Thursday, July 04, 2024

Reb Yekusiel Weinstein, Z"L claimed that every-time Lakewood does something with publicity, it's followed by tragedies-R"L



  1. Agudah Kovod ZucherThu Jul 04, 09:22:00 AM 2024

    What examples was R' Yukes bavorning?

  2. There is no one so blind as the one that refuse to see.

    There is no one so deaf as the one that refuses to hear.


    Just follow the happenings.

  3. As Dr Greenwald said, those that live with shmutz, eventually become shmutz.

    They think they are on the outside looking into to cesspool,

    After a while they don't even realize that they are actually in the cesspool, looking out.

    The monkeys in the zoo, think all of the visitor are the ones in cages.

    1. The monkey quote is from Greenwald or Shain?
      You got to be one to ….

  4. A baal Musser in the alter yishuv had a mayseh shehaya that he didn't have to come on to a moshol. He saw grubba Arabs working in a cesspool. When it was time for lunch they opened their baggies to fress right there in the cesspool. The horrific stench was zero shter to them.

  5. Ralph Zucker was publicly huddling with Senator Bob "Gold Bars" Menendez at the Lakewood Agudah meeting ...

    1. They were haggling about the price for the ‘eventually go to jail’ bars.

  6. The huddling is not limited to Agudah shindigs

    Here's Ralph huddling with Menendez at Bell Works.

    You have to feel sorry for Mir Yerusholayim, Long Beach & all the other yeshivos making their annual dinners there. If you only knew about all the geneivos that went into building that place

  7. Fri Jul 05, 01:32:00 PM 2024

    These days there is geneivos in building anything especially in Metro Lakewood.
    Not only in building but in leasing and rentals too. There are some PRIME examples of this without saying too much. Court, rejection of Batay Dinim unless your forced by the 'chillul HaShem' arkoois AKA as secular court to back to your Jewish cours AKA Batay Dinim.
    They for sure ripped Parshas Koirach out of their sifray Torahs.

  8. @ Fri Jul 05, 1:32 PM

    "geneivos in building anything"

    Are you confusing Metro Lakewood mit Metro KG or wherever you've got the minority chelek in corrupt nursing homes?

  9. The elephant in the room of Birds of a Feather's comment is how all the monkey business (to put it mildly) keeps happening under the noses & at the expense of the Schrons, at the former Bell Labs & elsewhere. When Mr. vos halt zich invincible is on one of his many exotic overseas vacations, a little audit merely scratching the surface is enough to make the house of cards come crashing down. Granted that he's no dummy so you have to know what to look for. There's still plenty of opportunity $$ despite the invoices seemingly matching up.

  10. To clean up one act all you have to do is support “Huddle Party”.
    It’ll work even if the invoices don’t match
