very good question why “reliable “ supervisions let stores use it in their products i did very basic research and its riddled with issues the hechsher the factory etc
Someone who may be the Toms River scammer from a recent Pesach program who didn't refund the money when there was no program - he shreys against "Lushen Hureh" to prevent his own being exposed - may be the lowlife pitching to the heimishe crowd for various getaways throughout the year at a NJ hotel that are available with or without food. He warns that because electric hotplate-blech combos are a fire hazard prohibited by the hotel & the Fire Dept who impose fines, guests who plan on feifing on that "should make sure not to get caught". What kind of a reckless moron would advise that verbally let alone write it??? Someone trying to hide the active appliance creates an even bigger fire hazard that could chalila burn the whole place down with all the guests!
Why are you mixing up the yoitzros. The scammer is not the one promoting these programs, he only does programs with food. This gentleman provides space in the dining area for people to plug in their hot plates, and advises not to do it in the rooms. His advice of not getting caught is his way of letting you know that you will get caught, and will be thrown out. It's not his way of encouraging you to do so. But there are always oiber chachumim who think they are smarter.
"he shreys against "Lushen Hureh" to prevent his own being exposed"
You have to be very specific when referring to someone like this. The fellow from the Pesach fresser hotel that never was is not the only character who deviously operates in a za self-serving way, to protect himself, his associates, the Queens Vaad despite that he's a different hashgocho, and "der gantze mishpooche"!
If the hotel never was then it can be a fresser. But you always can count on the Bloomies fresser - nay, FREE fresser - which operates even in a neverwas condition. And proudly so. Of course there is no hashgacha there and that was makes a free fresser. Hashgacha free.
Hard to believe how a single shyster is behind almost every terrible chilul Hashem in the news these days. This reporter hasn't even connected all the dots yet which are on various government websites. One clue they haven't found is this guy conspiring with crooked real estate agents & Ingrisher investor reshoyim to steal karkaois from frumma Yidden! Ganvening the $15 million escrow from the Lawrence gvir may be enough to finally throw in prison & out of the way from inflicting so much harm.
The ingehrisheh Malachim learned from the queens shgoocheh how to steal karkoois especially from yesoimimlach. They also learned how to kill people and claim suiside from that shgoocheh. A beautiful Steiner job.
This could be an issue outside of Lubavitcher kreizen too.
Speaking of Chabadskers, it’s disappointing that a new Pesach program run by a Shaliach in the town where he operates shows women in a very not tznius mode of attire. And he boasts that one of the Chol Hamoed activities is he sends you to a farm to collect eggs! Considering that we aren’t allowed to eat those eggs, which he probably doesn’t even know, would they be muktzeh?
Mark Nussbaum shuts down law firm Embattled attorney facing escrow account concerns, new filings showing definitive link to Mendel Steiner
The abrupt shuttering comes amid allegations that the lawyer, known as a go-to attorney for Lakewood, New Jersey, and Brooklyn real estate investors, has refused to hand over escrow funds. And filings obtained by The Real Deal show previously unreported links between the Nussbaum Lowinger LLP founder and the late Borough Park real estate investor Mendel Steiner.
Steiner died last week at age 33 sending shockwaves through the close-knit Orthodox Jewish real estate community. Steiner in his brief real estate career had amassed thousands of apartments throughout the country.
But Steiner reportedly struggled in recent years financially and faced at least one foreclosure in South Florida where he took on a high interest rate loan.
Rumors took off about Steiner’s sudden death. The Promote newsletter wrote that a lawsuit filed last week against Nussbaum was “important context to understand Steiner,” citing community sources.
“It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with you and serve as your counsel over the years,” said Nussbaum in an email sent out to clients obtained by TRD. “I value the connections we have made and the relationships we have formed and I am justifiably proud of the transactions we have consummated and closed together.”
Nussbaum said the firm has retained counsel, Ethan Kobre of Schwartz Sladkus Reich Greenberg Atlas, to represent it in the wind-down process. Anyone who had funds in the firm’s escrow account can contact Kobre, according to the email.
The lawsuit filed in Rockland County by an entity connected to a nursing home manager Jacob Sod alleges Nussbaum failed to hand over $15 million in escrow money. The lender alleges the money was used by Nussbaum to “show capital” to evidence purchasing power.
“Mr. Nussbaum prefers not to comment on ongoing litigation at this time,” said Kobre in a statement to TRD.
