Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Kashrus of Mezuzahs- OU kosher and Stamp- 2024 OU Passover Guides available by Shain- 1140 Forest Ave, corner Carey St-opposite Forest Bais Medrash

 The Orthodox Union (OU) is addressing a significant concern in the kosher community: the kashrut of mezuzahs. Partnering with the Jerusalem-based STAMP, they aim to ensure the authenticity and halachic compliance of mezuzahs, often found lacking due to the rapid increase in demand and insufficient oversight in the industry.

STAMP, supported by the Mayberg Foundation, enforces a rigorous quality-assurance process, including multiple inspections and AI scanning, to certify mezuzahs as kosher lechatchila (fully kosher). This initiative, not for profit but for community service, introduces OU-certified mezuzahs, complete with tamper-proof packaging and detailed certificates.

This effort seeks to educate consumers and ensure the availability of unquestionably kosher mezuzahs, enhancing the spiritual integrity of Jewish homes. For more information, visit and

To learn more about OU mezuzos and to view a list of vendors who sell them, visit

To learn more about STAMP, visit Rabbi Ezra Sarna, director of Halacha Initiatives, Orthodox Union, (443) 285-9128,


  1. Please note that Rebbe Reb Aron Shlit’a from Monroe is in this together with the OU.
    Their meeting is available on public media.

  2. Some of those Modernah rabbis at the OU had to hustle over to a Borsalino store for the first time in their life before the meeting with Satmar

    1. Don’t be a shoteh lol. R elefant and r genack are leagues above you and your pettiness

  3. Parshas Shemini
    Are Long Peyos Permitted ?

  4. Wed Apr 03, 10:54:00 PM 2024

    Biased idiots like you should move to Deerborn so you can feel at home there.

  5. Thu Apr 04, 11:41:00 AM 2024

    Big deal. If he wore tifilin shel Yad he would also be chayav misa.

  6. Thu Apr 04, 11:41:00 AM 2024

    Check out that site. The psak is from Rabbi Miller himself. Oh forgot Shlit'a.
    YUDEL'S favorite rabbi outside

  7. genack are leagues above you and your pettiness

    move to Deerborn

    So what makes Genack a gadol leshitoscha? His chibuk venishuk of Hillary Clinton at the Tzioni AIPAC convention? His business decisions to override all the poskim at OU Kosher? His Linker hashkofos? Vus er zitz oif der Liberal NJ Gov's Commission to let loose on the streets all jailed Shvartza criminals? He is not a rabbi who puts Rebbi Akiva Eiger's portrait on his wall. He paid tens of thousands of dollars for an original of Abe Lincoln, his big hero altz freeing the Shvartzas. If as writer Toni Morrison says that Bill Clinton is the first Shvartza President, oib azoy Genack is the first Shvartza CEO of OU Kosher.

    And you know klor vee tog that many OU rabbis don't even own a hat. You just can't handle any truth emerging that makes the OU difficult to defend!

  8. If a lady grabs someone and hugs him or even gives him a kiss against his will you can accuse him of being mechabek umenashek.
    So now go back to that source video which you continually use to accuse people of things they did not do or initiate.
    Guys like you have hang up a picture of Reb Akiva Eiger or Rav Elyashev on their walls in order to fool visitors to think that your a chosid of them.
    Others hang these gedolim in their hearts and not fool anyone.
    Last but not least, what Reb Menachem forgot - and he does not forget - you’ll never know in your lifetime.
    But the ones mitzvah you are way ahead of him is that is the great huge mitzvah of Moitzee Shem rah plus all that mehadrin chimrahs that you add to this mitzvah.
