Friday, December 20, 2013

UPDATED: Vegetable checking & cleaning Guide

We received a sheef of pages to look over, edit, add, remove, etc re: vegetable checking & cleaning.
It's far from all reviewed and corrected but it's a start. Comments appreciated. send an email for a copy.
Subject line "vegetable guide".

NOTE: Thank you for contacting Green Giant with your inquiry.  Broccoli Slaw does not contain the broccoli florets, it is shredded vegetable stems.  There are floret pieces & other non acceptable items.

Update: Even the Commercial orange juice may contain "scale insects". 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Alert: Pineapples are infested?

Alert: Pineapples are infested with small worms, mites etc. on the crown leaves, Therefore they should not be used even for garnishing.

The Brown parts left over after peeling should be removed completely. Those brown parts are actually pineapple flowers that closed up as the fruit was growing and there may be mites, etc inside.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Adulterated foods- Olive oil, Honey, etc

A European Union report said that olive oil, fish and organic food are the foods that are most likely to be fraudulent. 

The other foods that are likely to be fraudulent are milk, grains, honey and maple syrup, coffee and tea, spices, wine, and certain fruit juices.

The previous alert can be cited with the URL:

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Kosher Consumers must read labels v-e-r-y carefully

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Kashrus Alert: Correlle dishes

Kashrus Alert: 
Correlle dishes are coated with some unknown substance which may contain non-kosher ingredients. 
The Correlle Company is not divulging the information.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Alert: Fantastic dish detergent lost the OU

Alert: Fantastic dish detergent lost the OU, due to a formula change.

Dish soap is not a פוגם and it's not like dishwasher detergent which is poisonous.

DO NOT Patronize any of the VOICE's advertisers, WHY?

After the last Election a writer asked a question "why so many did not vote"?

The simple answer was that the Gedoilim in Eretz Yisroel said in order to avoid a chilul-Hashem & make a Kidush-Hashem in Lakewood "don't vote in this election".

Someone wrote the following response in the Voice, which is very much on target "al-pi-halacha". The ערב רב aka BMG's VAAD "mouthpiece" the voice put out a robocall to apologize for the Emmes.

Therefore it's time the Tzibur should "not-patronize" any of the Voice's advertisers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Do you have to allow in an "Inspector" to your property?

Appellate Division.
STATE of New Jersey, Plaintiff–Respondent,
Ellen HEINE, Defendant–Appellant.
Submitted Nov. 30, 2011. Decided Jan. 31, 2012.

Under your 4th Amendment rights, the answer is "NO", Unless the Inspector has a Court Warrant or Court Order.
That was upheld by the above Appellate Court in NJ.

Agudah's Hospice?

Reb yudel,
Your not going to believe the story I heard today November 19th, 2013,(by chance from somebody who's a Philadelphia Talmid and doesn't know I'm fighting HOSPICE):
R S..... ....... went today to be menachem avel someone in Philadelphia who's father passed away. The daughter was saying "it was really very good how hospice took such good care of my father..........".
R S.... said " you mean to say you starved your father to death?????????"
She said "no, we took very good care of him etc."
R S.... repeated himself "you mean to say you staved your father to death????????"
R S.... wasn't the daughter who had no answer got up & stepped out!!!!!

And.... R S.... ....... is on the Agudah , who supports HOSPICE?!?!!!!?

What a story!!!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

ALERT: Baby salmon infested with "Lice"

ALERT: Baby salmon infested with "Lice" on skin. Must be scrubbed with a brush very well and checked.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fresh Chestnuts are infested

Fresh Chestnuts are infested, 
Kol -Mevasser Rav Wagshal confirmed.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Yoshon and Bishul yisroel update

Please be advised that the following items are yoshon all year.

Bishul yisroel for ashkenazim.

1- Golden- potato pancakes (Latkes) only the plain latke not spinach, brocolli ones.

2- Trader Joe's- Potato Pancakes (Latkes. only the plain ones).

3- J&J Blintzes- Cheese and Potato- Yoshon all year & bishul yisroel for sfardim & GRA.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

ALERT: ALL "wild Salmon" are infested.

ALERT: ALL "wild Salmon" are infested.
Some fish stores (Freund's) are under a false assumption that wild Salmon from Scotland, Norway is not infested.
That information is not correct, as was also verified by Harav Moshe Via, Shlita.


The following ingredients are often commonly found in processed foods and may or may not be vegetarian. Check the package for an indication of the origin of questionable ingredients. When it doubt, don’t buy it!