Nussbaum responded this week to the lawsuit arguing that the plaintiff is suing the wrong party. His response suggests that the proper party is the borrower, a Delaware company called Georgetown Residents. Nussbaum was just the person who acted as signatory on the loan documents, according to his filing.
Nussbaum called the Sod’s complaint a “confused mess of scandalous conspiracy theories” in his legal filing.
TRD found that Georgetown Residents LLC has a direct tie to Steiner by digging through corporate records and lawsuits. Georgetown Residents’ Borough Park business address is used by the company, Aven Realty. Florida corporate records list Steiner as the authorized person for Aven Realty.
Aven Realty is reportedly one firm used by Steiner’s real estate ventures. The Georgetown Residents LLC is tied to a rental property in Lafayette, Indiana, owned by Steiner.
The full connection between Steiner and Nussbaum is unclear. According to Nussbaum’s response to the Rockland County lawsuit, the Steiner-linked Georgetown Residents were the recipients of the $15 million loan. The purpose of the loan was for “transacting business.”
Nussbaum alleges his law firms, Nussbaum Lowinger and Mark J. Nussbaum Associates, have no obligations under the loan documents.
Nussbaum’s name has appeared in deals and with dealmakers such as Shaya Prager’s Opal Holdings, Joel Schreiber, Moshe Silber, and Yoel Goldman.
Nussbaum is battling another lawsuit in New York Supreme Court alleging his law firm, Nussbaum Lowinger, hindered collection of a judgment in Florida. He has not yet responded to that lawsuit.
The Mikvah Ryde by the Finance industry is it's gantz yitochen Nussbaum pilfered more than $100 Mil
But the media hasn't figured out yet that many of Nussbaum's clients are total dirtbags themselves which is why they hired him! They are not limited to a bunch of convicted felons in Lakewood-Monsey either.
Check out for instance the Special Proceeding at the Rockland County Clerk index # SU-2022-034157. It's just like Nussbaum to ignore subpoenas after directing how to fleece victims. That's why on page 5 of the petition a lawyer in Flatbush tells the Court to send the Manhattan Sheriff to arrest Nussbaum at his office & drag him in handcuffs to face the music.
And with the gig now seemingly up for Nussbaum, which "lawyer" will filthy Ingrisher ramoyim turn to now when they want to "buy", I mean steal properties in the free & clear without paying for them? The offers that Nussbaum drafted for his scum "buyers" in the form of many pages of tricks would make make a lot of old timers blush from Lavan HaArami to Bernie Madoff.
Avi Shafran is very makpid that no disparagement is allowed of the tayereh, temimusdikke Yid Bernie Madoff! He even wrote one of his genius op-eds for the goyish media attacking someone who described Sully Sullenberger as a Hero & Bernie Madoff as a villain! (The Novominsker clobbered Shafran & ordered him to recall the boneheaded op-ed but not every newspaper agreed to remove it at his request)
The question now is if the Agudah is going to stand behind YU alumnus Nussbaum & run interference for him. State Senator Weber & his Chief of Staff Mordy Becker have proudly posted videos of themselves Wolfing down gourmet breakfast (Agudah Convention style) at Nussbaum's palatial home. Mordy is son of Agudah Executive Director Labish Becker.
This ‘watch it’ guy should an Ear nose doctor. The smoke is escaping everywhere from his zayin nekavim + some. Jealous and non forgiving. A specialty of non avrohomites.
Only ‘You Know Who’ talks this kind of utterly krum nonsense. We can see that HE would be “jealous” of the velt’s large scale ganuvim, vehameyvin yuvin! Just like he has often barked over here that criticism of the mechuton’s shvogger Paysach Krohn is “jealousy”. That’s a very special way of looking at the world, that tormenting infants with a sadistic instrument that’s straight out of a Medieval torture chamber is subject to kinah!
It's not just that so called lawyer & his chevra you need to watch out for. Many stam brokers & agents who might be all smiles to you, are doing all kinds of dirty things to your detriment, like keeping away buyers that would force them to split their commission. Some heimishe agents are also pressured by their askonim to keep out mishpochos not deemed heimish enough or politically their kind of heimish.
One way for sellers to avoid all these overrated & overpriced wheeler dealers is to use Zillow's completely FREE for sale by owner option
Buyers can bypass the agents & their hefty commissions on this page - but only after clicking the "More (Filters)" tab and selecting "By Owner" instead of the default "By Agent"
Once Zillow approves your listing they also automatically duplicate it on the Trulia site.
