Tuesday, September 10, 2024

ATERET black hatters don't used any of Chacham Asher Hatchual's SBD- They use the BYL Hashgocha, for very good reasons!


  1. mamish fake news. I learn there in the kollel, everyone uses it there. Bogus bogus bogus

  2. That's sheker. I am in ateret and they all eat Hatchouel. Stop making stuff up

  3. They only eat BYL not SBD. You must be from the "sketched" group, so you use SBD. I could sell you the Brooklyn Bridge at a great deal, get your partners.

  4. Some of them don't want to embarrass Chacham Asher, so they say they use it. There are other chashuvim in Sharei Zion that do the same out of respect or fear of retaliation.

  5. Here on this site. What Yudel says and what Moses says goes. Nothing else.

  6. Chacham Hatchual's sons are trying to convince the world that Ateret eats, SBD. Ateret gets their BYL or solomons at Pomegranate.

  7. Don't be surprised if it's his son's that are posting their sipurei savta.
