Sunday, July 30, 2023

Is the blueblood from these crabs "techeilis"?



  1. Today Techailes is like cellphones and computers.

    Which generation techailes are you looking for ? 1st Generation ? which is no longer techailes today. 2nd Generation Techais which is just about the fade into history as well or is it the crab Techailes which will disappear in a few years when Science (term used by design) replaces it with yet another color source.
    We understand that all the techailes types were only worn with a "you can't lose only win" attitude. In other words: if its the real stuff I got a mitzvah and if not there is no avairah. But, somehow the accepted poskim (whatever & whomever Reb Yudel decides they are for this specific case and time) were against doing techailes with this 'all win no lose' kavooneh.

  2. Thu Aug 03, 2:24 PM is the same tzebisseneh shvantz in Queens, a low ranking OU grunt who launches most of the potshots against R' Yudel while trespassing here. While lying as usual that R' Yudel supposedly has no valid method of picking poskim, the OU grunt doesn't even seem to understand what he's saying.

    Even though Rav Elyashev & the major poskim are against inconclusively proven techeilis, it doesn't mean we can't klerr that something maybe efshar is techeilis which could be proven by the Tishbi.

  3. Sounds like Tishbi to 5:40 is some kind of wine or baksheesh

  4. ... it doesn't mean we can't klerr that something maybe efshar is techeilis...

    Then print, publish, send a mailing, open a Techailes Yeshivah and Kollel, run a techailes convention, /run a techailes Yarchay Kallal, do a Techailes kinan program etc. But don't wear rthe techailes since the major accepted poskim did not wear it and didnot approve of wearing it or doing any other thing thats not in our mesorah.

    The first recent change had to do with just yekoom purkan......