When your listing appears you will be bombarded with every slimy agent for miles & miles - Yidden & goyim - even if you wrote for them to leave you alone. They will pretend there was no warning while they keep hounding you. Just ignore them. Some will use every argument tactic that you are farfallen without them who are the most spectacular sales people on Earth. Others will pretend for days to talk about a side issue before hitting you up to give them exclusive rights. They become very angry when you don't cave in to their entitled egos. Some are gangster-like & azoy brazen that they threaten you off the bat that they will gang up with other greedy agents to boycott you - even if you offer commission - unless you give me exclusive.
If you really want to get on the restricted club of MLS too there are companies that will do it for as little as $99.
You should have hatzlocha & a headache free (aka agent free) experience
"Weber & his Chief of Staff Mordy Becker have proudly posted videos of themselves Wolfing down gourmet breakfast (Agudah Convention style) at Nussbaum's palatial home. Mordy is son of Agudah Executive Director Labish Becker"
Brisk was predated by more than 3 decades. Although R' Avrohom Yehoshua hit the nail on the head in 1990 or 91 when heavily criticizing the food engorgement at Agudah Conventions, the first machoah was actually made in 1959. The then hoiz bochur of an adam gadol who was his escort to that Convention wrote in his memoirs that there are some traumatic things that can stay with you for a lifetime, they can't just be shaken from memory (a mussag that Rav Schach once wrote about). His specific taynah was regarding the waiter service breakfast. A grubbeh, stereotypical Agudah Convention baal habos at the same table as the adam gadol made a chilul Hashem that was painful to witness. In seemingly personifying the grubkeit of full indulgence Fressing that was blasted a generation later by rosh yeshivas Brisk, the grubbeh condescendingly warned the waiter that "I vant omelet mit tzvelve eggs & you better not short me because I gonna count!"
"Anon" aka You Know Who aka der mashgiach is the same nudnik who wrote all the other obnoxious comments on this page intended to distract from & undermine the points being made, including the feroicious rant he wrote about Abrahamic middos, that's quite the irony! While he tries to possel the yichus of Yidden who don't share his ultra-narrow Agudist cover up mindset - a regular pasttime of his - he fails to recognize his own collosal failings that mimic not the maylos but farkert, the pesoiless of Avrohom Avinu! His crazy kanoyus is exactly how the Maharal explains Yishmoel, who takes everything from the Torah & warps it while crying out with a radical zeal that he is bsheim Hashem ! (And veiter from the pesoiless durch Eisav the way "Anon" polishes off heaping plates of fried rice like Eisav gulped down that pot of roiteh lentils - a mayseleh that goes back waaaaay further than 1959!)
You gotto love this 'vehameyvin yuvin!' line and 'points being made' line and 'bsheim Hashem' line and ah specialized baki in Yismael and eisav etiquette. It sounds like if you free fress - no hashgachas only - then you automatically know everything just like deh 'hailigeeh zaddik' Pope Paulie. Then Again, the nebach fresser could use a job if not for himself then for his mishpoocheh i if he still remembers who the are.
No need for bekiyim in midas Yishmoel & midas Eisav when there is a walking, yenting, ranting, Fressing example who displays bifnei Am vueidah their most infamous, base behaviors! What’s that about estranged mishpooche? You mean like Conservative Cantor cousin Shiya “marrying out” so that’s why Misaskim didn’t list him for fetter Georgie’s Shiva? Or son of mechuton EB who’s azoy ashamed of der gantze mishpooche az er iz gegangen tze Qveens Supreme Court to legally change his name?
what are the issues? and where do you know it from
ReplyDeleteWhat issues does it have ? Who doesn’t allow it? lotus just the cookies not other items under Chatam Sofer. Many use it.
ReplyDeleteCan you clarify what the issues are.
ReplyDeleteDoes this include the run under KLBD (London Beis Din) done for Delta Airlines?
ReplyDeleteThe issue is they use DrPepper for that special flavor.
ReplyDeleteA freelance top TOP rated chemist claims that the have to use a non-Yudel-approved something.
very good question why “reliable “ supervisions let stores use it in their products
ReplyDeletei did very basic research and its riddled with issues the hechsher the factory etc
Once again a bomb is dropped with no info. If there are issues, let's hear them. Otherwise it's just politics and it's fine.
