Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ice cream House-Lakewood, NJ-

 From an Email received

"I was just there and one of the cashiers is wearing short sleeves!! 

For a Chasidish owned place  this is terrible!"

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Rav Breuer, Z"L on Kashrus


Background: When Rav Dr. (Levy) Yosef Breuer, Z”L, announced the establishment of the highly respected KAJ Kashrus, he stated:

“I am founding a kashrus organization that will adhere to basic kashrus standards, without chumras or hidurim.”

He explained his reasoning:

“If one focuses on chumras and hidurim, eventually, there may be nothing left of basic kashrus.” 

Then the Chumras and Hidurim are irelevant. 

Today, Bnei Torah and Yeshiva Leit seek high-quality products with a reliable kashrus standard—one that maintains authenticity without unnecessary chumras and hidurim.

Tartikuv Minchas Chinuch stands out stands out very much in this are of Chimras/Hidirim, but no basic Kashrus.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

ALERT: Brown Eggs- Kashrus dilemma

 Brown Eggs have a tendency to have more blood spots, brown or red. At times they have what is called in Yiddish a "gersh'tel", also a problem.

Very often they are Cage-free, and there are roosters.

The blood-spots are a ד'אוריתא.

All Amish country eggs have roosters.

Usually at least 3-5 eggs out of a dozen have an serious kashrus issue- THEREFORE COOKING THEM AND NOT CHECKING IS not compliant with THE HALACHA.

There is no Heter for a Non-frum to check eggs, even if they get paid for every one they find.