Saturday, December 31, 2011

Does the falseclaims act apply to Lakewood?

The False Claims Act-Whistleblower, Qui Tam

On behalf of its clients, Whistleblower, Qui Tam & False Claims Act Group utilizes the federal False Claims Act to seek legal redress against companies who have defrauded the federal or state government through any number of fraudulent schemes.

Successful whistleblower actions under the False Claims Act generally entitle the whistleblower to a reward ranging between 15% and 30% of the Government's overall recovery.

According to the rema in shulchan oruch, Cedarbridge Corp owners are considered "moisirim". R"L

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bottecilli extra virgin Olive oil inferior product?

Bottecilli extra virgin Olive oil inferior product?
When one called the Company to complain that there are pieces & impurities, the 68 oz Bottecelli company said we know the problem. The Bottecelli company sent a small 16 oz bottle instead of replacing the same 68 oz size.

With all of the publicity of extra virgin olive oil adulteration, it seems pennies saved in making good on an inferior product may cast a question mark on the purity of certain olive oils.

Kosher slaughter ban fails to win majority in Dutch Senate as government proposes compromise

Kosher slaughter ban fails to win majority in Dutch Senate as government proposes compromise

An update Re: more whiskeys coming under kosher certification

Published on The Jewish Week (, December 13, 2011 Gamliel Kronemer Koval’s Chicago Whiskey is best served chilled or over ice. As the weather grows brisk, a sampling of micro-distillery whiskey. Special To The Jewish Week

Whiskey — wherever it is made, and in whatever style — is a great beverage for the winter. Just a few sips can warm the gullet, and take a bit of the chill off the coldest of winter nights.
All whiskeys were once almost universally considered kosher. But in the last few decades the kashrut of whiskey has come up for debate.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Party-Planners, can a hashgocha control them? We doubt it.

Kashrus Scandal:

Party planners are never under any Hashgocha

Party-Planners- Can a hashgocha control them? We doubt it.
They bring anything & everything from literally anyplace.
Rented equipment:
Pop corn machines- others may use butter & then used for fleishig party.
Chocolate machine- was used with dairy chocolate then used for fleishig affair.
Hot-dog machine- used for any brand hot dogs previously.
Candies, cakes, etc from anyplace.
Dishes, utensils from anyplace.
Reb Dovid Feinstein, Shlita said "A party planner on a shabbos event without chilul shabbos?, I don't think it can happen".
All Party-Planners must be under a strong Hashgocha, or don't use them.

Consumer Reports Raises Questions About Some Fish Oil Brands

Consumer Reports Raises Questions About Some Fish Oil Brands
[most soft gel caps are not kosher]

December 7, 2011 - YONKERS, N.Y. (PRNewswire-USNewswire) — In lab tests of 15 top-selling brands of fish oil supplements, Consumer Reports found that five fell a bit short on quality. Fish oil supplements have become wildly popular, with consumers taking them to treat a long list of ailments including menstrual cramps, heart disease, asthma, bipolar disorder, high blood pressure, depression, psoriasis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and pregnancy complications.

The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil

December 7, 2011-Olive Oil’s Growers, Chemists, Cooks and CrooksBy DWIGHT GARNER

EXTRA VIRGINITY -The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil

By Tom Mueller - Illustrated. 238 pages. W. W. Norton & Company. $25.95.

A few pages into Tom Mueller’s new book, “Extra Virginity,” there’s a funny moment when an olive oil expert holds up a bottle that’s covered with dubious claims: “100 percent Italian,” “cold-pressed,” “extra virgin.”

Time To Face The Issue: Yeshiva Bochur Arrested For DWI

All Schnapps should be banned at all weddings-The Misader Kidushin should insist on that standard, besides the fact that most of the Schnapps served does not have a hashgocha & may not be used.

