Friday, January 19, 2024

KCL approved KALE infested with insect eggs & white flies available at Kosher West

 All with the oversight of the Feingold group😎

The Rabbonim that attested that the Feingold group is very reliable, are lacking the knowledge required to attest.

Rav Felder told Yudel Shain, " How coud I attest to somethin in kashrus, when I have no knowledge in kashrus issues". 


  1. Kosher West gets it from Evergreen, KCL refuse to certify Evergreen checked vegies, but once it goes to Kosher West it's approved-

    Does KW pay kcl more than Evergreen?

  2. Wassup? Kosher West is stocking the bugged out kale at the request of their best customer, my main man Million

    Do you heimishe dudes have the latest scoop? We Homies have been hearen' that after the baal habos of the loud music & drugs party dirah refused to go along with your racist demands to evict, there was a gathering of Westgate rabbis to discuss your next move

  3. What's the problem?, Evergreen insects are under the watchfull eyes of the FEINGOLD GROUP.
    They also give instructions fro checking for insects, just $180.00 for the 2 hour course.

  4. For 100.00 worth of hashish (or is it Bakshish) ‘you know who’ (from Lakewood. Not from KG - FF’s friend) will teach you as well.

  5. It’s not a big deal to wash and check Kale for insects especially if you use the “Shmateh@ method.
    Ma kul horaa’aash ??

  6. Was this due to Yoisaife Fund??

  7. It was due to Finds funds.
    As in Bakshish.

  8. Rabbonim , Poiskim, in big cities and small shtetlach have no knowledge of they are poskening on. The only one who admits that he has no knowledge of stuff is one of the biggest poiskim in Lakewood.

    StrAAAAAAAAAnge to sat the least.
