman started selling his veib's baked goods in yeshiva's dining room. This gave the idea to other kollel guys to copycat him with all different categories of essen. Then a growing number of Cheder boys started buying candy to resell for profit. Before you knew it, it was like a zoo. Not only the hucksters took up too much space by meals but there was also zero room for new schleppers coming, and they were fighting with each other over makom kavua.

    It was also a bizayon that etlicher schrecks in kollel, as customers, were walking around yeshiva with sandwiches they bought from the hucksters that were ridiculously bulging & halfway sticking out of their suit jacket pockets. One schreck had sandwiches visible on both sides.

    Big yasher koiach to the Mashgiach Gashmi R' Binyomin Finkelstein obm who put his foot down & threw them all out.

  7. selling the donuts was probably those brats who were rioting & vandalizing by the FAA blogger's house. custard donuts they can probably squeeze $2 out of the other kids

  8. I was there & saw the alter Lubliner Rav Finkelstein zl toss all those nudniks out of the dining room. It was almost as amusing as when alter Rosenhan got upset that someone was farkoifing silk ties for $18, which he felt was an affront to the zeicher of R' Aron Kotler ztvkl.


  9. Someone being criticized on this blog was arguing with Rabbi Rosenhan about the Italianisher silk ties.

  10. Get a life yudel

  11. Must be one of our guys at 8:12 am who is angry that R' Yudel is bothered by gezel.

    The Baal Shem Tov warned that the Dor Hamabul comes back begilgul in ikvesah deMeshicha

  12. They are practicing for kollel life - at least for some kollel guys support.

  13. According to the Gedolay Haposkim (like the ones who remain nameless or are already on Oilom Haemes and not verifiable ) of un-named sources, its all allowed. Its there for the kids and the kids have it. What difference does it make to the host if the kid ate it or sold it and another kid ate it. Besides one does not invite for a Bris so any kid could come and eat whatever he wants.

  14. The shocker is that a kid would pay $1.50 for a donut

  15. 3:30 pm sounds like he's also a Dor Hamabul operative. He would have every kid in town show up to Brissen to attack the doughnuts. When the baalei simcha complain the kids will farentfer that they all chappt aus pachos mishoveh prutah each. Ayein beMidrash. According to 3:30 pm it's 'problem solved'. Meanwhile, the calories add up & the little fressers expand into giant baalei busser.

  16. 'You Know Who' is likely the Dor Hamabul Doughnut Fressing advocate. He would hereby be ** killing tzvei feigelach mit ein shtein. A) It goes contrary to R' Yudel's vichtig point. And B) if he's matzdik being gluttonously & geneivishly inappropriate with Fressing doughnuts then it's less embarassing for him when he takes the Big Bucks Schnorred by the Rebbelah from the Modernah gevirim - to Bloomie's - to clean out the Greasy Doughnut bin.

    ** pun intended as he came close to killing Tzionim with his Muktzeh shteiner at Yerushalmi Shabbos Hafgunos - which in his par for the course Krumkeiten he insists are "not" Muktzeh (!)