Tilapia fillets skinless-Don't rely on the Hashgochas- Buy only with skin-tab

Tilapia fillets skinless-Don't rely on the Hashgochas-

Buy only with skin-tab "NO HASHGOCHA" at the

Washington Sea Food 52 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205-1202
Phone:(718) 875-2736

Another reason, one should insist on a "skin-tab" for frozen filet fish

UPDATE- We gave a hashgocha at a bar mitzvah this past week, we insisted on Tilapia with a skin-tab & NO Heimish HASHGOCHA on the box.

We wrote to Dagim, received No response nor acknowledgement.

TILAPIA fish-Frozen, skinless filet, with 2 prominent kosher certifiers
 International & Heimish Hashgochas.

Production date: "19 04 2011" (first day pesach?, ys)

Some of the production was done in June 2011, the prices are cheaper for April product. The importer is interested in $$$ bottom line. The Chinese took them knowingly for a ride.

The Mashgiach didn't "chap" the game, One supervised box for every 3-4 boxes from April that were unsupervised.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Old fashioned kitchen Latkes (pancakes)

Lakewood's Old fashioned kitchen Company's Latkes (pancakes) are yoshon & bishul Yisroel.

What's in your olive oil?

What's in Your Olive Oil? By Amy Zavatto -Published December 05, 2011

Pretty bottles of olive oil make great holiday gifts, but what most of us who delight in drizzles of the golden liquid don’t realize is what’s in your bottle might not be what you expect—or want. And we’re not talkin’ fat.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

May one Dunkin Donut"?

May one Dunkin Donut"? NO!
Not even with the hashgocha?
But something is Cholov Yisroel?
Who is their fulltime shomer shabbos mashgiach?
The other items are cholov yishmael which is really Cholov-Treif, Per Rav Eliyashev, Rav Wosner Shlita.

Mehadrin Company Dairy products

Mehadrin Company Dairy products recently changed their Hashgocha to Rav Shia Katz, Magrov. Mazel Tov to Rav Katz on the upcoming Chasunah.

Mehadrin has also changed their yogurt size from 8 oz to 7 oz, the price remained unchanged.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Kashrus Alert: Fresh & Easy cooking book has non-kosher recipes?

Kashrus Alert:
Fresh & Easy cooking book has non-kosher recipes?
An individual not being a trained expert in insect infestation is unqualified to check their own vegetables and herbs that may be infested.

Many of the recipes in the book use those non kosher vegetales & herbs. Therefore it is not recomended to use the book for any of their recipes.

Many of the recipes in the Hamodia & Yated have the same issues, it's best to discard the entire reci sections without reading them at all.

The truth behind the frozen "spinach" scandall.

The truth behind the frozen-spinach "shia'ruriah". Oh, you didn't even know that the consumers were fooled again. Spinach is an infested product in general. If it's picked in very cool dry weather e.g. early April, it may have a minimum infestation issue. This years production by the heimishe companys was done in late May, etc.

The Kosher certifiers didn't realize all these years that the processor doesn't have filters for the recirculated processing water which is full of insects. They wanted cancel their orders, the company didn't agree. The companies sold the infested goods to commercial foodservice clients, and the consumers eat it.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

May one say "Korbonos, etc" before sunrise?

Ki'Vasikin minyan, must say it after davening.
Others must wait till after sunrise, which is now about 7:00 AM. See the shulchan oruch & mishnah Berurah.

Drinks, ices, etc w/ Grape should NOT be used unless

Drinks, ices, etc w/ Grape should NOT be used unless you can ascertain the source & hashgocha if it's acceptable to you. Not all Grape derivatives would be acceptable even with a hashgocha. Fierce Grape by Gatorade, we don't know what the grape derivative source is being used.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

FDA apple juice arsenic guidelines expected

By Mark Astley, 29-Nov-2011-The US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) could be poised to perform a U-turn on levels of arsenic in apple juice through the development of new guidelines - a letter sent to consumer groups has revealed.

