Friday, May 24, 2024

Every time the Government start with the חרידים they get clobbered big time- They never learn.No more כוחי ועוצם ידי

 Why should the Israeli Government, army, police, etc care if people go to Meron.

The people were advised of the dangers, so stay out of Meron.

Unless. unless the intention is to beat up on the Charedim.

If that's the real reason,
we'll let Hashem deal with the situation.

The Chazon Ish said Moshiach will not be taking over the running of the Medinah, there will not be a Medinah at that time.

The current Medinah, is a US puppet, that no secure borders, has no borders to speak of - period, the UN will make a Palestinian State, etc.


  1. Cartoon looks like a qveens version of Chad Gadya

  2. the title is to paraphrase someone from Ascchkenazy's uluv hashulem shul

    Kalba Chaim Schwartz noshach leshunra Rabbi Kats who got the heave-ho when he tried to make Queens Vaad into a serious hashgocho.

    Ober vee veit that Schwartz made a schmatta out of himself to water down kashrus on the commands of his Modern Orthodox masters he still got tzeklapt with the chutra. Even Schwartz's biggest advocate Joel Shoinfeld was throwing him under the bus, making Schwartz into the fall guy when out of Queens rabbonim not realizing Schwartz is just a puppet were calling to complain about leaked kashrus scandals.

  3. Spiegel of Empire 'fame' has a high ranking shteller at a major heimishe shechita

  4. Is spiegel by SBD?
    Where is he?

  5. Now that Chaim Schwartz is on his own, maybe he can restart that failed venture with Spiegel at the Palestinian Arab shlachthoiz in Jamaica, Queens. Schwartz is so tone deaf to public sentiment that he won't consider it to be anathema in the midst of the Hamas war.


    Is there really crossover as implied to Agudah from UJA's Jewish Education Project LGBTQ abominations? Not that it would be shocking if true & with Philly seal of approval to add to their list of moral aberrations.



    Mesheelem Nussen Spiegel's symbol is here on Streit's, co-certifying with Kof K & Chicago Soloveitchik

    At least this item is not for Passover use. Does anyone know if he certifies the supposed Pesachdik stuff? There were nasty rumors decades ago that a lab analysis was done on their "Passover" cake meal because it was so incredibly white. There is a reason why the only other thing so white is chometz wheat flour, if you get the drift

    1. What were the lab results ??
      Are chicken to post it ???

  9. Rubashkin davened by Spiegel when President Trump let him out of Otisville prison

  10. I was in a hurry to get somewhere when someone who would zicher know was trying to tell me. It's a significant heimishe shechita, maybe even the Satmar Aronim, though I'm mesupek if the Aronim would trrrust an outsider vee Spiegel.

    1. He was working in kj for the aronim since he left empire, so he’s not an outsider anymore.

  11. Episs felt in the Qveens Chad Gadya. The VHQ are not looking to do a dvar toiv mit trei zuzi. They sell out the oylam for as little as 2 cents in kashrus, chevra kadisha, etc

    1. Did know you can hate for 2 lousy cents!!!
      Go Hater Go


    Rabinatorio (Chief Rabbinate) of Rio de Janeiro

  13. "What were the lab results ?? ... chicken ... 2 lousy cents ... Go Hater"

    Aye mashgiach from 'You Know Where' posting those testy questions, why don't you ask your comrade Joel Shoinfeld who implemented the joint Queens Vaad-OU ban on Streits until a national shgooche was put on top of the Chicago rabbi? Joel may have scampered off to Baltimore, but it shouldn't cost you more than an Empire chicken or even TWO CENTS to pick up the phone
