Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Alert only for the מדקדקי בכשרות למהדרין

 Attention to those that may have someone in a Hospital, health facility or other situation, an affair, Moisid,etc. should be aware that the meat & or poultry may not be up to their kashrus expectations.

The establishments and the food service are well meaning and are relying on certain organizations.

A kashrus Organization in Lakewood allows poultry and meat from establishments that מדקדקי בכשרות למהדרין, refrain  from using those brands.

The mere fact that it's called "Chasideshe Shechita" does not in itself justify it's acceptability.

Ask, ascertain not only what they are using today, verify what are all of the brands that the establishment uses.

Some are using that what ר' שניאור ז"ל would not allow, they are allowing brands that which does not even meet the kashrus standards of HEBREW NATIONAL brand.

It's alleged that if a brand pays the "slotting-fees", their brand is approved for Central Jersey.


  1. We always thought that the Roshei Yeshiva set up the kashrus for Bnei Torah that are looking for the highest standard in kashrus.

    We realize that the level of kashrus wouldn't be for the ones that are ממש מוסר נפש, but it would be at least a מהדרין level.

  2. What does Tomchei Shabbos, etc give out?

    How about the other Organization's food standards?

    What do Moisdois serve?

    Bikur Choilim is actually for sick people, so that wouldn't be the biggest concern at this point.

  3. "Bikur Choilim is actually for sick people"

    Why give them a bedieved?

    And this is besides that Bikur Cholim stocks the hospital Shabbos rooms with essen for relatives & visitors of the cholim to eat from.

  4. Biker choilim is mainly for relatives visiting who won’t get food otherwise.
    I have found that not all the biker cholim food has hashgacha. The label states cooked at so and so towns biker cholim but there is no hashgacha on the package. Also there are private people who cook and deliver food to biker cholim rooms all over metro NY.
    Dips, fish, challahs etc.
    So please check BEFOR SHABBOS that all food has hashgach. Also, these private foods are warmed up in BC microwaves.
    I would only use the microwave in a double wrapped bag or covering.
    Please note:
    I’m sure there is no Kashrus issue in these no-hashgacha kitchens that the food comes from but as a matter of policy no organization should serve any food without a visible hashgacha on the packaging.

  5. Reb Shenuer never allowed any Empire in BMG as he was instrcted by Reb Moshe. Now, since R' Yechiel Babad runs the kosher it's much worse then in those days.

  6. Is Alle/Mealmart and Empire all the same?

    When KAJ left Empire for kashrus, why didn't Alle/Mealmart leave also?

    It's not a question, it's an answer. אינו קושיא, רק ראיה להרמה של הכשרות שלהם

    1. The NIRABATOR only came in and brought in his crew after KAJ left

  7. Im not saying this as a fact but it’s VERY possible that when Alle/Mealmart go there they have 100% control of the shechith. Hence the higher prices.

  8. @08:17AM

    You do know that R' Shnuer was nifter in 1982 and R' Moshe in 1986? We can safely assume that what went on at any shechicta then, is not what happens now. For better or for worse.

    In terms of Empire today, all the shechita is under the Nirbater.

  9. The Nirbater is at Empire many years.
    Then Empire was hurting financally, so they brought in Yechiel Babad, who is known in the kashrus industry to be guided by הפסד מרובה בשביל הבעלי בתים של המפעל.
    It was, it is Yechiel Babad completely in Charge of the kosher operation.

    It's much worse that in the times of Reb Shnuer and Reb Moshe, It;s fine for חולים שיש בהם סכנה

  10. You do know that R' Shnuer was nifter in 1982 and R' Moshe in 1986?

    Tzaddikim bemisasam nikraim chaim & every time R' Yudel mentions their opposition to Empire it's sfasam dovevos bakever

  11. Honest question - is anything wrong with empire / meal mart?

    What about tartikov? Or any of the other chassidiche hasgachos.. when I visit Lakewood I see more and more of it.

  12. "The mere fact that it's called "Chasideshe Shechita" does not in itself justify it's acceptability."

    You can default to Fishbane to call it "Yeshivishe"!

  13. What about tartikov?

    Tartikov 20th Ave even Flatbush Vaad said they caught him red handed allowing shocking things so his product was banned from all their accounts. Then KIC ganged up on him for grabbing restaurants thrown out by other hashgochos for kashrus violations. They forced him to sign he won't do it anymore or else they were going to be mefarsem to not eat from him.

    The other Tartikov, Badatz Minchas Chinuch, had delicious chazir treif hot dogs at a 13th Ave place, sourced by unsupervised shkotzim. After it became known, heimishe bochurim & yungerleit entered the store to question the Israeli owner about it. He didn't appreciate it so he was lunging at them with an activated electric knife

  14. Babasker I’m so frustrated to hear that. Aren’t they in the crc approved list?? Is any hasgacho good anymore??

  15. What is with vaad hahakashros lemahadrin R' Altusky ? R' Yudel is this a approved hashgocha?

  16. Reb Yudel said, when asked about the Altusky Hasgocha;

    I always was under a false impression that one can't be lower standard than the KCL, but Altusky Hashgocha made him realize he made a mistake.

  17. Altusky's VKM is still better standard than Queens Vaad - no matter how much Queens Vaad & their big mouth sidekick from the OU jump up & down about him collecting accounts in their territory. That they doth protest tzoo feel is all about money. For every scandal they raise about VKM, even the true ones, the Queens Vaad has 10 that are much worse.
