Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Attention Fundraisers:

 Dear Fundraiser,

You called me for years; I was always responsive to your requests. It was habitual. Every year you called, every year I responded. A receipt was sent, I helped fellow Yidden, you were successful at your Job, I was doing my hishtadlus.

Hard times fell recently. You called. I didn’t pick up. You called again, I picked up and brushed you off. It’s Painful, super painful to say No. I’m hoping, or I say I was hoping that a professional like you will understand the lack of response and take as they say - the Hint. No, no hint taken.

You called again. Again. Again. Until I said outright I’m sorry I can’t give this year. All fine, right ? Out comes a letter stating that we have to be nice to you - the fundraisers. Fundraisers are just doing their job.

We should act like a mensch. Really? Want to act like a mentch? Take the social Que and understand that if somebody pushes you off a few times, that it might actually be a NO. Especially in these times. Especially if he always gave. Especially if you’re a professional and understand how to read people. After all, it is your job. My pain of saying NO is way more painful than you are receiving a NO.

It’s just your job to collect, it was my happiness and Simcha to have the ability to give. That simcha is not there now, albeit iy”h temporarily, but understand, truly understand, grasp it - a NO is not always necessarily spelled out as NO.

1 comment:

  1. The best are the fundraisers who have the burst of energy and call and say "Chaim, how are you doing" and I'm like I know you? And they respond "I think I may have met you... But anyway, we're trying to raise money for yeshiva which is building a building.... Which makes it very awkward when I say I'm really not interested. I'd rather give it to my child's own yeshiva"
