Sunday, July 31, 2022

Why do we allow this in our community?


  1. There always were and there always will be.
    Nothing really to solve the root of this issue

  2. It's time our community start calling the police and reporting these criminals. It is long over due that our community refer victims to qualified mental health professionals for healing.

    1. Some of the molester are these professionals why would one take a gamble?


  4. They should go back to the effective system in the alter Haim. The rodef molester turned up drowned which the oylam would deadpan that he was pashtus another victim of roaming Cossacken.

  5. The molesters are "professionals".
    You are very much correct, as history has shown.

  6. The professionals are molesters too.

  7. Covering up for molesters is a specialty of the Queens Vaad & their mascot OU mashgiach.

    Anything goes to protect "the mechuton".

    Aint that right, mashgiach. No question mark because it's without question.

  8. How could he be a molester he is not a professional??
    Who is the Mechuton anyway? I thought he died the one from Boro Park.

  9. The mechuton of the "R" mishpooche is Ephraim Bryks who the uber-corrupt Queens Vaad never stopped covering up for. Even the OU has fought to kick Bryks out of chinuch.

    Bryks will be detained by police if he ever steps foot again in Canada.

    Bryks might be getting back into his other pasttime of financial shakedowns & gangsterei now that his old associate Mendel Epstein has just been released from tefisah.

    It's not a stirah al kol ponim to be both a both a molester & prodfather at the same time because the assault crews working for Mendel's fake beis din have targeted the private parts of the victims. Even though it is sadistic, it is still molesting lechol hadeyos, not limited to al pi Hatorah. Lehavdil, secular pyschologists say that sadistic people get geshmak nogaya znus which is probably the reason why prosecutors will often press molestation charges when the perp is sadistic.

  10. CCRC will NEVER molest in his definition of molesting however, while hes 'kaying' away on all the minimum tri-daily free fress, he molests anything in his site.
    CCRC never cared whats Halachik as long as he can be yoitzay his 'Zom Gedalia' version of all kind of 'devarim ha'ahsoorim' - pun intended.
    Besides his guru west coast pope he picks and chooses whoever fir his bill for behavior codes which has zero to do with Judaism - frum or not.


    An associate of Ephraim Bryks, Yisroel Belsky & Queens Vaad av beis din Peretz Steinberg matter-of-factly discusses torturing husbands into granting their wives religious divorces, in footage recorded by undercover FBI agents.

    “Take an electric cattle prod,” Mendel Epstein says in a clip that will air on “Crime Watch Daily” on WPIX/Channel 11 Wednesday.

    “If you can get a bull that weighs five tons to move. Put it in certain parts of his body and in one minute the guy will know.”

    Assistant US Attorney Sarah Wolfe called the meeting “pretty shocking.”

    “You see what looks to be a nice old rabbi . . . yet, the language he’s using, the things he’s talking about is something you would expect to hear from somebody very different,” she told the crime program.

    Epstein, 70, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2015 for coercing husbands into giving their wives a “get,” or a religious divorce.

    The U.S. Attorney’s Office gave the show several graphic photos of the rabbi’s victims.

  12. Aye, OU mashgiach in Kew Gardens dort, no one could care about your childish insults directed at your KG landsman and Feivy M. from LA. You have zero substance to argue back with because what they are saying is true.

  13. One of the roshei kollel of the Flatbush Brisker Kollel takka poskened that some lowlife men hitting veiber in the street are doing issur negiah.

    The veiber were yelling at the rabbi of an Egyptian shul to give his wife a get. The rabbi's slimy Sfardishe chevra ran out & started beating the women. They of course ran like cowards the moment they heard police sirens coming. The rosh kollel was passing by who they were "matzdik" to him that it's not negiah because they are hitting, they are not being romantic. He screamed at them that it doesn't matter, the Torah still calls it negiah. They told him he's wrong. He screamed at them that I will ask your opinion about manufacturing cheap electronics in Taiwan. But don't tell me your ignorance in Torah!


  14. Wed Aug 03, 11:20:00 PM 2022

    Lets take these grubbeh Shailes to CCRC and the WEST COAST POIP to pasken. They may have LOTS and LOTS of experience in these subjects. Like is Molesting Negia or is bankruptcy Genaiva and are raisonettes really that good or Are Genuine Roshay yeshivos and poskim open field for the filthiest nivul peh or are reshonim part of out people etc...
    The also give free lessons on unlimited surfing the net 24/7.

  15. Americas Most WantedThu Aug 04, 05:40:00 PM 2022

    "is bankruptcy Genaiva"

    OU mashgiach, your father pilfering his own clients' accounts is zicher genaiva. And he was pretty swift running as a fugitive to the Holy Land when authorities were coming to arrest him!

  16. The OU mashgiach is all worked up because there is a REAL kollel in Flatbush and they are "Briskehs" nuch dem tzee.

    Sure beats the farce where the mashgiach sits alone in a basement - which is touted as if it's a big kibbutz of lamdonim - to fundraise for a so called "kollel". How many disruptive posts has the mashgiach planted on Yudelstake, and how much other battolah & hoilellus, when he was on the clock there? "Nice" work - if you can get it!

  17. Talking about battolka and hoilellus ..look who’s talking. He forgot to mention zoillel vsoivay which he is the expert and leader of, in practice.

    CCRC is Kollel too - the surfing Kollel.

  18. Does anyone understand the OU mashgiach? He was called out for his bad habits in Queens dort of blogging, battolah & hoilellus when he's supposed to be "learning" in a "kollel". And he's been known to WOLF DOWN his favorite HEAPING plates of FRIED RICE - but all he does is try to bounce back his own chesronos at someone else.

  19. Sun Aug 07, 11:53:00 PM 2022

    For a frum-krum-boomy you should not look in the mirror so much. If you need to update your surf-gemarah we will get someone to pay for your latest upgraded computer so you can at least sound like your doing some surfing. But from your comments its obvious your out of stuff to push against others especially your good friend the OU mashgiach.
    Maybe you can borrow stuff from the West Coast Temple pope.....
