Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dairy in Meat oven, KCL permitts it-[that's why many don't eat at KCL establishments?] OH!

A KCL certified caterer at an affair tonight heated their dairy in the Meat oven, Senor Filipio was the only Mashgiach.

They called a KCL Poisek, and he found a "bi'di'eved" Heter.

At KCL caterers it's too common to serve dairy ice cream at a fleishig affair. Either there was no mashgiach, or he was drunk, or just a KCL mashgiach.

The Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva should make a "Takana", every affair or simcha must hire their own mashgiach as well. [The Roshei yeshiva hired mashgichim for their affairs. EB]


  1. That's right, as long as Yudel can't be the Mashgiach-per KCL.

  2. So? KCL caterers serve Milchig Ice Cream at fleishing affairs.

    As long as yidel can't be the mashgiach, everything is permitted.

  3. It's the nine days and the halacha is that one may use fleishig utensils for parve.

    So Senor Flipio confused Carne with Pisgado.

  4. Senor Flippio confused Lecha with Pollo.

  5. Maybe it was burned out (as in koshering from meat to dairy)
    Or maybe the dairy was covered which is OK according to PLAIN old fashioned Hewish Code.

  6. Four corners was the caterer

  7. Four corners was the caterer

  8. 1- the hall don't allow caterers to use their ovens at all.
    Last year it was a different KCL caterer and they also made the fleishig ovens treif with milchig blitzes and other milchig items.
    There was no Jewish mashgiach last year either.

    Would it make a difference if there was a KCL drunk, etc. mashgiach?

  9. Yudel, you are not fair.
    This is standard common practice by KCL Brissim, Bar-Mitzvas, sheva-brochas, etc.

    Did Reb Yeruchim or any other Rosh Yeshiva eat there?

    Didn't see Erez setting up the kashrus standards.

  10. That was Tiferes Bais Yaakov again.

    But then again, KCL allows non mevushal wines with non-Jewish waiters, goiyim, frei guests.

    KCL fleishig affairs have served numerous times Milchig dairy ice cream.

    KCL says, how milchig is the ice cream, it has fillers, etc.

    How fleishig is the meal, with all the non-fleishig side dishes.

    We'll make a bi'dieved hetter.

    Who needs a mashgiach? IT'S A DROP OFF JOB.

  11. Why don't we take it all the way.
    The party never got treif.
    Not if the meat/chicken is not kosher. Not if the ice cream is Cholov Akum, oh we meant Cholov Treif. Not if there is straight bishul akum (On Treif ???). Not if they serve Bugs. Not if there is no Mashgiach.
    It sounds so much better if we just post that the KCL just serves Treif.
    Don't forget this is Yudel's site. Everything goes.

  12. Thu Jul 19, 11:49:00 AM 2018

    You must be right.
    "Everything goes".

  13. Foremost caterers kashered by KCL? disgusting, he's married to a shiksa and he has the star-k so there is no shabbos or yom tov restrictions. Rather no restrictions in infestation either, for that matter no restrictions in kashrus.

    KCL, No busha?
    Only to bash yudel? he happens to be right about KCL, I'm sure there are many more mishaps by KCL that Yudel didn't discover yet.

  14. The oylam needs to resume recording evidence against KCL to submit here. It's been a bit boring since Yudel received the pictures of the nisalaym salami fressing shvartza.

  15. Its hard to get recording if cell phones are not allowed.
