Thursday, October 19, 2023

Did you know?

 Hisachdus of Brooklyn Hashgocha allows Shmitah wine if it’s יובל נכרי.

They write a disclaimer on their Hashgocha certification.

“we are not certifying the drinks at the affair”,

including any other wines that they don't approve.

It does go into their utensils, then all of the leftover wine  goes into the kitchen, and they use in in the food being cooked in the caterers kitchen.

Is this only in Lakewood affairs? we doubt it.


  1. They also use wines made by questionable Jews. And as you say:
    You the meat over wines go back into Kitchen and automatically go into all or part of the food.
    The disclaimer must be going on the food too.

  2. Would you expect anything less fin "dee besteh shgooche"?

    Amram Roth did a similar avlah in Boro Park to allow drinks with unacceptable shgooche. His brilliant argument was tze vet nisht metamei zein dee keilim veil tze nisht kli rishon.

    And as long as your clown costume is heimish or yeshivish style, KIC-KIS will cover up for you. They only blow the whistle to the oylam when an atrocious rav hamachshir is Sefardi or Modern Orthodox

  3. Bmg's KCL allows much worse than that by their affairs, even non-mevushal wines, all under the nose of Reb yechezkel urbach.

  4. Aurbach is charge of KCL now too?? Are they letting him get away with his private hashgocho on NPGS?

  5. Badatz Eidah Chareidis also does, as is widespread minhag Yerushalyim.

  6. Auerbach and Shain come from the same town and maybe the same school.
    It’s the same tricks with different clientele.
    Whatever works. Either your too Kosher or your not Kosher enough.

  7. Spotlight on the Queens VaadFri Oct 20, 05:47:00 PM 2023

    Before Chaim Schwartz was imported from transdenominational KVH, there were already long running problems with non-kosher mashkeh in Queens catering facilities, including yayin nesech. After one scandal, Joel Schonfeld jumped into action, not to prevent it from happening again but rather to make sure that as little information as possible gets out that's damaging to the Queens Vaad's reputation. Schwartz was hired precisely because Joel didn't have enough arms to do all the dirty work and because he needed a fall guy for public backlash.

    Just because Joel has since absconded to Baltimore, don't think that the YU pulpit rabbis now running the show are any more ehrlich to have been mevatel the corrupt system in place. Schwartz continues to act as their public relations front to whatever passes as yeshivish in Queens, to fool that oylam.

    1. The dreaming up endless tall tales is a FF specialty.
      Can’t figure out if he excels in FFing or in Talltaling.

  8. Agudah Kovod ZucherSun Oct 22, 08:24:00 AM 2023

    They crammed a year's worth of propaganda into the parshas Noach Yated to shill for Agudah Fresser Avi Schnall & his NJ State level election campaign.

    Whatever happened to the Daas Torah that unzerrah are not supposed to run for higher office, we are instead supposed to find einam Yeheedim who will cater to prevent sinas Yisroel backlash?

    Agudah rabbonim themselves have criticized frummah kandidatten in previous elections in various locations that loi zu haderech. The Agudah rabbonim have also backhandedly criticized by extension the non-Agudah Rebbes who backed those kandidatten with an eye on maximizing welfare payola & $$ goodies for Chassidishe moisdos.

    A bunch of Moetzes members who don't live in NJ also signed for Schnall.

    Which of the gedolei Eretz Yisroel (after being told ALL the facts) approved of this radical departure from the Daas Torah going way back through the historia of Klal Yisroel?

    The Fressers are fawning over Schnall as if he's the velt's askan when he's the one who galloped vee a fat ferd to Trenton to, among other avlos, pressure Murphy to kill as many people as possible in the early deadly waves of covid, and to enable the Gov's Woke toyevah agenda.

  9. “….after being told ALL the fact….”
    The ultimate tallest tale yet on this site. Wow.


  10. Schnall has been a grubbe flop on so many topics.Still is.

    My colleagues involved in '14 trying to stop Doctor assisted 'pulling the plug' in Trenton, could tell all of you how counterproductive mess Schnall was.

    1. It didn’t go “MY” way thus it was “ counterproductive” automatically.

  11. I have been a numerous affairs in brooklyn at the most so called heimish caterers and hashgachos that had non mevushal wine . I spoke to the mashgichim at some of these places they said the wine is brought by the host and the hashgacha doesnt cover it .And they said the host promised them that he or another jew will be pouring the wine .

  12. 10:40 am is probably the same guy fighting with all his koiach every time there is another revealation of Queens Vaad incompetence & negligence. Schonfeld covering up the non-Jewish wine is no "tall tale", it is a fact! Gosh that was a while ago. I seem to remember it was at Astoria Manor. In any case, the scandal was reported in a frum publication at the time, but that chickened out from naming Schonfeld & his Vaad. I heard about it from rabbonim who were not pleased. I didn't touch the bar after that at Queens Vaad affairs. After discovering this blog I'm also scared to eat the food from Queens Vaad.

