Sunday, July 31, 2022

Heimish Hashgochas using Blommer's Chocolate Dairy cholov akum "treif"

Kashrus Alert: Heimish Hashgochas using Blommer's Chocolate Dairy - cholov akum? "treif"

Blommers Chocolate (E. Greenville, PA) was kosher certified Parve for many years by the "OK Labs"now Star-D

Others were uncomfortable with blommer's for many years and considered Blommer's as dairy "cholov akum".

Hisachdus CRC, among other heimish hashgochas allowed it to be used as Parve, when it should not  allowed it because  of cholov akum (treif). It's still being used by their certified establishments as parve.
Note there are no "special productions", there, that are reliable.

Note: Reb Moshe Feinstein has a Teshuvah that the operated cows [4-8%] are "treif", therefore the heter that others are relying on on Reb Moshe is a falacy.


  1. yodel what the h... r u talking about? have u ever been to the plant? I have and its a total separate line. I don't work for OK and im not a fan of them by any stretch of the imagination but u simply don't know what ur talking about. OK has plenty of problems that should make one wary of them but this is not one of them.

  2. A Hershey's mashgiach who caresMon Jan 13, 10:55:00 PM 2014

    Yudel, is your beef altz koshering with chocolate? Otherwise, undeclared ingredients can put companies out of business if someone with allergies goes into anaphalactic shock chas veshulem.

  3. Why do houses with a value of 300,000 remain assessed at 100,000 in Forest Park? Perhaps if Forest Parkers paid their fair share of property tax the township would be able to afford to put up a desperately needed traffic light in that area?

  4. Does this use OK's cocoa from China that had no mashgiach?

    Maybe OK-P is a Passover designation?

  5. Thank you for bashing all hashgachas x
    Thank you for reading into Reb Moishas pesokim to satisfy your bashing.
    Keep up the good work - zom Gedalya is 8 weeks and two days away let’s prepare for the Yudel ‘ version of zom Gedalya

  6. "Thank you for reading into Reb Moishas pesokim to satisfy your bashing"

    Pirush lepirushoi of the establishment hashgocho troll: Posek Hador R' Moshe Feinstein is no good when an Igros Moshe teshuva gets in the way of our improper shortcuts! And R' Yudel is a "villain" for being on the "wrong" side of things tzuzamen mit R' Moshe!

  7. Why do you write Treifah if its just like any ordinary OU-D?

    1. OU-D is treif according to the poisek achron.

  8. A Schmerling mashgiach who caresMon Aug 01, 08:46:00 PM 2022

    Let me guess ... 'Sachdis is pleading "vhen tze kimt tze hefsid merribeh, anything goes"

    Am I on to something?

  9. Efshar iz doo a bissel hefsed phar inzereh poisek achrin ouchet

  10. please explain why you consider the Pareve line dairy, or treif?

  11. The refiner was doind dairy and goes up above "yad-soledes", over 165F, it was measured.

  12. milk is 100% Treifah, the קיבה issue is out of control!

  13. the israeli journal קובץ בית אהרן וישראל said its okay from treifah aspect

  14. בספר שלחן הלוי מבואר שאין לחשוש

  15. Why would want to contaminate himself by drinking "treif" milk?

  16. One that drinks milk from the operated cows,
    The חתם סופר rules that is מטמטם, therefore you'll be a טימטום in heart and soul.

  17. Yes, if one actually goes to that farm. But I saw ספר חלב טריפה in Woodburne shul ads that says Rabbi First and others say its מותר בלי פקפוק. I went and called my Rav he said that its true, the metziyus has changed and one can eat OU-D forsake כלים

  18. Rav Eliyashev and Rav Wosner disagree with you Rav's uneducated opinion, as the facts have not changed and the Halacha has not changed.
    Sorry, but You willl have to wait for moshiach in order to eat chazir.

  19. החלב הטריפה רוצים לטהר את השר, בק"ן טעמים, ר"ל

  20. החלב הטריפה רוצים לטהר את השרץ, בק"ן טעמים, ר"ל

  21. Rav elyashiv didn'tand r wosner are not around for a decade. The new information is a couple months old

  22. Mevatel Kiddushin for DollarsTue Aug 09, 10:11:00 PM 2022

    Please! Fuerst from Chicago who is bigger into creating mamzerim than Philly will ever be?

    Fuerst is among the Last to have any credibility!

    And there is something special about Chicago where the Agudah allows their machers to get away with much bigger whoppers, whether Fuerst, or Kalish with his toyevah agenda.

  23. אין כל חדש, nothing changed and all of the cows that were operated on (6-8%) are treif.

    Are you going to take everything and say it's old pisakim?

    Well the תורה מסיני is older, I guess you got rid of that ages ago.

    Enjoy your treifos.

  24. Moshe Rabbeinu brought down the torah all those years ago.
    Today's poskim apply that same torah to today's issues.
    Yeydel also interprets that same torah in his own unique style. But it HIS interpretation not necessarily the correct and accepted one. He is entitled to his views and will get rewards upstairs for his "toil" into HIS interpretations but thats it. Not binding at all only to this site.
    Let him keep posting his interpretations and the world will decide what to accept and what to keep as a lone post.

  25. Yudel goes with the Mesorah.

  26. See the Mishnah in Mesechta "Idious", mesorah is the only avenue that guides Klal Yisroel.
    Rav Eliyashev & Rav Wosner said that it's treif based on our Mesorah from Sinai.

    All of the newcomers that are uncomfortable with the Mesorah, would like to be מטהר השרץ בק"ן טעמים, "bi'taovoin".

  27. There are others who carry and pass on the Mesorah other then the ‘subject agenda’ chosen poskim.
    It is without doubt that you and others do not follow all pesakim from these agenda picked poskim.
    Aside from the fact that not all know if or what he said.

  28. please inform me where you got the # of 6-8%. Its not in Rav Elyashiv Teshuvah (Simon 48) or Rav Wosner (Chelek 9:195)

  29. maybe yodel should give. shiur on the topic , im serious. im not clear from this blog

  30. Whenever someone starts bristling that R' Yudel & like minded bnei Torah are supposedly improperly picking & choosing poskim & pesakim, it's the gadfly OU mashgiach in Queens as one of his tactics attempting to protect certain corrupt establishment orgs & belittle the detractors! Who else?!

    Wise up, mashgiach! Because when family members in your 'gantze mishpooche' embezzle money, molest or do worse to children, hit on married veiber, collect kesovim of galochim, etc, etc, etc, they are certainly picking & choosing which Loi Saasehs & Dibros they give a hoot about!

  31. I don’t see a compelling reason to be machine on Terifos other than it’s a Halacha lemosheh that all US farms have high%

  32. ...collect kesovim of galochim...

    Aye. don't let others infringe on your specialty.
    Calm down !! Did you do your fress yet ? Was it Enough ?
    Do you need some free rice or BBQ ? Good news you can start soon - at Plag. Then you can consider it Friday already for your first Toiamaihoo fress.

  33. I don't know what you want from me, I don't see a coherent explanation showing why I should assume 500000 farms in America have 6-8% of a disease without any proof. אם קבלה היא נקבל, but its gotta be from a better source than someone who writes a blog

  34. All of the Vetiranary Associations in the USA agree with those numbers.
    The European ones claim they have between 5-6%.
    Germany has none, as the Government does not allow any milking of these operated cows and they must be sent to the slaughter-so live in Nazi Germany and drink non treif milk.

  35. Please send mea link to *any* study from *any* vet associations
