Thursday, December 21, 2023

UPDATE: Alert: Shatnez issues- The new HIS place clothing store at Evergreen South Lakewood-

Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky, Z"L said it's אסור to use Kreitman for Shatnez testing, he's not to be relied upon at all.

Send us an Email (
What stores are using Kreitman.

NOTE: Their Bais Din Shatnez, told us themselves that they do not have a clue in the practical aspect of Shatnez.
They have proven themselves to be a Fraud. We tried teaching them, they refused to learn the basics. 

All of the HIS place clothing from the South Lakewood store requires re-checking for Shatnez as they are using unqualified testers.

The HIS Place statements that the Shatnez was removed, is  NOT RELIABLE, but must be checked by qualified testers.

Therefore, Only use the Shatnez Testers that are certified by the International Shatnez testers Association.

Alert: Philadelphia Shatnez lab clothing needs re-testing

The Kreitman affiliated shatnez personnel are NOT QUALIFIED and are being מכשיל את הרבים


  1. Kreitman is the official "checker" for Emporio. They love him so much that they Fedex the suit to him after the customer buys it.

  2. Paul Mendlowitz: a pervert that is always on the lookout to make sure everyones head is always filled with Niuf. And when needs a break makes sure to stick in a few random Apikorsus.
    Reminds me of the end of Parshas Balak.
    Ain't no saint.

  3. Just like the heimishe perverts in Willy engineered an attack on R' Nuchem Rosenberg after he protected kids from them, attacking HIM as the 'menuvol', the Litvisher perverts hate Mendlowitz betachlis hasinah and a bunch of those molesters are mishpooche of the OU mashgiach in Queens who is their proxy to smear Mendlowitz on the blogs.

    The filthy mashgiach who takka invokes the zeydeh R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz so often, should watch out for the zeydeh's kpeidah.

    1. The Mashgiach this The Mashgiach that. Fact is Paul is a Menuval whether you want to admit it or not. Paul is a Mechutzaf and nothing can right that.
      Just cut out all the garbage once and for all.
      Unless you are also one of his seweage stuffers.

    2. To Paul Mendlowitz: stop posting anonymous comments on this site. Just write your name.

  4. Please site a source for your “Reb Yaakov Kaminetzky” quote.
    I understand that R Kreiyman was very ‘naunt’ with Reb Yaakov Zatzal.

  5. Can you please share the recording of R' Yaakov Kaminetzky?
    Thank you

  6. Thu Apr 28, 4:15 PM:

    Whether he's one of the sickest minds out there alein, haynu der OU mashgiach fin Qveens, or an imitator, he thinks in his feeble dimyonos that his reverse psychology will work.

    To Yanky in KG we can definitely say: Just sign your name already!

  7. "Alert: Philadelphia Shatnez lab clothing needs re-testing"

    Does that mean the Philly lab is no longer under the hashgocho of Rabbi Sayagh out of Lakewood?

  8. Numerous individuals in Monsey asked Reb Yaakov, Z"L about using and relying on Kreitman in Shatnez.
    R' Yaakov responded, one may not use him, one may not rfely on him in the area of shatnez.

    The fact that perhaps he was close to R' Yaakov (Don't know exactly what that means) does not change the facts

    1. Murderous individuals.
      Please provide their names and exact quotes.

    2. Typo correction: numerous individuals

  9. It is reported that he stopped davening at Reb Yaakov's basement minyan because Reb Yaakov asked him to stop davening there.

    1. It is reported.


      Probably Paul that probably hates R' Yaakov to begin with.

  10. What's Paul Mendlowitzs take on Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky?

  11. Mendlowitz was R' Yaakov's melaveh to assifos as a bochur & he remained close to him until 1986.

    Sun May 01, 4:05 PM lies benogaya R' Yaakov like he lies about everything else connected to Mendlowitz.

    Maybe 4:05 PM is the OU mashgiach from Queens, or another molester out for revenge, or a Philly nut who is angry that Mendlowitz calls out Philly for going against everything the tatten R' Yaakov stood for.

