Sunday, October 29, 2023

Alert: In order to determine if a baby is yellow, and the Bris is to postponed, is decided only by the experienced Mohel, not by the "Count".

 According to Reb Yaakov Kamenetzky and Rav Sheinberg, 

"Al pi Mesorah", the Mohels observation is the deciding 

factor, not the doctors lab results of "the count"


  1. Most moihelim are not aware of this psak

    1. Any mohel who doesn't know this should not be in the business.

  2. The lab results are too often fudged.

    Others claim that doctors don't believe in Chazal re: Not making the bris on a yellow child.

    So the lab tech fudges the numbers.

  3. Sometimes the mohel fudges.
    When he has too many bruising lined up.
    Especially on Shabbos.

  4. I don't know that everyone would agree with ab. Paysach Krohn is member of the Queens Vaad who they make up imaginary unnamed gedolim whenever it suits them. If it works for barbaric Gomco mutilation, destroying kevorim for the lucrative resale market & kashrus violations, then fudging primary colors on the 8th day should be a cinch.

    1. Knowing and ignoring the halacha are two different things. He knows, yet he does otherwise.

  5. Another Jew lover
    They need guys like you in the Middle East.
    Anywhere but Israel.

  6. 3:29 pm aka 'You Know Who' doesn't miss any opportunity to rush to the aid of Paysach Krohn & the corrupt Queens Vaad. He wouldn't recognize Ahavas Yisroel if it smacked him in zein punim. No one is like 'You Know Who' mit zein zealous brenn to defend Gomco maniac Paysach's mutilation of 8 day old babies, then their abuse by Queens Vaadnik mechuton Bryks after halicha leCheider. He even attacks you if you join Rav Elyashev in exposing the greedy Queens Vaad sickos being mevazeh kids who met a tragic, untimely demise by ripping their bones out of the erd to throw in the garbage, freeing the cemetery plots to resell for mucho dinero $$$.
