Tuesday, July 17, 2018

*Rabbi Weisner's "KCL" "kashers" Foremost Caterers

A Lakewood based Yeshiva was having a small affair. The Gvir wanted to use Foremost to cater the affair. The Yeshiva had Weisner's KCL handle the kashrus. Foremost then told his clients "Foremost is accepted by "Kosher Council of Lakewood". KCL says they only kashered 1 pot for noodles. [Only a little pregnant?] But in reality they Kashered Foremost Caterers.

As an asides: When Foremost caterers became certified by the Star-K, the Owner of Foremost decided for Business it pays to go through a conversion process (geirus) for his wife. Star-K's Rabbinic administrator when asked don't you have to now "toivel" the thousands of utensils of Foremost because there isn't any more a non-Jewish partner at Foremost? The Administrator responded "I don't recognize the conversion, so I don't require tevilas keilim.
When someone at Foremost was asked "why did you choose Star-K over OU, OK, Kof-K, etc?" The responded "even though Star-k was very tough e.g. seperate salt shakers, etc for dairy & meat, their leniencies on Shabbos & Yom-Tov was worth all the hardships".

1 comment:

  1. Can't figure out hat is the 'prob'laim doo. Ah yeed darf a bissel par'nooseh' so he does not have to around to shuls and do a 'shnor'. so what the 'prob'laim?
    you youself started out by saying: Ah Gvir........Nu. That the answer to the 'kvetsh'tin'.