    1. The one defending molesters is you!
      The truth will come out one day.

    2. The only reason Paul makes believe he holds me R' Yaakov is because he tries to use every tactic to Bashmutz his son.
      And btw I like how you tried your luck at posting against R' Nota Greenblat on the other Letz and Menuval blog DIN and they lashed back. It goes to show that everyone just has their own agendas and put on a show that their looking for the Emes etc.



    A letter from a “Shatnez Laboratory” in Monesy, New York circulating on social media claims that Shatnez was allegedly found in the Kapota sold at Primo Hatters of Crown Heights, stating that “its collar was reinforced with a linen canvas.”

    Mendy Sacho, owner of Satoria Sacho and Primo Sacho, vehemently denied the allegation and says that the Monsey lab has made a mistake.

    “We did not take this accusation lightly, we took this Kapota to have it checked by our local Shatnez checker, Ezra Cohen at Regency Cleaners, who’s been checking for more than 20 years, along with around ten others from the same run to be checked and they all came back Kosher” said Sacho.

    He added that they do their own random checking out of each batch that they import and they have never found Shatnez.

    “We checked this same Kaptoa repeatedly and the only conclusion is that they made a mistake.”

    In a message to customers Sacho said “we continue to offer that if you do find Shatnez in any garment purchased by us we will replace it or have it removed – at no cost to you.”

    “One should never wear any garment without having it checked, even if it’s purchased from a Jew,” he reminds customers.

  14. Yudel Shain is a Shatnez tester for over 50 years.
    Yudel spoke to Sacho, and he admitted that it was actually shatnez and the local tester for 20 years missed the boat big time.

    I don't have any comments about a Lubavitch to not realize when someone has gone to a better place, etc.

  15. According to the NUT posting at Mon May 02, 12:35 PM, all the gedolim must have been in cahoots with "Paul" when they were going to put the Philly father-son duo in cherem for their pay to play mamzerus scheme - until they pretended to be machniya to R' Dovid Feinstein at the last minute - while still backing the zoynah with 2 husbands.

    Nota Greenblatt was actually put in cherem for the same scam by the special beis din led by the alter Karlsburg Ruv (R' Chatzkel Roth) & the Freimaner Ruv.

    Nobody lashed out on DIN's blog except 12:35 PM with another of his angry, illogical outbursts.

    And all the gedolei Eretz Yisroel must have been in cahoots with "Paul" to oppose Philly anti-vaxx insanity.

    And all the talmidei Brisker Rov & talmidei R' Aron Kotler must have been in cahoots with "Paul" to attack Philly over their alliance with Tzionim.

    1. Lars

      Karlsberger Rov, Freimineh Rov. Talmidie Reb Aron, Talmidei Brisk all support and must be encouraging Paulie to spew as much class A Nivul Peh on as many Gedolim, Poskim and Roshay Yeshivas as he can.
      They also support his nivul peh on chasidim, the Baal Shem, tosfos. They must be supporting his Apikoorsous and meenus.
      Let’s not even get into his personal life and life style
      All in the name on his heiligeh Zaideh who keeps turning in his grave every time the the einikel mentions his name.
      The only title that he can be proud of is: SR”Y

  16. I'm not sure what you're ranting about now.
    Paul is an apikores and bigger Tzioni than anyone in Philly could ever imagine to be.
    Paul posts articles of so-called Open orthodox Apikorsim.
    Paul promotes Jewish publications to display pictures of Nashim.
    Paul is a pervert predator molester and dangerous man to be around.
    Paul is not someone you want to defend.
    Calling me a nut won't change that.

  17. Aha so you Paskin like the Karlsburger Rav in Shmattas too or just when it comes to bashmutzing others?

    Talking about Tziyonus Paul is one of the biggest open Zionists Apikorsim out there along with the DUI DIN blogger. Do you want to know what those Talmidei R' Aron and Brisk have to say about his posts?

  18. Paul is of course not a molester but the crazed lunatic littering the comments with slander is attacking him because Paul exposed him & his relatives among many others for being the molesters that they are. A very sick, dirty mind like Yaakov the OU mashgiach is capable of such guerilla tactics.

    And Paul never wrote in favor of WZO but you know that all the alter Brisker & alter Lakewooder rabbonim attacked Philly in writing for supporting those Tzionim.