  13. Sun Oct 22, 05:59:00 PM 2023

    Correction! Correction! Correction!

    Never in Brooklyn only in queens and the 5T.

    Yours truly,

    Free Fresser
    (at non Aguda affairs only)

  14. Sun Oct 22, 05:59:00 PM 2023

    Correction! Correction! Correction!

    Never in Brooklyn only in queens and the 5T.

    Yours truly,

    Free Fresser
    (at non Aguda affairs only)

  15. Mon Oct 23, 01:48:00 AM 2023

    The tall tales are SO TALL that he even can't see the top of the tale.

    Astoria Manor was never ever under the VHQ or 5T hashgacha.

    It was a sheineh Chooshiveh 'other boro' caterer.

    If it ever occurred. it was covered up by blaming VHQ AND 5T.

    Stop smoking hashish - maybe you'll remember the facts if you ever knew them.

  16. It IS the same nudnik fighting to protect Queens Vaad every time & he doesn't even work for the Queens Vaad, he works for a national hashgocho. Because it's 'You Know Who'!

    Who else?

    At least he's consistent. No matter what establishment orgs & personalities are guilty of corruption, he comes charging into the blog to deny, deny, deny. No matter how obvious something is with mountains of proof, he denies away vee der zelbeh meshigenner vus er iz!

    And watch him above attack the askan against euthanasia who was messed up by Schnall. If there is ANYONE in der velt arein who is a MY (Agudah Fresser) WAY or the Highway kind of guy, it's 'You Know Who'!

  17. Ralbag (who massered on Mendel Epstein to save his own skin) goes with Rishonim that we are not allowed to hold like nowadays that only dark wine is yayin nesech.

    1. Mendel Epstein is a career rotzeach and would easily do mesira too.

  18. "Astoria Manor was never ever under the VHQ"

    Hey loser, how dumb do you think we are? You know as well as anyone else that Astoria is a treif place that outside caterers, including under Queens Vaad, go into to kasher.


    One blog alleges that Agudah admins / baal habatim wanted Schnall out so they encouraged him lehisvada leReshus with the whole 9 yards to run for office.

  20. Maybe instead of galloping TO Trenton

    Schnall will be galloping FROM Trenton

  21. I misspoke last night about Astoria Manor. The Queens Vaad non-kosher wine scandal that was dishonorably mentioned by the media was at Cordon Bleu catering hall, alav hashalom.

    It remains an issue however that there have been problems & close calls at Astoria too because it is not a Yiddishe owned placed.

  22. And the tales get taller......

    'Cordon Bleu' was also an exclusive hall controlled by a brooklyn caterer 'alav hashalom'
    n ot by a VHQ establishment.

  23. Er halt zich Raavad veGaavad deAmsterdamTue Oct 24, 12:05:00 PM 2023

    Ralbag's trademark meshugass is when you ask him why is he noheg with shitos in kashrus bichlal that are not oisgehalten, he puts on a totally dumbfounded act & blurts out "WHAT DO YOU MEAN???". He will argue ad bias Moshiach that it's YOU who are wrong.

    1. He probably right.
      Just because you hate him ( as you do most Talmiday chachamim)
      Does not mean he’s wrong.

  24. Now that a R' Yudel informant has let the cat out of the bag on Cordon Bleu, we can expect 'You Know Who' to deny, deny, deny it.

    Don't be surprised by any extreme lengths that 'You Know Who' is prone to go to with such denials. It can easily go way beyond a guest column in the Queens Vaad propaganda magazine to deny it on their behalf.

    If a human billboard protester suddenly shows up in front of the Mertropolitan shul with a printed denial: "Cordon Bleu iz geven KUSHER limehadrin min hamehadrin", while zingen "BLUE MOON" mit chazzuness, it's gotta be 'You Know Who'!

    1. Just because you’re makpid to eat non supervised food only does not mean that every hashgacha is VHQ.
      Why don’t you ‘tall tale’ that Finkel place in spring valley was and still is VHQ.
      All your fool followers will have some more ‘Mitzvah Moitzee Shem Rah’ to hock about.
      We all know your your game, FF.

  25. I misspoke last night.....

    You misspeak always. Period.

  26. The Queens agitator would have you believe that it was impossible that Queens Vaad ever certified a caterer in the many years that Le Cordon Bleu was operating. He's full of it. He denies this like he denies everything else that exposes Queens Vaad.

    Generally speaking, there are situations all over the place that even an "exclusive" caterer is not as exclusive as you think. When the Lawrence Yacht Club gave Michael Schick the "exclusive" for kosher caterer, there was still a way around Schick because the treif caterer announced a kosher option under Rabbi Gershon Kreuser from Belle Harbor.

