Saturday, August 02, 2014

What size insect is not permitted? According to all poiskim - we are talking about an איסור דאוריתא!


  1. Many poiskim in this country are not aware of the cold facts, hence misguided guidance in the Halacha being dispensed to the tzibur.

  2. There is a certain irony in quoting the Aruch Hashulchan l'chumrah and not acknowledging his various defenses for those who are not quite so midakdek about tolaim. See Y'D 100:13-17

  3. Make that Aruch Hashulchan Y"D 100:13-18

  4. Do you and all the Rabonim go with the Aruch Hashulchan with "all" of your other Isurai "di'oirasahs"?

  5. I come from a time when we all relied on the Aruch Hashulchan-just like R. Moshe and R. Henkin did. Besides, R. Vaye brought up the Aruch Hashulchan-not me.

  6. The gedolim all signed almost 30 years ago that with increased yedios of infestation today, we may no longer be somech on kulos of Achronim.

  7. Where is this letter that all the gedolim signed?

  8. The letter was included in a little green colored kuntress that was put out by Gissinger way back when he was trying to get Bodek off the ground. He's lucky that I can not locate the copy I have / had because it's in gantzen min hahapuch from what he is doing today at Chof K where he figured out that he can make much more money in food service by not checking for bugs whatsoever than he did as a machmir on bugs with Bodek.