    1. My name is not Yaakov. I am not a Mashgiach. I don't work for the OU.
      Any sane person can see through Pauls shmutz.
      And regarding Zionism, Paul doesn't have to write in favor of WZO! He is a Zionist! Just anyone that read any of his posts sees it! A lot worse than writing to vote! I think you totally lost your marbles if you think Paul is not epitome of Zionism. But that's what happens when you defend a pervert like him, the whole brain becomes one big fress.

  19. Hey did you ever ask Paul what his opinion is about the WZO?
    You're trying to fool someone that Paul is anti Zionist? Did you read any of his posts or you just go there to comment against others without even reading what he himself posts?

  20. Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiachTue May 03, 10:31:00 AM 2022

    Yanky the OU mashgiach is a sick man and oichet a pathological liar. He has done this shtick before while on binges to bashmutz Mendlowitz, that he insists he is someone else. Derveil, his unique lying points & modenna quirks give him away because they eventually float to the surface no matter how hard he tries to present a different personality.

    Molesters populate 'der gantze mishpooche' of the mashgiach alein, like Bryks & Brenner, which is why the mashgiach boils over with hatred against anti-molester askonim like Mendlowitz.

    And ask around Qveens how the mashgiach liberally misapplies "apikoiress" to every Tom, Dick & Hershel he disagrees with. Let him get his own house in order, like cousin Shiya who bellows his Cantorial conundrums in Conservative temples

    1. Nothing of substance in your comment other than hatred towards this Mashgiach of yours.

  21. The mashgiach is worried about Zionists & heretics? That's a good one! His benefactor is the Rebbe with 7 chassidim, which half of those are Zionists that are a mixture of Modern Orthodox and Conservative who never finished becoming Orthodox. The Rebbe puts up with them as long as they write big checks. The mashgiach himself tolerates them enough to underwrite the Jamaica Estates "kollel" where he is the sole student and so he can WOLF DOWN those heaping plates of fried rice that are dripping from schmaltz! The mashgiach you see is a kafuy tov who runs to curse out the Zionists online after they supplement his OU wages and fill up his BIG STOMACH with that Chinese rice delicacy!

    1. For the umpteenth time I am NOT the Mashgiach of yours.
      Your zilzul and total disregard of Hilchos Lashon Hara knows no bounds.

    2. Again instead of answering to the point you just go on your anti Mashgiach rant.
      Typical for a hypocrite like you that screams against Rabbi Kaminetzky for something to do with the WZO while promoting and defending a real open Zionist Paul.


    What really happened here? Elliot Hirsch who married an SY woman claims that some Syrian rabbanim (some of whom grada give food hashgochos like Rav Hatchuel & Rav Yisraeli) are part of the Get Meuseh Industrial Complex. It's episs shver to figure this one out because Hirsch comes to the defense of the infamous Dibo Hafif who is a wife battering monster if there ever was. About 100 NYPD officers swarmed Dibo's house when they received recordings of his beatings.

    1. Why did you post this gibberish?

  23. Weird that Rav Hatchuel was afraid of any connection to Hirsch in case Hirsch develops a bad reputation, yet he put his name on Agri chazirei for years. Those years include the fishy in-supermarket concessions that Sholom Rubashkin claimed were under his personal supervision from 1000s of miles away. (After some rabbonim made a tummel of vee ken ess zein especially when things were so raw in the velt arein just after Moish Finkel went kaboom, the concessions went under Weissmandl, as if that made things any better. When the rabbonim continued their tummeling to Weissmandl, he did not name R' Yudel but snarked that any perception that Rubashkin kashrus is not limehadrin min hamehadrin is due to "liars" operating on the internet. Not long after this, one of the tummeling rabbonim was threatened by the OU that he'd better keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him.)

    1. After what you did yesterday that didn't stop writing stories WITH names on this blog and Paul's blog, and I know for a fact that it is false, you lost ALL credibility, and nothing you write can be believed. Plain and simple unafraid Shakran.

  24. Yanky the OU mashgiach, stop denying it's you posting all your garbage. Some of your slander victims spent years tracking you until they obtained proof which was shared with other targets of your slander. Everyone agreed it is undeniably you.

