Sunday, August 06, 2023

Kosher Tours to Iceland, etc.

 A Chasidish guest at a current kosher tour to Iceland asked who is in charge of checking the vegetables, etc for infestation issues?

The response; "we don't charge extra for the insects".

Kusher oich?, that would be extra!


  1. Once they get to Iceland the insects freeze and then melt when defrosted. Thus no issues.

  2. Why go to iceland just take samples from the local supermarkets that are putting out loads and loads of all kind of lettuces and herbs on a daily basis that are supposedly checked throughly by the in house mashgiach and one can see for themselves the bugs still inside these expensive so called pre checked veges

  3. Mon Aug 07, 12:27:00 AM 2023

    Im looking for those type of bugs. Which stores carry them ???

  4. I dont feel sorry for him. You check things like this BEFORE you go, not on the trip

  5. All is kosher.
    He got confused with the new pork flavored Potato Chips.
