Friday, July 19, 2024

Sakanah of foods in Halacha

Public Notice

Rabbi Yudel Shain served as the appointed Mashgiach in the Bais Medrash Govoha's kitchen for several years. Various questions arose that needed the Mashgiach's attention. With the approval of Reb Shnuer, Rabbi Shain consulted with Reb Moshe Feinstein and other authorities as necessary.

One of the issues addressed was the practice of leaving peeled eggs, garlic, and similar items overnight. Reb Moshe ruled that even if it results in a significant loss for the Yeshiva, there is no leniency to permit this unless salt, oil, sugar, or other food items are added. He did not mention any leniency for chopped items. For commercial and industrial purposes, there is an Igros Moshe ruling that allows it. The overnight period is defined as the time until Alos Hashachar (dawn).


  1. What about cream cheese and lox?

  2. Yudel word vs Reb Moishes printed word.
    Go figure…..
    Hope Yudels other words are less controversial

  3. This is sick. Which rabbonim are in charge of the Eretz Hachaim feld in Beit Shemesh?

    There was a cranky alter shmageggy who was married his whole life to a shiksa who he insisted is "Jewish". He also always insisted he is "frum" despite not observing basic mitzvos & never having had a Jewish education. He made aliyah in his 90s. His non-Jewish wife was allowed to live with him in Israel but unless her paperwork was forged & several people lied to the Rabbanut she would never be recognized as a Jew by the Interior Ministry. The old crank is now buried in Eretz Hachaim.

    Their daughter married a frum guy despite not being megayer. They are members of a shul whose rabbi is nephew of an Agudah Fresser gadol. When the grandkids were teenagers the rabbi woke up that DUH, none of them are Jews. He arranged for gerus at that point. He covered up for them, allowing them to not assume the names of Ben Avrohom & Bas Sorah. When it came time for the grandkids to get married (including into a Chaim Berliner family) one of the 3 Dayanim was moiche that he doesn't remember tevilos. Allegedly that was also covered up. Before moving to Israel, the old couple joined the shul despite continuing to not be observant or even Jewish - they were always adamant that self-giyur is sufficient & no Orthodox know it alls will tell them what to do. The non-Jewish spouse was made head of a shul committee!

    When the old man died, the daughter who is published by major frum publishing houses, planted an obit in frum newspapers that the old crank was a leader of his "Jewish community" for many decades, covering up that he lived in a city with no Jews & married to shiksa!