In the letter sent to the Empire State Consumer Project and the Food and Water Watch, the authority said they would be collecting all relevant information before evaluating the best course of action.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

DNA-certified seafood in restaurants ?

Restaurants around the world will soon use new DNA technology to assure patrons they are being served the genuine fish fillet or caviar they ordered, rather than inferior substitutes, an expert in genetic identification says.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The status of the Chazir (Cham'zir)

Sometime after Mashiach comes, the "chazir" will be permitted to eat.
The question is, will the chazir become a "maaleh-gairah" or the current chazir will become permitted?

Logic says it will become a "maaleh-gairah", as todays chazir to be permitted, we don't have to wait for mashiach, enough Rabonim have permitted chazir or treif in one way or another.,7340,L-4152397,00.html

Rav Elyashiv On Speaking On The Phone & Driving

Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita was asked by rabbonim affiliated with the Chafetz Chaim road safety organization regarding a driver who speaks on a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle, Kikar Shabbat reports. The Rav was asked if such a person is classified as a ‘rodef’.

According to the report, the posek hador ruled that such a person “Is not exactly a rodef, but close to being one”.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cole slaw cabbage V bagged shredded cabbage (infestation)

For their Cole slaw they do a spot check of a few outside leaves of the cabbage-they don't even wash rinse it. Who's going to find the insects in the finished cole slaw with mayonaise, etc.
When they sell shredded cabbage, they also wash rinse it. May one rely on such a system? Ask Hisachdus re: Flaums products.

Corn on the cob-infested? ALL!

Corn on the cob-infested? ALL!
That's correct, you must remove all of the kernels, rinse & then use.
All of the "corn on the cobs" in the market even with hashgochas can't be used due to infestation.

We are surprised & shocked to find the Golden-Flow brand Corn-on-the-cob with Hishachdus hashgocha.
The thrips hide beneath the kernels.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Olive oil adulteration

The industry association of South African olive oil producers, has decided to support the adoption of the same olive oil standard recently put into place in Australia.

Andries Rabie, Chairman of the South African Olive Industry Association (SA Olive), said the government in South Africa had established a committee to consider the recommendation.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

From "Good Shabbos everyone"

 Sent: 11/3/2011 6:06:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Good Shabbos Everyone- Parshas Lech-Lecha 5772

Good Shabbos Everyone. One day, several years ago, Reb Mordechai Shain was passing the corner of Main and Maple streets in Monsey, New York, on a Friday afternoon when he spotted a family sitting on the front steps of the Yeshivah Spring Valley.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Grape seed extracts has its kashrus issues
 Indena grape seed extracts earn kosher certification-02-Nov-2011
Italian botanical extracts leader, Indena, has earned "LBD" kosher certification for its range of polyphenol-rich grape seed extracts from the largest kosher agency in Europe, as the market for kosher products expands. The certification took several years to achieve and included, “extensive site inspections by Rabbi Akiva Padwa”, director of certification at the UK-based kosher agency, KLBD. The review included, “the entire process from harvest, through preparation of the seeds to the extraction of the polyphenols.”
“We were delighted to go through the auditing process because KLBD is recognised by our customers as an international kosher agency,” said Christian Artaria, marketing director and head of functional food development at Indena. Certification is opening up markets and helping to make business easier.”

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Nonprofits join forces to tackle botanical adulteration

Nonprofits join forces to tackle botanical adulteration - By Elaine Watson, 03-Nov-2011

Three leading not-for-profit organizations have joined forces to create an education program to help the dietary supplements trade wise up to the tricks used by unscrupulous suppliers to adulterate botanicals.

In Kashrus we must be able to "Track from Farm to Fork"

Ambitious European Project Traces Food from Farm to Fork

More than a dozen colleges and companies have joined a consortium under the guidance of the University of Wolverhampton, to pilot RFID technology as it tracks the movements of fish, wine, cheese through production and on to retailers.

