Monday, July 28, 2014

3rd Update: Fish infestation

Clean fish for the 9 days is the Tilapia, Nile perch, farm raised salmon & the roe, farm raised sea-bass, red mullet,o

Pollock: including Minced- Minced fish sticks, minced fish patties, minced fish cakes, California roll, Surimi.
FLOUNDER: All,  Georgia, et al is not infested but the fish mongers mislead the consumer claiming "it's Georgia" when in fact it isn't.
Herring:, including fillets- Fillets have less, but it is present. The Gavad of the Aida does not allow any herring in his Bais Medrash.
Sable: Unless farm raised.
Canned Salmon: All, Unless farm raised.
Salmon wild: All.
White fish: Winnipeg minced.
Carp: By head & tail area.
Lox: wild- Farm raised is clean.
Sea Bass: Usually by belly flap.
Sardines: Unless skinless, moroccan or Philipines.
Cod: Heavier by belly area, but found in other areas as well. 
Halibut: All.
Perch: Some varieties have more than others.
Roe- Heavily infested
Salmon, sole, ocean trout may have brown parasites (salmon lice) on the skin.
Mackerel- infested


  1. Reb Yudel, hold it. You can't cause a hefsid merubah to the famed Doheny Rabonim that are profiteering from the fish infestation issues.

    The ones they can't make any "revach" is not ossur.

  2. In Los Angeles all infestation is a non-issue, why?

    Is the almighty dollar the answer?

  3. i thought all canned salmon is wild. why brands are from farmed?

  4. which canned salmon is from farmed?

  5. The aida has farmed canned salmon.
    I think Dagim also made a run, I don't know under what brand name.

  6. Off Long Island there are 2 types of fluke flounder, one sub-species infested & one not.

    On the tourist boats with fishing rods you can catch them yourself. It depends though what time of year & if the fish are close to shore or far from shore. If I remember correctly, but investigate yourself, the non-infested is the summer fluke during warmer months that swims close to shore.

    You should bring your own knife & cutting board too & the boat operator will gut the fish for you, as the ones on the boat are treif. The fish & gutting are all free included in the price of the tour.

  7. So on the list fillet matyas herring is OK. But Yudel chose to take ALL chumras from everyone and say its no good!?!?!?

  8. Whats about
    Cod, Halibut, and Perch?
    You left them blank?

  9. "Yudel Shain said...
    The aida has farmed canned salmon.
    I think Dagim also made a run, I don't know under what brand name.'

    Couldn't you call and tell us? Instead of 50 people calling?

  10. Shulchan Aruch Siman Tolaim 84 Tolaim that are found in the flesh are mutar, while if found in the digestive tract are ossur.

    You are more machmir than the mechaber and the Rama? Are you denying Torah She'b'al peh?

    Cite your sources

  11. It's important for the kosher consumers to make calls to the hashgochas, distributors, manufacturers, etc They are all here to serve you.

  12. Rav Wosner, shlita & Rav Eliyashev, Z"L, among many others havae addressed the issue re: it was in the gut and was ossur, now that it's in the flesh, does it suddenly become muttar?

    Bein-oir-li'bussur, is when a parasite injected under the fish skin, eggs that hatched "minai-ku'rubu", etc those will always be mutter in any part of the flesh.

  13. According to the list you quote from (unless you don't like the 'muttar' fish he quotes - somehow you like all that he 'assers')
    Nile Perch is OK.

  14. Tilapia has no flavor and no nutritional value. Worthless to your health., especially if from China?

  15. hashgochas, distributors, manufacturers, etc They are all here to serve you.

    You're kidding right?

    Do you have any idea how arrogant many of them are to us?

    They cover up, deny, brush off, mach aveck achrayus.

    And then there is the 'high & mighty' OU attitude of we are the OU & decide the standard that we will not explain to you little peons

  16. Any Question, Shaalah, Chshash or stam a dumb
    question about food has been through the OU doors. You haven't discovered America. So Chill out.
    Treif Cows, Bugs in fish, Bugs in anything, anything in bugs - the OU knows about it
    and has psokim from assorted poskim on all these issues.
    They are in this business for a long long time.

  17. "Yudel Shain said...
    It's important for the kosher consumers to make calls to the hashgochas, distributors, manufacturers, etc They are all here to serve you."

    getting them to give an answer is as simple as Yudel Shain giving an acceptable answer

  18. Quack Quack Menachem GenackTue Jul 29, 02:44:00 PM 2014

    " OU knows about it and has psokim from assorted poskim"

    That's right, the OU has assorted poskim who look modern orthodox or yeshivish or heimish but they all have a common denominator of manufacturing whatever heterim that Rabbi Genack wants them to. And upon the rare occasion that none of them cooperate, then Rabbi Genack just overrides them all.

  19. What's this about?;wap2


    This may surprise you, but R' Belsky himself says it is worthy to be stringent regarding a ruling of his which is relyed upon to certify Pringles.

  20. Mackerel- infested

    So much for the expression holy mackerel

  21. