Thursday, December 21, 2023

2nd Update: Shatnez testing-who should I use?

There isn't any ביטול בשעטנז anymore, because it's a דבר שיש לו מתירין-(the Kreitman group and Lee Ave, are מתיר everything)

I eat anything with a "K", I read ingredients list, then I decide if it's kosher enough, I use non- Glatt, any kosher symbol, I use $25.00 Mezuzahs, ד' מינים, חינוך,tefilin $250.00, we aren't into yoshon or infestation, there are many heteirim, etc.

Then the following Shatnez testers are for you;

Kreitmans- Monsey & Lakewood- 

Shatnez Maven, Shatnez specialists, Cleaning Station River Ave-Cleaners in SeaGull Mall-etc.

The following clothing stores are NOT for you;



His Place "South Side".

If you are one that has a different standard in Kashrus, then buy your clothing anyplace provided it's then checked by a qualified shatnez lab. make sure the store will allow you to return it, if it's not feasible to remove the Shatnez. 


  1. Thank you for your opinion.

    1. Are you saying not to purchase anything by Tomor (His Place) or the other stores, or can I purchase it and have it tested at a qualified lab? Furthermore, is there an issue with trying on suits at these stores due to the serious shatnez issues?

  2. Shatnez to Enhance TimtumWed May 11, 09:41:00 AM 2022

    Even in yeshivos there was the yochid here & there who ate anything with a "K". This Mr. "Thank you for your opinion" sounds like one of them.

  3. "issue with trying on suits at these stores due to the serious shatnez"

    Many poskim have sidestepped the question of trying on suits at ANY store, perhaps altz halacha v'ain moirin kain.

    One out of town posek holds there is no way around it. He personally picks a suit that he thinks is the best fit under the circumstances - and after shatnez checking does whatever alterations are necessary.

  4. 12:56: A NY Rosh Kollel said in a shiur that he knows a Toronto Rosh Kollel, R' Moshe Hochman, plays it safe like that with shatnez.

    1. Thank you.
      Very nice.
      So is he a Posek? I don't recall hearing his name on any Pesakim?

  5. RMH maybe not specifically known as a posek but he's said to be bakant with all the shitos Rishonim & Achronim

    1. "an out of town posek" switched to Rosh Kolel that's said to be bakant.
      I hope you understand that there is a big difference with these two descriptions.
      Being honest may help you be more believed.
      Just saying.

    2. How come the anti Queens guy didn't call me the 'OU mashgiach' yet?

  6. Which hechsher does Blooms have?
    Are the sticky donuts pas Yisrael?

  7. This vort of davar sheyesh lo matirin is meant to be a good joke, or is Reb Yudel is serious about that pshat?

  8. Perhaps that is not the intended PSHAT, but it's the sad fact nonetheless.

    1. If it's not the Pshat then it doesn't affect the Halacha and therefore it is batul and not a problem. Do you have a different way to explain it?


    Shtikel here outlines the chiyuv lefarsem

  10. I think that the Kreitman clan methodology is too see what the experts as the established labs say. Then if they say it's not shatnez as with the issue with g & g about 35 years then it's shatnez as the granddaddy Kreitman said. See the responsa that were written to him about this. However if the labs say it's a problem then the clan unleashes a bunch of bogus claims to say why it's not shatnez.

  11. Blackberries & Boysenberries are virtually impossible to check even when fresh.

    These are frozen.

    & he adds by hand that you have to check the berries yourself - Na livdok

  12. Thu May 12, 10:04:00 PM 2022

    We are talkin in the forties like 80 years ago.
    Today Reb Shragah Feivel ZATZAL would be very proud of our kashrus.
    (His einiklach is a gohr andereh mayseh)

  13. "would be very proud of our kashrus"

    That was the OU mashgiach in Queens interrupting this broadcast for one of his propaganda commercials to farkoyf the shvach OU, and the even more shvach, gohr, Queens Vaad. As far as his over-touted OU goes, a delegation of roshei yeshiva led by R' Shmuel Berenbaum came to Rav Elyashev mit a sach taynos on the OU & asked if they could eat from them. Rav Elyashev answered in writing that the gantz OU is a big bedieved. In later years after Rav Elyashev had learned even more incriminating information on the OU, he was even more critical of them. And the Queens Vaad? There is no uniform standard there apart from that they are always less than OU. In some accounts the level is actually on par or even worse than supervision of non-Orthodox clergy.

    1. For some reason Reb Yudel loves the “shevacheh” OU especially for Peasach.
      The Bedatz also uses the “Shvacheh” OU extensively.
      Now you fress needs no hashgacha because it’s pikuach nefesh.
      But on the end of the day, according to your version of Reb Elyashev ‘maymirim’ the whole world is Eating gohr shvahcheh kashrut foods.
      Wonder what Reb Elyashev ate according to the works mimcheh fresser?

  14. Believe it or not, there are high end diapers that have wool in the lining! I see that the diapers from Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop brand have it. In Goop's case, it is wool from Alpaca which is not assur to mix with linen. But other companies could easily use Shepsela wool if they want.

  15. Please explain why we shouldn't go with Roiv.

    1. Don't expect a logical and Halachic explanation.

  16. "according to your version of Reb Elyashev"

    You know that Rav Elyashev put it in writing because you saw it.

    What some of these OU flunkies will say to protect the company that butters their broit ...

  17. Lets not get into the "letters and Photos" of Rav Chaim or Rav Eliyashev. Who and how they were produced and how the other side never got a chance to explain or defend themselves.

    Not what such giants were used to their whole lives until a bit before the departed this world.

    You know, I know and so does the whole world.

  18. "Lets not get into" because you are afraid that the truth will upset the apple cart that holds your pro-OU charade.

    I asked the mishpocho of one of the American roshei yeshiva who was part of the R' Shmuel Berenbaum led delegation to Rav Elyashev. They told me that Rav Elyashev wrote & signed the letter himself and it is real.

  19. Not every letter is a final decision most of the time these letters are penned in a very specific condition and does not apply in most other circumstances.
    YU must conclude that is so because in a lot of cases the Baal Davao Never was able to defend himself. .
    Poskim and Rabbonim won’t give a overall psak unless they hear and know both side from the specific people themselves .

  20. These online OU spooks are even more dishonest than Biden's machsheifeh spokeswomen.

    The specific shayla of R' Shmuel Berenbaum's group was can they eat OU bichlal because they have become aware of so many different types of problems and instances of Genack & Belsky playing fast & loose with hilchos kashrus. This was no narrow or "specific" condition at all.

    Rav Elyashev answered accordingly.

    It's pure malarkey to argue that Rav Elyashev needed to give equal time to the OU. He tried, but mechutzef Belsky made ridiculous conditions that he knew Rav Elyashev could not agree to.

    Fri May 20, 6:06 PM is also insulting Rav Elyashev now with that fake suggestion that the gadol hador was somehow unfair.

  21. Rav Elyashev was smarter then all.
    One thing is for sure the only interpretation you have of his actions come from your Sam homoves part in our holy Torah which is all you know

  22. So now we're very confused. Because basically from all the posts here it seemed that the Hashgacha the Gaon Hamutz Reb Yudel does hold of is the OU. He even sent out their Pesach list. But now I'm totally lost. maybe one can only eat those recalled sausages?

  23. Your mouth Sun May 22, 10:27 PM is the poison that doesn't stop pumping out every lie to defend the OU.

    Rav Elyashev in ksav was very critical of OU kashrus. He was later verbally even more critical. And he said that the OU's top consultant Belsky has zero neemonus in any miktzoyah of Torah going beyond kashrus, that Belsky's gittin vekiddushin produces mamzerim. Even your fellow OU propagandist Yair Hoffman is honest enough to admit that Rav Elyashev holds Belsky is an oissvorf & that he was there when Rav Elyashev was asked about Belsky's violent partner in crime Mendel Epstein & answered any inyan he touches is worthless.

  24. Rabbi Forscheimer doesn't believe any clothing has to be checked for Shatnez.

  25. Put up or shutnez upTue Dec 13, 04:58:00 PM 2022

    Absolutely not true about Rav Forscheimer who I have discussed shatnez with. Which nasty kanoyi at 1:15 pm is trying to smear him?

    Rav Forscheimer is troubled that certain checkers go overboard lechumra with loose reprocesssed fibers that are not threaded into the beged.

  26. Moirainu Rav Yaakov Forscheimer beleives there is roiv among many other reasons that checking clothing for Shatnez is merely a hyped chumrah or Hiddur at best.

  27. Moreinu RYF told me that anything that could have shatnez must be checked. Perhaps his critic is someone angry that RYF caved in to some Philly meshugassen in the medical realm but please don't make up stories about him.

    There is a posek at a different major Litvisher yeshiva who says that something that rarely has shatnez still should be checked but if you are already wearing it you are not mechuyev to immediately remove it.

    Then there is the rosh yeshiva of a college yeshiva who is the posek of a baal habatish kehilla davening there on Shabbos, who has been saying for many years there is roiv & that checking is a money making "scam". I have tried arguing with him about this but he is rather opinionated without really laying out how he arrives at his decision even in the cases of known shatnez alerts on specific manufacturers.