Oct. 28, 2011—A European project overseen by the University of Wolverhampton and a consortium of universities, technical institutes and commercial entities is determining how radio frequency identification technology can benefit the perishable-goods supply chain. The project, known as Farm to Fork (F2F), was launched last year, with half of its funding provided by the European Commission's ICT Policy Support Program—aimed at stimulating innovation and competitiveness—which includes a half-dozen pilots throughout Europe to track fish, wine and cheese through the production process and on to stores.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Safety Of Food Ingredients

Report: Industry Determines Safety Of Food Ingredients- Associated Press- October 27, 2011

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Thousands of ingredients that go into food have been classified as safe by private industry alone, without any U.S. government oversight, according to a new report published Wednesday. 

Since the early 1960's, private companies and industry trade associations have determined at least 3,000 ingredients are safe, with no federal scrutiny, the study found. The ingredients include everything from artificially synthesized chemicals used in chewing gum to grape seed extract used in cheese and instant coffee.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oilve Oil- "liquid gold" or adulterated?

Olive oil, or "liquid gold," has been produced in California since well before the 49ers arrived. Yet as of now, only 2 percent of olive oil consumed in the U.S. is produced here. The California Olive Oil Council and its members are looking to change that.

Brocolli-"No florets"? No infestation? priced right?

British Scientists Grow Super Broccoli- October 26, 2011

LONDON (AP) -- Popeye might want to consider switching to broccoli. British scientists recently unveiled a new breed of the vegetable that experts say packs a big nutritional punch. The new broccoli was specially grown to contain two to three times the normal amount of glucoraphanin, a nutrient believed to help ward off heart disease.

"Vegetables are a medicine cabinet already," said Richard Mithen, who led the team of scientists at the Institute for Food Research in Norwich, England, that developed the new broccoli. "When you eat this broccoli ... you get a reduction in cholesterol in your blood stream," he told Associated Press Television.
Glucoraphanin works by breaking fat down in the body, preventing it from clogging the arteries. It is only found in broccoli in significant amounts.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Who's teffilin & mezuzohs did the Sofer return to you?

UPDATE: It is more common than most think.

Who's tefilin & mezuzohs did  the Sofer return to you?
It's all too common for a Sofer to receive from numerous people their teffilin & or Mezuzohs to check at the same time.

The tefilin & or Mezuzohs when opened contain many different individual items from numerous different people, all of looks basically the same.

Do they get mixed up? Yes!
You paid a lot of money for your teffilin& Mezuzohs, now you got someone else's.

What system does the sofer have to prevent even the slightest chance of a mix up? Verify 100%

Saturday, October 15, 2011

You can help solve the Treif טריף milk issue.

Due to the Veterinary procedures on cows, many of the cows are actualy treif טריף. Milk from a treif cow is not kosher-this has nothing to do with Cholov-akum חלב עכו"ם. In the USA practically speaking there isn't Shishim on any farm, the treif cows ranges from 3% to 8% on the average. On the Cholov yisroel farms they remove all of those procedured cows. Hence all Cholov akum milk in the USA may be Cholov-Treif and not be permitted.

The farmers association realize that there is an over supply of milk on the market and that supresses the price the farmers receive. In order to keep prices of milk higher they at times remove a certain amount of milking cows in order to create some shortage. "SEE FOLLOWING ARTICLE".

The consumers should contact the kosher certifiers to ask the "CWT" to remove on a constant basis the procedured or treif cows, the price of milk in the USA would stabilize & we would eliminate the Treif Milk from the market. Then all those that want to rely on the various leniencies re: cholov akum can do so.
BTW- In some countries e.g. Germany, all procedured cows are removed permanently from the milking herds.
5/13/2009 2:00:00 PM -Dairy Update: CWT To Remove More Than 100,000 Cows

The dairy industry’s self-help program, Cooperatives Working Together (CWT), announced today that it has tentatively accepted 388 bids representing 102,898 cows and 2 billion pounds of milk production capacity. CWT officials will now begin the task of culling or “retiring” that many cows from the nation’s dairy herd.