    1. I am not Yanky. And I am not a Mashgiach. I never heard of this fellow till reading your comments. But now that I see how you go all over the internet slamming this fellow by name because of my comments I'm starting to doubt that such a person even exists.

  25. rabbi saiag your claims that all bodkim not from your group , don't know what they are doing , do you have any proof on this ???? any rabbi supports your claims? who are you to to manipulate the entire world , i just bought one suit of TO & had it check all was good , it seems that you are only a money sucker &no Yiras Shamayim at all,

  26. First of all, the Rabbonim in Queens concluded that the Kreitman group does not know shatnez, and they banned him from continuing his fraud.

    Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky said he's not to be relied upon.

    The Yerushalem and Bnei Brak Shatnez Labs, concluded that Kreitman does not know shatnez and should not be relied upon.

    See also this article;

  27. OU mashgiach Yanky R's memory is short so he could use a zetz to his shvache brain to help remember how else he gave himself away.

    He's been going around Queens for yeeeeearrrrrs, blabbering the same exact filthy shekorim in person as he types here, against "Shain" & "Paul" and many, many others who he is intent to inflict character assassination on them. Vedye lehuvin.

    1. And then this deranged Monsey Fresser copies and pastes his comments on to Paul's blog.

    2. I don't know who this Mashgiach is but can you explain clearly with sources in the Sefer Chafetz Chaim exactly what is your Heter for doing what you're doing in all your comments?
      Do you not have a drop of Yiras Shamayim in your blood??? Do you even believe in Schar Voinesh?

  28. Wed May 04, 01:22:00 PM 2022

    You got to laugh when anti Queens guy says: Vedye lehuvin

    He was never huvin a thing in his life as is so obvious from all his years of ploppeling right here.

    "Vedye lehuvin." Ha.Ha.

  29. Yes, Yanky the OU mashgiach in Queens takka needs to explain how it is he has zero yirah when he slanders so many people!

    1. It is becoming increasingly more obvious that you forgot your own name and started calling yourself Yanky the Mashgiach!

  30. This bored fellow from Monsey should get a job for the OU. Maybe as a mashgiach.

  31. The OU likes batlonim if their choice to hire Yanky from Queens is any indication!


    1. Please excuse me, but that was a very shvacha comeback.

  32. Oh man! The OU mashgiach creep is having another one of his extended fits?

    Don't pay attention to anything he says. He and his partner in crime Queens Vaad Schwartzie are just out to manipulate. They even send emails sometimes to tchepper.

    1. The only creep around here is you (and you guru Paul shery).
      Just read your comments as outsider with an objective view and hopefully you'll know what I mean.

  33. The more writing the comment you are referring to pointing out the obvious that you desperately need a job, is not your favorite bullying target aka the ou mashgiach. But I guess you literally can't resist in your bullying and publicly tying to slander your known targets, and this minor detail doesn't make much of a difference to you.

  34. JBAC got and keeps getting many many results.
    When they go down a few feet - they ain't going up thats a fact - they'll be quite surprised with their results. however everything will be nice and toasty...

  35. During the Zaidehs days they also saved their children by working on Shabbos Kodesh and putting food on the Kinderlach'd table.
    Except they knew they were wrong not like today when you shoot down anyone who tries to steer you down a halachic path.

    GO Paulie Go.

  36. Just figured out that the favorite name here is Yaakov.
    They give the 'Queens-OU' guy the nick name Yanky. And they use Reb Yaakov for their agena as well.

    1. Yaakov had a son Yehuda.
      Just saying.

  37. And Yehuda had a son PERETZ....


  39. Reb Yaakov is not here for close to 40 years. What you say he said is not in print other then this blog. Even if it’s true he said that to you because you made Kreitman a chaticha d’isurah for yourself does not mean it was meant for others.
    Not saying youshould use him but your scare tactics are not genuine

  40. Of interest, a Psak does not have an expiration date.

  41. Of interest, a Psak does not have an expiration date.


    Not some personal advice based on the sho'el creating a "chaticha d'isurah' for himself (ONLY)

  42. "Reb Yaakov is not here for close to 40 years"

    This is similar to a shtick the Agudah uses whenever someone invokes a mayseh Rav of gedolim against their manufactured morah heters to go astray. The Agudah even condescendingly lecture you that we will tell you when you can listen to old gedolim.

