Thursday, May 30, 2024

What beef to eat? Solomons, Birdsboro, Alle/Meal Mart only N. American ("Nothing with SBD label")



  1. I’m confused. Alle/MealMart and SBD are exactly one-in- the same in America. Why is Alle good but not SBD when the meat comes with both hechsharim on the box?

  2. If SBD is on the box or package of Alle/mealmart DON'T USE IT.

  3. All Alle/mealMart has SBD,

    So you are saying, plain and poshut don't use any of it.

    That's understandable.

  4. Please clarify; so all Alle/Meal Mart N. American beef is good. But the moment they put on SBD tape on it, EVEN THOUGH ITS THE EXACT SAME MEAT, now all of a sudden it’s unacceptable. PLEASE PLEASE CLARIFY!!!