ReplyDeleteYudel Shain's information has always been on target for 0ver 45 years, just because you can't have your cookies don't attack the messenger.
ReplyDeleteThank you Reb Yudel
ReplyDeleteSomeone who may be the Toms River scammer from a recent Pesach program who didn't refund the money when there was no program - he shreys against "Lushen Hureh" to prevent his own being exposed - may be the lowlife pitching to the heimishe crowd for various getaways throughout the year at a NJ hotel that are available with or without food. He warns that because electric hotplate-blech combos are a fire hazard prohibited by the hotel & the Fire Dept who impose fines, guests who plan on feifing on that "should make sure not to get caught". What kind of a reckless moron would advise that verbally let alone write it??? Someone trying to hide the active appliance creates an even bigger fire hazard that could chalila burn the whole place down with all the guests!
ReplyDeleteWhy are you mixing up the yoitzros. The scammer is not the one promoting these programs, he only does programs with food. This gentleman provides space in the dining area for people to plug in their hot plates, and advises not to do it in the rooms. His advice of not getting caught is his way of letting you know that you will get caught, and will be thrown out. It's not his way of encouraging you to do so. But there are always oiber chachumim who think they are smarter.
Delete"he shreys against "Lushen Hureh" to prevent his own being exposed"
ReplyDeleteYou have to be very specific when referring to someone like this. The fellow from the Pesach fresser hotel that never was is not the only character who deviously operates in a za self-serving way, to protect himself, his associates, the Queens Vaad despite that he's a different hashgocho, and "der gantze mishpooche"!
If the hotel never was then it can be a fresser. But you always can count on the Bloomies fresser - nay, FREE fresser - which operates even in a neverwas condition. And proudly so.
DeleteOf course there is no hashgacha there and that was makes a free fresser. Hashgacha free.
They got YUDELS in Europe Too ?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteHard to believe how a single shyster is behind almost every terrible chilul Hashem in the news these days. This reporter hasn't even connected all the dots yet which are on various government websites. One clue they haven't found is this guy conspiring with crooked real estate agents & Ingrisher investor reshoyim to steal karkaois from frumma Yidden! Ganvening the $15 million escrow from the Lawrence gvir may be enough to finally throw in prison & out of the way from inflicting so much harm.
The ingehrisheh Malachim learned from the queens shgoocheh how to steal karkoois especially from yesoimimlach.
DeleteThey also learned how to kill people and claim suiside from that shgoocheh. A beautiful Steiner job.
ReplyDeleteThis could be an issue outside of Lubavitcher kreizen too.
Speaking of Chabadskers, it’s disappointing that a new Pesach program run by a Shaliach in the town where he operates shows women in a very not tznius mode of attire. And he boasts that one of the Chol Hamoed activities is he sends you to a farm to collect eggs! Considering that we aren’t allowed to eat those eggs, which he probably doesn’t even know, would they be muktzeh?
Mark Nussbaum shuts down law firm
Embattled attorney facing escrow account concerns, new filings showing definitive link to Mendel Steiner
The abrupt shuttering comes amid allegations that the lawyer, known as a go-to attorney for Lakewood, New Jersey, and Brooklyn real estate investors, has refused to hand over escrow funds. And filings obtained by The Real Deal show previously unreported links between the Nussbaum Lowinger LLP founder and the late Borough Park real estate investor Mendel Steiner.
Steiner died last week at age 33 sending shockwaves through the close-knit Orthodox Jewish real estate community. Steiner in his brief real estate career had amassed thousands of apartments throughout the country.
But Steiner reportedly struggled in recent years financially and faced at least one foreclosure in South Florida where he took on a high interest rate loan.
Rumors took off about Steiner’s sudden death. The Promote newsletter wrote that a lawsuit filed last week against Nussbaum was “important context to understand Steiner,” citing community sources.
“It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with you and serve as your counsel over the years,” said Nussbaum in an email sent out to clients obtained by TRD. “I value the connections we have made and the relationships we have formed and I am justifiably proud of the transactions we have consummated and closed together.”
Nussbaum said the firm has retained counsel, Ethan Kobre of Schwartz Sladkus Reich Greenberg Atlas, to represent it in the wind-down process. Anyone who had funds in the firm’s escrow account can contact Kobre, according to the email.
The lawsuit filed in Rockland County by an entity connected to a nursing home manager Jacob Sod alleges Nussbaum failed to hand over $15 million in escrow money. The lender alleges the money was used by Nussbaum to “show capital” to evidence purchasing power.
