Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Update: Solomons increase in meat prices

As an asides; Why is Skver and now Klozenburg using only the Fishel's brand of Solomons?

Fishel's brand is always Bais Yosef, leave it for the Sfardim. We understand the Skver Kehila gets a cut from the Fishel's brand sales, but they could use non-Bais Yosef.

Why is it that the non-kosher distributors can make a profit with a 7-8% markup, and the Heimish Distributors require a 25-40+% profit margin?

It may be time for the heimish consumers to do some diligent homework and use the "Orginitz'yehs" mehadrin products. There are hundreds of products that meet or surpass the Heimish kashrus standards.
Fishel's and solomon Bais Yosef is the exact same BY standard. Fishel's does not use the hangers, skirt nor past the tenth rib-Solomons BY does use it.


  1. Since covid, price increases (by & large) from heimish producers & retailers don't follow any inflationary trend. They go waaaaaaaaaaay beyond whatever the additional costs are

    Because they are taking advantage of us captive consumers

  2. Only 79% increase on prime rib? Why so little?

  3. Im ain Cholesterol gepakt Beef, ain Convention fleish carving stanzia.

    Meh darft mispalel zein!

  4. People should eat chicken which is alot healthier amd somewhat chepper than the high fat high cholesterol meats they are used to . After s few weeks of people not buying they will be forced to lower prices or to go oit of buisimess

  5. State of the Union CityWed Jul 19, 06:54:00 AM 2023

    Klausenburg did away with their in house shechita that was probably the best in America?

    1. Because it was unaffordable even in those days.
      All Chumras from all Kehillas in the whole world is unaffordable.

  6. Oh no the sky is falling!

    Different extortionists by unzerah jacked up the prices on chicken too! And on fish, and on everything else!

    Then check out how the same items from heimishe manufacturers are marked up more than double at heimishe supermarkets vs at goyishe supermarkets who sell them too!

    1. So you want kosher chicken at supermarket prices.
      Just to understand you.
      Also Shop Rite sells its kosher fish for the same price of the fish in non kosher Packaging.

  7. YSV the Root of All EvilWed Jul 19, 07:15:00 AM 2023

    Yeshiva of Spring Valley will argue that their President Emeritus Moish Finkel was an "innovator" who had creative solutions to pricing challenges.

    Waiting for the letter from Finkel's memalei makom Sruly Orzel that will state "We are pleased to announce" that with the 300% price increase for meal plans, our fellow Groiseh Ganovim partners at FACTS are offering "flexibility". For the convenience of paying by credit card, instead of shlepping suitcases stuffed with mezuman, the convenience fee will only be an additional 5% on top of the 300%.

  8. Can someone please tell me the difference between Fishel’s BY and Solomons BY

    1. The Fischel brand talks the other does not.

  9. Wed Jul 19, 12:09:00 AM 2023

    Or they'll raise the chicken prices 100%.

  10. Do I hear opportunity knocking?

  11. Can someone explain why each type of meat is going up another amount? If it’s truly because of labor, I’m sure they had the labor calculated in the price this far & an even raise across the board would have been more legit.
    Something sounds off here.

  12. I just saw an updated kosher (insects) list for fish. It would be nice to post it as you usually do at this time of the year.
    Thank you

  13. Hey chicken fresser who is running interference for the heimishe rip off artists,

    Goyish supermarkets are selling Teva brisket & London broil for much less than any shechita in heimishe supermarkets, even though the kashrus of Teva is better than most shechitos.

    Currently I don't know what chicken prices are specifically because most goyishe stores with kosher chicken means Empire which I don't eat.

    More major price spreads that are sometimes to the point of shocking are for many heimishe brands like B'Gan. Yes such heimishe brands are carried by some goyishe.


    The sky is still falling!

    1. Aha. So we’re saying now that teva is better hechsher. Hmm

  14. Just an "innovator"? I'm a visionary! Look what I pulled off for over 10 years! Even though Yudel was on to me, it was amazing how we were able at YSV to neutralize him & his paper trail with a little moitzee shem ra. As long as we are the Establishment, the Oylem Goylem will believe anything against these Do-Gooders!

  15. What's "now"? R' Yudel has long recommended Rav Miller's hashgocho.

  16. Discover meat-free protein alternatives-By Mayo Clinic Staff

    When people think of getting protein in their diets, foods like meat, poultry and eggs often jump first to mind. That's because many people don't realize that other foods, including those that come from plants, are also good sources of protein.

    So before you throw a steak on the grill, think about incorporating more plant proteins in your diet. Many plant protein sources contain plenty of fiber, little fat and an array of vitamins and minerals — without the higher saturated fats found in many meats.

    Getting enough protein through plant-based foods
    The recommended daily amount of protein for an average sedentary adult is 0.8 gram (g) for every 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of body weight. So someone who weighs 165 pounds (75 kilograms) should get 60 g of protein a day.

    Older adults should get slightly more protein — about 1 gram (g) of protein for every 2.2 pounds of body weight. In this case, a 165-pound person should get about 75 g of protein a day.

    How does that translate into food sources? One 3-ounce serving of lean meat contains about 21 g of protein. Compare that with these plant proteins:

    Beans, peas and lentils. A 1/2 cup serving provides about 7 to 10 g of protein. Use beans in chili, tacos, black bean burgers, salads, dips and spreads. Green soybeans (edamame) work well in rice dishes. And peas and lentils are great in soups.

    Nuts and seeds. A 1-ounce handful provides around 3 to 7 g of protein. Reach for seeds or unsalted nuts instead of chips for a crunchy snack. Use soy nuts or slivered almonds as a salad garnish, or throw chopped nuts on your cereal.

    Tofu. A 1/2 cup serving of tofu has 10 g of protein. Use it in stir-fry, add it to salads, or mix it into smoothies.

    Hummus. A 1/3 cup serving of store-bought hummus has 6 g of protein and comes in versatile varieties like peanut butter or roasted red pepper.

  17. Agudah Kovod ZucherThu Jul 20, 03:33:00 PM 2023

    Gut gezogt!:

    "As long as we are the Establishment, the Oylem Goylem will believe anything against these Do-Gooders!"

  18. can we use meat-free protein toi be yoitzeh Simcha ??
    can we bring a shlomim from meat-free protein products to be mekayem achilas basar on Yom Tov ?

    With these suggestions like this we may as well go to JTS.

  19. I believe Fischels is always shechit munachas?

  20. All of Solomons is Shechita Munachas.

  21. Yesterday some went to Israel to see if the Gedolim there will be matir Kosher meats (moolachas only) even if it’s not so Glatt. Just like the Tattehs did, inn vee mehut zich gefeered in deh heim.

    Hopefully Horav Yudel Shlit”a will tell us who’s pesakim won and how much Chesed we can do by using only such meats. Leaving the Super Glatt and Beir Joseph Glatt for all conventions - Fresser ones or even not Fraser ones.

  22. You mean the world super Evil winner: YSV.
    The tuna bagels love the place. The Monsey toishavim are the problem.