    They seem to in turn have borrowed the shtick from the Reform movement who dismiss everything as "old", including the Torah Hakedoshah alein which they belittle as "old stories" (kaviyuchel) from 1000s of years ago.

  43. Wed Jun 08, 01:51:00 PM 2022

    You sound just like the West Coast pope who decides who is right and who gets the Shmalsy Nivul peh. His Reverends and cardinals on the East Coast keep on defending him by using the code word "Agudah" or Queens Vaad or %$T and sometimes the KCL.
    We all know this little game they play like the missionaries who try to sow their seeds right here in Metro Lakewood.

  44. 'that kashrus awareness link is about Chulav Treifos?

  45. The OU mashgiach in Queens has a brother in Lakewood who works for the fake "Novardok". Is that him parroting the mashgiach's lukshen about the "pope"? Or is it the mashgiach again pretending he is someone else?

    The mashgiach is on a die hard mission to protect all establishment orgs and shgooches, prioritizing the Agudah because it shields molesters sheloi al pi daas Torah. This is the same reason why the mashgiach despises the personality he maligns as the "pope", because the "pope" causes a sach problemmen for molesters, bifrat the ones in the mashgiach's "gantze mishpooche" like Bryks & Brenner.

  46. ‘al pi daas Torah’
    Who and when did you decide what is Daas Torah?
    Before your tri-daily fress or after during your shluff?
    In case you were never told your are positively the NON-Daas-Torah par excellence.
    The more you ploppe and the more you try use other peoples retort as if it was yours the more the readers realize who their dealing with - a non entity telling the world how much venom your filled with.

  47. Many of the gedolei Eretz Yisroel wrote teshuvos that molesters must be removed from society, yes even via goyish authorities.

    Thu Jun 09, 6:58 PM, aka the OU mashgiach in Queens, is just blowing hot air into a void alongside his pro-molester Agudah Fresser icons.

    Next time the mashgiach is Fressing for Free at the Agudah Fresser Convention shmorg, he can compare notes with Sol Werdiger & the shpodek crowd.

    1. gedolei Eretz Yisroel wrote teshuvos

      Are these the gedolim you sprinkled with you special nivul peh ??
      Or are they those who you made gedolim because they followed your pet peeve?

  48. Thu Jun 09, 11:17:00 PM 2022

    At lease those people pay.
    But you have to hitch a ride for the IMAGINED Fress.
    As would be the CCRC logic, comes to a convention (Lav Davkah Agudah), before they caught him and kicked him out, Fresses for everyone and then comes back via hitching and all he saw was food. Never occurred to him there many many other things going on there.

  49. "Philadelphia Shatnez lab clothing needs re-testing"

    And the truth of Philadelphia roshei yeshiva "deferring" to R' Dovid Feinstein on mamzerus needs retesting too!

  50. The Dayeh advisers need recreating. Retesting won’t do the trick.

  51. Its almost a embarrassment to Reb Yaakov that he dealt with "you know who, numero Uno".

  52. Sharaby did it - knocked schwab in Appellate Division out of the park
    Yudel,post an article on it

  53. Send Yudel an Article, I'm sure he'll post it, just like FAA did.

  54. I don’t understand. Let’s say a miut hamatzui is 1-5%. Can someone post numbers that show that 1-5 in 100 suits at this establishment (or suits in general) are Shatnez.?

    What’s the point of all of this back and forth without that basic information?

    I’m only posting because I see Talmidei Chachomim being maligned.

  55. במקום שיש חילול השם, אין חולקין כבוד וכו'

  56. The latest Queens Vaad disaster is on the front page of this week's Ami.

    They foolishly allowed themselves to be taken advantage of by the con artist baal kishuf who said he wanted to be megayer, then went to live with Satmar in Willy for 5 years before disappearing to be choizer lusuroi. He was using spooky inyanim he picked up in seforim to advance his kishuf agenda. One of the red flags was that he was 20 & being megayer with a 52 year old girlfriend who married each other after Queens Vaad gave them their Jewish IDs. Thanks to Queens Vaad corruption & incompetance, the freeloading con artist was financially supported by the Willy oylam for the 5 years to the tune of a half million bucks!