Activated Carbon - Source: cow bones or vegetable
Albumin - Source: egg whites or animal blood
Amino Acid - Source: animal, vegetable, bacterial, fungal or synthetic
Amylase - Source: bacterial, fungal or pig

Beeswax - Source: insect
Biotin - Source: yeast, milk, egg yolk, nuts, vegetables, grain, animal

Calcium Caseinate - Source: animal milk
Calcium Stearate - Source: animal, usually cow or pig
Carmine - Source: insect
Capric Acid - Source: animal or vegetable fat
Casein - Source: animal milk
Cochineal - Source: insect
Clarifying Agent - Source: egg, animal milk, gelatin, fish or mineral
Cysteine - Source: animal and human hair
Cream of tarter- Source: wine

Diglyceride - Source: animal or vegetable
Disodium Inosinate - Source: animal, vegetable or fungal
D3- See Lanolin

Emulsifier - Source: cow, pig, egg, animal milk, vegetable

Fatty Acid - Source: cow, pig, vegetable
Folic Acid - Source: fungal, synthetic, animal or vegetable

Gelatin - Source: animal bone, cartilage, tendons and skin
Glycerides - Source: cow, pig, synthetic
Glycerols - Source: cow, pig, vegetable

Isinglass - Source: fish

Lactose - Source: animal milk
Lactic Acid - Source: animal milk, molasses, vegetables
Lanolin - Source: sheep’s wool
Lard - Source: pig
Lecithin - Source: animal, plant, egg
Lipase - Source: cow, pig, fungal

Magnesium Sterate - Source: cow, pig, mineral or vegetable
Monoclyceride - Source: animal, vegetable or synthetic
Myristic Acid - Source: animal and vegetable fat

Oleic Acid - Source: animal tallow, vegetable fat, oil

Palmitic Acid - Source: cow, pig or vegetable fat
Pancreatin - Source: cow and pig digestive enzymes
Pepsin - Source: pig stomachs
Propolis - Source: insect
Processing Agent - Source: egg, animal milk, cow, pig, vegetable, mineral, synthetic
Protease - Source: animal, vegetable, bacterial, fungal

Rennet - Source: cows’ stomachs, plants, bacteria, mold
Royal Jelly - Source: insect

Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate - Source: animal milk, vegetable, milk
Stearic Acid - Source: animal fat, vegetable
Suet - Source: cow and sheep fat
Surface-Active Agents - Source: animal, vegetable or synthetic

Tallow - Source: sheep and cow fat
Tartaric acid- Source: Wine
Tripsin - Source: cow or pig digestive enzyme
Tyrosine - Source: poultry feathers

Vitamin A - Source: vegetable, synthetic, egg yolks, fish oil
Vitamin D - Source: sheep’s wool, fish, fungal

Whey - Source: cheese and cows’ milk

Positive "system" for Vegetable checking

Why is Positive being pushed so much by me and others.
It's not because of greenhouse grown, because greenhouse grown also has insects al beit under some control better than open field grown especially re miners.
The method of checking for insects by looking in a glass bowl on a light box was a system that we have finally proven is not reliable at all. Any foodservice that is still using that system, one may not eat any item that requires bedika.

The "complete" positive system of  checking including their tollerances, etc is still the ONLY one that is to be relied upon. The OU was the first of the major certifiers that bit the bullet & is instituting their methods by proper training of their mashgichim.

Not all mashgichim are "trainable" to use the positive system. They may still be excellent mashgichim in other areas.

NOTE: The most serious item in hashgocha is proper checking of infestation, and knowing which items require checking. The is no ainoi ben yomo or other kulahs to rely on.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

NOTE: Comments

When posting comments, make sure it's in compliance with the Chofetz Chaim's sefer Shmiras-Haloshon.

Why is the new Evergreen Supermarket in Monsey the place to shop?

The New Evergreen Supermarket in Monsey is more than happy to answer all of your questions, concerns etc., especially regarding their standards of kashrus item carried in their takeout, repacks, etc.

Their Meat is Solomon's, Alle (N. American), Continental, (Satmar-Toronto), 

Our Recommended poultry is only the following;
 KJ (Kiryas Joel), BirdsBoro (Mehadrin), Marvid w/ CRC, Pella.

All those requiring "Bais-Yosef" meat should be aware the Evergreen does wash down thoroughly all of their equipment before doing the Bais-Yosef. 

If you are in Monsey, NY?

Please notify the new Evergreen supermarket to remove the Fresh express salads even w/ sticker, as it isn't reliable to be used for a kosher consumer due to infestation.

Fruit infestation

Even the fresh blueberries from the NJ farm stands were checked and are infested big time.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Do "U" know the most critical factor to check for in kashrus?

The most critical factor to check for in kashrus? is "Bedikas- Toloi'yim".

Does the Rav Hamachshir or their Representative know the hands-on practical knowledge of "bedikas toloi'yim"?

They must know thoroughly  at least; a) identification of the various common insects in fruits & vegetables, b) good eyesight, c) how to use a light box, d) patience, e) how to use a shmatah bedika, f) etc.

Where was the Mashgiach trained / tested etc? ?
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