“Mr. Nussbaum prefers not to comment on ongoing litigation at this time,” said Kobre in a statement to TRD.
Nussbaum responded this week to the lawsuit arguing that the plaintiff is suing the wrong party. His response suggests that the proper party is the borrower, a Delaware company called Georgetown Residents. Nussbaum was just the person who acted as signatory on the loan documents, according to his filing.
Nussbaum called the Sod’s complaint a “confused mess of scandalous conspiracy theories” in his legal filing.
TRD found that Georgetown Residents LLC has a direct tie to Steiner by digging through corporate records and lawsuits. Georgetown Residents’ Borough Park business address is used by the company, Aven Realty. Florida corporate records list Steiner as the authorized person for Aven Realty.
Aven Realty is reportedly one firm used by Steiner’s real estate ventures. The Georgetown Residents LLC is tied to a rental property in Lafayette, Indiana, owned by Steiner.
The full connection between Steiner and Nussbaum is unclear. According to Nussbaum’s response to the Rockland County lawsuit, the Steiner-linked Georgetown Residents were the recipients of the $15 million loan. The purpose of the loan was for “transacting business.”
Nussbaum alleges his law firms, Nussbaum Lowinger and Mark J. Nussbaum Associates, have no obligations under the loan documents.
Nussbaum’s name has appeared in deals and with dealmakers such as Shaya Prager’s Opal Holdings, Joel Schreiber, Moshe Silber, and Yoel Goldman.
Nussbaum is battling another lawsuit in New York Supreme Court alleging his law firm, Nussbaum Lowinger, hindered collection of a judgment in Florida. He has not yet responded to that lawsuit.
This Nussbaum is mistoomeh deh Rosh hakool in Kveens Shgoocheh.
DeleteThe Mikvah Ryde by the Finance industry is it's gantz yitochen Nussbaum pilfered more than $100 Mil
ReplyDeleteBut the media hasn't figured out yet that many of Nussbaum's clients are total dirtbags themselves which is why they hired him! They are not limited to a bunch of convicted felons in Lakewood-Monsey either.
Check out for instance the Special Proceeding at the Rockland County Clerk index # SU-2022-034157. It's just like Nussbaum to ignore subpoenas after directing how to fleece victims. That's why on page 5 of the petition a lawyer in Flatbush tells the Court to send the Manhattan Sheriff to arrest Nussbaum at his office & drag him in handcuffs to face the music.
And with the gig now seemingly up for Nussbaum, which "lawyer" will filthy Ingrisher ramoyim turn to now when they want to "buy", I mean steal properties in the free & clear without paying for them? The offers that Nussbaum drafted for his scum "buyers" in the form of many pages of tricks would make make a lot of old timers blush from Lavan HaArami to Bernie Madoff.
To the Kveens kevoorim
Avi Shafran is very makpid that no disparagement is allowed of the tayereh, temimusdikke Yid Bernie Madoff! He even wrote one of his genius op-eds for the goyish media attacking someone who described Sully Sullenberger as a Hero & Bernie Madoff as a villain! (The Novominsker clobbered Shafran & ordered him to recall the boneheaded op-ed but not every newspaper agreed to remove it at his request)
ReplyDeleteThe question now is if the Agudah is going to stand behind YU alumnus Nussbaum & run interference for him. State Senator Weber & his Chief of Staff Mordy Becker have proudly posted videos of themselves Wolfing down gourmet breakfast (Agudah Convention style) at Nussbaum's palatial home. Mordy is son of Agudah Executive Director Labish Becker.
This ‘watch it’ guy should an Ear nose doctor. The smoke is escaping everywhere from his zayin nekavim + some.
DeleteJealous and non forgiving. A specialty of non avrohomites.
Only ‘You Know Who’ talks this kind of utterly krum nonsense. We can see that HE would be “jealous” of the velt’s large scale ganuvim, vehameyvin yuvin! Just like he has often barked over here that criticism of the mechuton’s shvogger Paysach Krohn is “jealousy”. That’s a very special way of looking at the world, that tormenting infants with a sadistic instrument that’s straight out of a Medieval torture chamber is subject to kinah!
