Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rav Amar Re: Hashgocha



  1. Aye. Yudel.
    Post the Canadian supreme court ruling that says she hits is OK and it’s discriminatory by definition.
    Post some REAL Kashrus nies.
    Shabbat shalom.

  2. what canadian case?

    1. The whole thing is a COR PR fraud


    Lone Star State Kosher symbol

    Rabbi Michael Greenberg
    It's very possible that Michael Greenberg doesn't exist & is nothing more than a play on words of some Chabad Texas rabbis named Greenberg. There is no Michael Greenberg in the official 770 system.

    the one farkoyfing the honey - who was recently arrested for fraud - is Dustin Mitchell "Cohen", a Baptist, who shockingly duped Chabad of West Houston into making him their Director of Operations. This seems even worse than the other Texas Chabad who allowed an Arab posing as a Yid to marry a Flatbush SY girl. Mitchell is also openly gay (but still chases women) & married a woman in an alleged Jewish ceremony officiated by a rabbi that might have been a Chabadsker. Mitchell has also been openly fressing in famous treif Houston restaurants. There are pictures of him online with his "Jewish" identity, wearing a yarmulka

    For background, read “Dustin Does Dallas: How an Infamous STL Con Man Devastated DFW”

    there is a real problem being somech on hashgochos like KSA who blindly rely on any & every local Chabadsker around the world - many of them don't know Yoreh Deah & are otherwise clueless or corrupt - to serve as mashgichim

  4. Auerbach who was "mezakeh" the rabim with the Chinese treif at Passaic-Clifton Vaad Hakashrus is currently Chairman of KSA

  5. Whos is this fool Moshiach Now?

    He's hiding behind a slogan - which is considered by some to be blasphemous - & is blatantly destroying people. Does he have the credentials for such? From which Chabad Yeshiva did he get his Kabbola Shechitoh for human beings?

    BTW, from what I've heard from some connections, Rav Michoel Greenberg does Hashgocho in Houston,Texas.
