Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Shabbos concern

Beware of Shabbat! Pay Attention!

Serious Concern of a Torah Prohibition in Using a Combi-Steamer Oven!

  1. A detailed inquiry revealed that using a combi-steamer oven on Shabbat involves a serious concern of a Torah prohibition (Biblical commandment) according to several major Halachic authorities.

  2. The oven, which operates with steam, continues to release steam during Shabbat even when the door is opened. This could lead to cooking or baking inside the oven or in its surroundings, which is forbidden on Shabbat.

  3. Opening the oven door during Shabbat causes a significant influx of cold air, which in turn activates the oven’s mechanism to generate more steam. This is a clear violation of the prohibition against igniting fire or increasing the temperature, which is forbidden on Shabbat.

  4. Even though the oven's heating system might be on a timer or controlled by a Shabbat mode, there remains a substantial risk of violating Shabbat inadvertently.

Conclusion: The use of combi-steamer ovens on Shabbat should be completely avoided to prevent any violation of Torah prohibitions.

Issued by: Rabbinic Committee for Shabbat Observance

For further inquiries, please contact: [Phone Number and Name]



  1. Of course a nameless " vaad "
    If people would be man enough to sign their names to the " isur " perhaps they can be taken seriously
    Not discounting the חומר הענין - just the method

  2. A blank alert, etc., we refer to that as a "pash'kvil".

  3. When you have a problem with the messenger, regardless of the message, then you are the problem.