DeleteIt's not just that so called lawyer & his chevra you need to watch out for. Many stam brokers & agents who might be all smiles to you, are doing all kinds of dirty things to your detriment, like keeping away buyers that would force them to split their commission. Some heimishe agents are also pressured by their askonim to keep out mishpochos not deemed heimish enough or politically their kind of heimish.
One way for sellers to avoid all these overrated & overpriced wheeler dealers is to use Zillow's completely FREE for sale by owner option
Buyers can bypass the agents & their hefty commissions on this page - but only after clicking the "More (Filters)" tab and selecting "By Owner" instead of the default "By Agent"
Once Zillow approves your listing they also automatically duplicate it on the Trulia site.
When your listing appears you will be bombarded with every slimy agent for miles & miles - Yidden & goyim - even if you wrote for them to leave you alone. They will pretend there was no warning while they keep hounding you. Just ignore them. Some will use every argument tactic that you are farfallen without them who are the most spectacular sales people on Earth. Others will pretend for days to talk about a side issue before hitting you up to give them exclusive rights. They become very angry when you don't cave in to their entitled egos. Some are gangster-like & azoy brazen that they threaten you off the bat that they will gang up with other greedy agents to boycott you - even if you offer commission - unless you give me exclusive.
If you really want to get on the restricted club of MLS too there are companies that will do it for as little as $99.
You should have hatzlocha & a headache free (aka agent free) experience
"Weber & his Chief of Staff Mordy Becker have proudly posted videos of themselves Wolfing down gourmet breakfast (Agudah Convention style) at Nussbaum's palatial home. Mordy is son of Agudah Executive Director Labish Becker"
ReplyDeleteBrisk was predated by more than 3 decades. Although R' Avrohom Yehoshua hit the nail on the head in 1990 or 91 when heavily criticizing the food engorgement at Agudah Conventions, the first machoah was actually made in 1959. The then hoiz bochur of an adam gadol who was his escort to that Convention wrote in his memoirs that there are some traumatic things that can stay with you for a lifetime, they can't just be shaken from memory (a mussag that Rav Schach once wrote about). His specific taynah was regarding the waiter service breakfast. A grubbeh, stereotypical Agudah Convention baal habos at the same table as the adam gadol made a chilul Hashem that was painful to witness. In seemingly personifying the grubkeit of full indulgence Fressing that was blasted a generation later by rosh yeshivas Brisk, the grubbeh condescendingly warned the waiter that "I vant omelet mit tzvelve eggs & you better not short me because I gonna count!"
Its one thing to concoct 'recent "emeseh" maysehlach' but to go back to 59' that takes talent as in Free Fress talent.
ReplyDelete"Anon" aka You Know Who aka der mashgiach is the same nudnik who wrote all the other obnoxious comments on this page intended to distract from & undermine the points being made, including the feroicious rant he wrote about Abrahamic middos, that's quite the irony! While he tries to possel the yichus of Yidden who don't share his ultra-narrow Agudist cover up mindset - a regular pasttime of his - he fails to recognize his own collosal failings that mimic not the maylos but farkert, the pesoiless of Avrohom Avinu! His crazy kanoyus is exactly how the Maharal explains Yishmoel, who takes everything from the Torah & warps it while crying out with a radical zeal that he is bsheim Hashem ! (And veiter from the pesoiless durch Eisav the way "Anon" polishes off heaping plates of fried rice like Eisav gulped down that pot of roiteh lentils - a mayseleh that goes back waaaaay further than 1959!)
ReplyDeleteYou gotto love this 'vehameyvin yuvin!' line and 'points being made' line and 'bsheim Hashem' line and ah specialized baki in Yismael and eisav etiquette. It sounds like if you free fress - no hashgachas only - then you automatically know everything just like deh 'hailigeeh zaddik' Pope Paulie.
ReplyDeleteThen Again, the nebach fresser could use a job if not for himself then for his mishpoocheh i if he still remembers who the are.
No need for bekiyim in midas Yishmoel & midas Eisav when there is a walking, yenting, ranting, Fressing example who displays bifnei Am vueidah their most infamous, base behaviors! What’s that about estranged mishpooche? You mean like Conservative Cantor cousin Shiya “marrying out” so that’s why Misaskim didn’t list him for fetter Georgie’s Shiva? Or son of mechuton EB who’s azoy ashamed of der gantze mishpooche az er iz gegangen tze Qveens Supreme Court to legally change his name?
DeleteThe problem with the Biscoff Lotus cookies still hasn't been shown. Put up or shut up, Mr. Shain.