  57. Ah. When it comes to bashing others - your specialty - then the Ami is numero Uno.
    Sounds right for this crowd.

  58. Chronicles of a You Know WhatMon Dec 25, 01:43:00 PM 2023

    Ah, double & triple Ah. When it comes to covering up true crimes of the OU & Queens Vaad - the specialty of 'You Know Who' - then it doesn't matter which messengers report it. The Numero Uno task at hand is to shoot the messengers with belittlement then fire off some more rounds of belittlement at R' Yudel & his readers.

    1. 1:43
      As long as it comes from
      None reliable sources such as arkahous and newspapers it’s true. But if it comes from a Bais Din, a Rov or a Posek then oiy vahAvoiy.

  59. "if it comes from a Bais Din, a Rov or a Posek"

    You Queens Vaadniks and defenders are looking & smelling gantz farshtunken right now! Your attempts to play this scandal down makes it even worse.

    It's one thing when your Queens Vaad Av Beis Din Peretz Steinberg rolls up his sleeves for gangsterei beshutfus with the likes of Mendel Epstein & Belsky. And the Queens Vaad has been previously known to allow gerus candidates that were very unfortunate, that no normal beis din would have approved. But it is quite another thing how this catastrophic event came about with the magician chasing a woman old enough to be his grandmother, thrown in the lap of Satmar Williamsburg. How in the world was Steinberg not ashamed to appoint that bum Kolakowski as one of the dayanim??? And to think that your 'glorified' kashrus admin Chaimie Schwartz who doubles as your Safra Dedayna is right there all smiles! A little introduction is in order. Kolakowski, whose father is a Poilisher goy, had claimed at one point to have become a BT through Biala. When (already a supposed "BT") he chased a Mormon girl from out West to marry her, he claimed one of the Biala Rebbes was mattir doing kiruv on goytas. This was probably the Boro Park Biala Rebbe who harbors pedophile N.D. Rabinowich, but in all likelihood even that Rebbe would probably not say something that removed from halacha. For several years already, Kolakowski has been a total outcast with his semblance of being frum his Chassidish levish clown outfit. His parnossah consists of a patchwork of odd jobs that he advertises himself as being available for your service - such as ordaining women rabbis and even as an officiant of Interfaith marriages!

    Rabbi Joe and Mrs. Chavah Kolakowski, are here to speak at your event. We have spoken and performed in venues in New York, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Connecticut, Indiana, Idaho, Czech Republic, Ecuador, and more. Rabbi Kolakowski can also officiate at your wedding, as he is an ordained clergyman, who can perform weddings in all 50 States, and is registered in Virginia and NYC. He has performed weddings for many faiths, and is not only a rabbi, but also serves as an interfaith minister, as well as a civil wedding officiant, and has officiated for Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Neo-Pagans, Atheists, Agnostics, Hippies, and more. Since 2007, he has officiated at over 400 weddings.

  60. The fake ger is like a personal embarassment for 'You Know Who' now that Dus Iz Nieas reported ver iz geven der dritter dayan on the Queens Vaad beis din: tze duch der shvugger of the Rebbelah bankrolling the Bloomie's runs of 'You Know Who' with the hard-schnorred big bucks! FF indeed!


  62. Tue Dec 26, 12:37:00 PM 2023

    So who is this Goon and Zaddik?

    Why are you afraid to identify him ?

    This is 100% Mutar Loshan Harah ?

  63. Seems the oilom found out who the third Dayan was now the silence is loud and clear.
    Just have another dress so you can calm down.

  64. Still being a coward as to posting who the third dayan was.
    This site is not known for 'no guts' people.

    But then again, mentioning his name may undo lots of stuff over here.

    Lets see how this 'peters' (As CCRC would say it) out.

  65. Aye, it's very teef. You should give a shiur on it up in Malden. Chaim Schwartz came to Queens via New England so maybe his robocall system works up there. He can squeeze you in to announce that everyone hold their breath for the big giluy!

  66. Peter said

    As long as we keep out of the West Coast were OK.
    Lots of Peters there u'vroshom Paulie.
