Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chasam Sofer certified products originating out of Eretz Yisroel should be disposed of



  1. Pressburg CarpetbaggerThu Jun 20, 09:32:00 AM 2024

    What about Chasam Sofer Petach Tikva?

  2. Both of The chasam sofers for product made outside of Israel, is not reliable.

  3. please elaborate. what are the issues? who is behind the hasgacha? it is on almost every kosher candy that every kosher grocery sells(does not make it good just saying)

  4. Does R’ Dovid Schustal know about this?

  5. As is well known, there were two Chasam Sofer’s. One was from Ashkenaz, Davened Ashkenaz and ate Gebrokts. There was a second Chasam Sofer that is the hero of the Chasidim. I don’t know much about that Chasam Sofer. Perhaps he originated in Mezibuzh. Who knows.

  6. One that eats KCL/Chareidim, can they eat Chug?

  7. There was only one Chasam Sofer who he poskened that nusach Ashkenaz is most hayligeh nusach which adherents to other nuschaois should switch to. One of the greatest robberies in history is the Chassidishe expropriating him as one of them. The makkah bepatish was a few years ago when the Viener kehillah, who in America came under the spell of Satmar, switched to nusach Sfard, called themselves a Chassidus & retitled the Ruv as der Rebbe. The Chassidishe misrepresent various shitos Chasam Sofer including metzitzah (which R' Chaim Brisker & R' Chaim Oizer are against)

  8. "Both of The chasam sofers for product made outside of Israel, is not reliable"

    The Chief Rabbi of Tzfas mentions only Bnei Brak. Who said Petach Tikva too?

  9. Asiatisher Marmorosher FerdTue Jun 25, 06:30:00 PM 2024

    "who in America came under the spell of Satmar"

    It's hard to believe the pathetic & absurd lengths that some of today's Vieners go to to chanfeh Satmar chevra!

  10. please elaborate. what are the issues? who is behind the hasgacha? it is on almost every kosher candy that every kosher grocery sells(does not make it good just saying)

  11. A few minor issues;
    Treif,Cholv Akum, Yaiyn Nesech, Bsur she'nisalem, etc.