It is the first in a series of herd-retirements planned over the next 12 months. The number of cows and pounds of milk represent the largest single herd-retirement carried out in the six-year history of CWT.

Dairy farmers in 41 states submitted a total of 538 herd-retirement bids by the May 1 deadline. The 388 bids tentatively accepted represent 72 percent of the total bids received by CWT. The number of cows now scheduled to be removed account for 64 percent of the total number of cows offered and the 2 billion pounds of milk account for 67 percent of the milk production offered.

“The high percentage of bids CWT selected this time around is an indication that producers understood that CWT would only be able to accept reasonable bids per hundred pounds of milk in order to adjust the nation’s dairy herd and better align supply and demand,” said Jerry Kozak, president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation, which administers CWT.

Starting next week, CWT field auditors will begin visiting the 388 farms whose bids were accepted, checking their milk-production records, inspecting their herds, and tagging each cow for processing. All farms should be audited by early July and cows should begin moving off dairies by late May. All bidders will be notified no later than June 12 as to whether their bid was among those accepted.

“The bids selected ranged from farms with fewer than 50 cows to dairies with over 5,000, demonstrating that farms of all sizes in all areas are facing a very difficult year in 2009,” Kozak said. “Those that took advantage of CWT’s offer to retire their herds will aid others still wanting to farm by reducing the amount of milk coming to market and strengthening prices going forward.”

“CWT, thanks to the commitment of 36 cooperative members and over 500 individual dairy farmer members, has the resources to carry out additional herd-retirements in the coming months. That is why CWT will not announce the average level of the bids accepted until all the herd-retirements are completed,” Kozak noted. “We will continue to monitor key economic indicators in order to determine the right time to implement the next herd-retirement.”

Since 2003, CWT has been responsible for culling 285,717 cows through its herd-retirement program. It has also provided export assistance.

Its efforts have been made more imperative in recent months, due to the low milk prices received by dairy producers. Officials hope that removing thousands of cows will help bring supply and demand into better balance.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Grapes have tiny insects that come off w/ washing well

New Square kashrus-
Grapes have tiny insects that come off w/ washing well. Includes all varieties.

Shabbos would be an issue of "borer".

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kosher alert:

Kosher consumers Beware:
Some Ice cream & yogurt parlors are using a mix aledegedly cholov yisroel that originates in Canada or Europe that does not remove the operated cows and therefore is actually cholov-treif.

The "Emmes" is that all USA, canada & European cholov akum is cholov treif, Per  Rav Eliyashev, Rav Wosner, Shlita & all other poiskim.

The milk from Germany does not have those procedures.

Monday, September 26, 2011

What's happening to ADEREI-HATORAHS Children?

What's happening to Lakewood's Children?
We allow them to go to every treif establishment for fress. e.g. 7-11, RITAS, Delta 1st St, Yum yum, etc Ice cream & yogurt parlors, exxon, Hangouts, etc even those that made a splash with "kivias-Mezuzah".

Everything is permitted to fress. At least till after Yom-Kippur to refrain from bishul akum, pas-akum, cholov akum = "cholov-treif", shnapps without a hashgocha, infested fruits & vegetables, etc just for starters.

What's the issues w/ honey from "really raw honey Company"?

It still contains the non kosher larva, moths, eggs, honey comb, beeswax, etc

The kosher consumer should look for a pure USA product, & a filtered honey that is not heated at all.

Solgar Vitamin E from a Heimish store in Boro Park

See below - may question and the response from the Chof-K regarding Vitamin E that I bought in a "heimishe" store in Boro Park.