  28. Rav Forscheimer is troubled that certain checkers ...

    So is he on the Krietman team or on the Yudel Team ??

  29. Does the Yeshiva College part make him 'opinionated' or can one be opinionated without being a
    College Yeshivah rosh HaYeshivah as well ?

  30. Rav F may have been duped into thinking Kreitman is farlozlich. Has anyone showed Rav F the evidence of Kreitman's malfesance?

  31. This line is Yudelstake at its best:
    Rav F was duped blah blah blah.
    The poisek of the largest Yeshiva in the USA. The poisek for 30 years or so who has heard more stories then yudel ever will but he is getting DUPED because some Yenta does like his pesokim or he hates rav F himself.
    Someone needs a refurbished Shalom’s here.

    1. Well you might be naive and he might be correct

  32. Rav F was duped many times; We lost count.

    You think he's the moshe Rabainu of our generation; you have a problem.

    He's been the posek for 30 years cause they had no one else to replace the previous ones.

    Guess, for this type of Oilum, that will be good enough.

    They can't see through the haze?

  33. Undercover Lakewood VaadnikWed Dec 14, 09:43:00 PM 2022

    BMG dayanim have a tough job. The yeshiva wants all shaylos poskened with politically correct verbiage. Not all dayanim are interested in being on a short leash. And it's mentally draining even if you are maskim to structure the words the correct way each time.

    Even when something is mutter according to yeshivish standards: "the velt is maykil".

    When it comes to ishus, fuhgetabouttit! Many topics are taboo and the answer comes back as "vaiss Ich nisht" while they are visibly cringing.

  34. Many in Lakewood are of the opinion that if Rabbi F would have been in the times of Mosheh Rabeinu, Hashem would have given the Toirah to Klal Yisroel via Rav F.

    It's time to cry not laugh.

    As children they used to play with marbles, now they lost their marbles.

  35. Baltimorians believe that it's their Rav H, that would have been the chosen one.

    We would have had a few Torahs.

  36. Justifying his existenceThu Dec 15, 10:57:00 AM 2022

    For the ishus, BMG went a step further to asser hearing your chosson shmuz from Gissinger. It's the carbon copy shmuz that R' Yaakov Kaminetzky himself gave, but it's too much for them. You should have seen the hislahavus of Yankel Pollock when he was put in charge to find out who yeden chosson is going to. You would think he was trying to find a Freezer violator or something!

  37. Wed Dec 14, 08:50:00 PM 2022

    If for your agenda it pays to say Rav F was duped all these years ma noimar unedaber on your favorite gedolim in Israel who not only were duped day in day out they did not even allow the other side to defend themselves.

    You can't have it both ways and claim that only YOUR poskenehs can't be duped but the others with 30 years under their belt are duped each and every day.

    Try to go into GENUINE Brisk mode and find out whats really going on.

  38. Rav F was never authorized by Reb Shnuer Kotler to do Choshen Mishpat issues, only Ohr Hachaim Yoreh Dayeh.

  39. Rabbi F duped us all, big time.

    1. He was put into a role that is too big for him, he is a nice man though

  40. Rav F decided on his own that he is the Poisek for Lakewood, self-appointed.

    The Chasidim will make yom-Tov in der vochen with him, just wait and see.

  41. Maybe you guys are being duped?

  42. Yup, the gullible in Lakewood were duped big time.
    It's not the first time nor the last time.

    R' AMK couldn't get into the Ger Rebbeh last week, they didn't let him in.

  43. Because Gur will show the world who has real power.
    The gur Aryah - as in Chayas or
    RAMK who has the largest Yeshivah in YSA and is the nicest guy in the world.

  44. So your saying the …take readers are gullible as ever….

  45. Gullible defined=easily persuaded to believe something; credulous:

  46. I would be Brisk and use both of them to be yotzay all shitos and non Shitos.

  47. You can't be brisk cause you would ask others to be מוציא you with אשר יצר cause you aren't sure if you did a שיעור.

  48. Interessant that in this big legal mess involving multiple bungalow colonies, that are obviously populated by Satmar chevra, they went to Modern Orthodox Beis Din of America instead of a Satmar or other heimishe beis din.

    Sullivan Supreme Court
    Index Number: E2022-2493
    Case Name: Walkoff Holdings LLC vs. Waverly Homes Development LLC et al

    1. Is it in court or in Bais Din ??

  49. Why can't we go to the yudel-banned clothing stores ? just buy a few suits and check em at yudel-approved checkers.