  27. "He probably right"

    Ralbag even goes with shitos that Shulchan Aruch is against. So are you Reform, Conservative or Open Orthodox that you defend such positions?

  28. There many things we do ( chasidim and yeshivish and litvaks) that are against the shulchan aruch.
    So just say I hate Ralbag. Don’t accuse him of being on your am ha’aretz level.

  29. Oh? Just when are Litvaks allowed to go against Shulchan Aruch? Name an example in kashrus bifrat.

  30. What's pshat that R' Reuven has a complicated list of items under Triangle K for MTJ Staten Island that, this manufacturer is allowed but not that one. And even within the manufacturer, this Frito Lay item is allowed but not that one.

    When Ralbag is unreliable, why support him whatsoever?

    R' Moshe & R' Dovid certainly didn't play that game on the Lower East Side.

  31. When Ralbag's son Tzviki was in Margo's yeshiva the rebbi took food marked with Triangle-K away from him because "it's not kosher". Ralbag called in a fury "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT KOSHER?????!!!!!"

    1. He’s correct.
      You can’t say it’s not kosher.
      You can say it’s not up to my or our standards
      But you no right to lie and say not kosher.
      Unless this is a “ mitzvah lie” a concept coined right here on Yudels.

  32. Noch a daya zoogeh of what Reb Moishe and or Reb Dovid did or did not do.
    If Reb Reuvein said something to you or did something to you in your imagination Don’t take it to heart and curse him out

  33. Someone should just ask ralbag and hopefully he would answer the truth if he brings food from his own hashgacha into his house besides for plain seltzer and frozen veggies that dott require bedikas tolayim .

  34. Shtrengste Shgoocha?Fri Oct 27, 02:27:00 PM 2023

    Israel Mayer Steinberg does not eat at home the food he certifies as "kosher" but he told the NY Daily News that he is the "strictest" kosher certification. Even the joke Iggud is embarrassed that his standards are even lower than their's so they threatened him they will revoke his Iggud membership if he carpetbags them together with his long list of mosdos whose names he misappropriates on his teudos like Torah Vodaas & Chaim Berlin. A few years ago he tried to sneak the Iggud in anyway so they had a fit & issued him a final warning.

    He has another full time job besides this. He's furious that Vizhnitz opened a simcha hall across the street from him on 53rd St so he calls 911 every night there's an event to complain they are making noise. When the cops respond it's normal that Steinberg's son is in the middle of heated fighting with the Chassidishe. The antics have been showcased on ABC 7 Eyewitness TV.

  35. @ Thu Oct 26, 11:48 PM

    No need for anyone to personally criticize the Staten Island rabbi. Gedolim have already done so after he went against pesakim chamurim of his own father in the Igros. He had Tropper funnel him $3 million from a frey billionaire for being "mattir" as a little favor to do "kiruv" on nachriyos when avaryonim want to marry them. Since we know who 11:48 pm is, let's state for the record that it was 11:48's 'old buddy' on the West Coast who broadcasted proof from public IRS documents on the $3 million shoichad.

    The Staten Island rabbi didn't come to funny stuff in inyanei kiddushin that R' Moshe is avadda also against because thanks to R' Yudel & others raising the alarm, the Staten Island rabbi backed down from any personal concierge services for the son of filthy rich E.K. dealing with his multiple wives.

    Then again, R' Moshe does stress in the Igros that toyevah is the most disgusting thing there is but that didn't stop the 'new agenda' of the Staten Island rabbi to force it on dumbstruck mechanchim at the Torah Umesorah Fresser conference to treat as "normal", alternative "families" of toyevanik couples who adopt children.

  36. Once again because something is not Glatt does not make it not kosher (unless you a yudestake fan and know that even Glatt is not kosher - non even non-Glatt kosher)
    Steinberg only certifies kosher not Glatt kosher.
    Yes. Many people - frum and frim people have been misled by this important and sneaky qualification but it is still kosher.

  37. This is classic that the same 'You Know Who' attacking with his vildeh kanoyus all kinds of people he dislikes, including rabbonim, is coming to the defense of every shyster in hashgochos (as long as they didn't openly butt heads with OU & Queens Vaad).

    That's some act there trying to pretend that Srul Meyer Steinberg has just one teeny tiny kleineh chisuron that he's not makpid on glatt. What about all of Steinberg's no-mashgiach restaurants operating & cooking on Shabbos in ungevarfenner neighborhoods that are owned by goyim including Arabs?

    What's the rationale to defend this Booser Booser shtick which is a new low even for 'You Know Who'? Was Steinberg in the same Torah Vodaas class as Totty? Or fetter Georgie? Or Paysach "No-Show" Krohn on the odd day that he floated in?

  38. I’m sure your standards of Free dressing ain’t much higher
    and FF is all you know
    In Queens and elsewhere except the convention which are banned from.
    The only convention that maybe you can sneak into is the Kinyan Musika convection.