Hi, I recently bought a few bottlles of Solgar vitamins from a frum shop in Boro Park.  I assumed all were under hashgocho.  One of the items was the Vitamin E gelcaps, and they have no hashgocho.  The bottle says that it is \"suitable for vegetarians.\"  Can you give me some insight on why most other items have the chof K and this does not?  I'm just trying to figure out if I can use these.  Thanks,

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kashrus alert: YATED- has non-kosher recipes

Kashrus alert: YATED- has non-kosher recipes

Throw out at least the entire section containg the recipes.

Others are cancelling their subscriptions.


לידיעת הציבור!

אחרי שעברה יותר משנה שוועד הכשרות של וואלאווע ונירבאטור הותרו השגחתם מ-raisins, הצטרפו להם בי"ד התאחדות הרבנים וגם הם הוסרו השגחתם מהיום והלאה


The U. S. Food and Drug Administration –Raisins including golden Insects and insect eggs (AOAC 969.42 & MPM-V76)-10 or more whole or equivalent insects and 35 Drosophila eggs per 8 oz.
ALL RAISINS ARE SUSPECT INCLUDING "raisin-bran", Dole, Sun-Maid, Etc 

Brands with any Hashgocha SHOULD NOT BE USED AT THIS TIME.

Yellow Golden raisins & South African ones have less insects. It does fluctuate by batches but none are clean.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chofetz Chaim's Yuhr'zeit- chofetz chaim on kashrus

The saintly Chofetz Chaim writes in his book, Machaneh Israel, that a Jewish soldier once asked him what he should choose. He was given the choice to be in a division under a fine commander, who allows the soldiers to slaughter and eat kosher meat, but there he would have to work on the Shabbat, or to be in another division where he would not be able to eat kosher food, but he would not be coerced to work on the Shabbat. He asked what he should do.
The Chofetz Chaim told him to go to the division where he would be forced to work on the Shabbat and added the following reason: Even though Shabbat is a capital offense, when he comes home, he would be able to observe many Shabbossim. If he eats neveilos and trefos, however, "the damage to his soul will remain permanently," [..And he will end up not eating Kosher and not observing Shabbat]

בתורה הקדושה כתוב: ואנשי קודש תהיון לי, (שמות כ"ב). על המילים ואנשי קודש תהיון לי אומר רשי הקדוש: אם אתם קדושים ופרושים מנבילות וטריפות הרי אתם שלי, ואם לאו אתם של נבוכדנצר וחבריו, הפשט הוא כך: הקדוש ברוך הוא אומר כשהיהודים יהיו קדושים, והם לא יאכלו נבילות וטריפות, אז הם יהיו שלי, וכשהם יאכלו נבילות וטריפות הם לא יהיו שלי, ועל המלים לכלב תשליכון אותו אומר רש"י: "שהכלב נכבד ממנו, הכוונה שכמישהו אוכל טריפות הוא יותר גרוע מכלב"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Party planners at Shabbos / Yom-tov affairs

Is it a fact that Shabbos / Yom-Tov affairs that have party planners in general involve "chilul-shabbos"?

One of the major Poiskim in the USA stated "one may not utilize party planners on a Shabbos / Yom tov affair, as it will most probably involve chilul shabbos in more than one way".

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Many eggs come from Pensylvania's amish country, which have roosters in the coops-therefore a blood spot would be "ossuhr".

Lately the KREIDER eggs have a higher incidence of blood spots and or a "gershtel" which is a hard'ish piece floating in the white, usually beige but at times pinkish or red, etc.

Kreider responds:
Dear Mr. Shain,
Thank you for contacting us about your concerns and I’m terribly sorry it has taken this long to get back to you.

We are sorry to hear that you have found blood spots in our eggs. Kreider Farms label eggs, while not USDA identified on the carton, are inspected by the USDA. The USDA and our own stringent in-house egg quality audits have not revealed any problems with blood spots or small hard pieces in the white above any acceptable regulatory standards. Blood spots actually are a small piece of the reproductive process of a female chicken and on a very rare occasion, a blood vessel that has been nourishing the forming yoke may break off when the yolk is released. We do understand that clean eggs are a critical Kosher requirement.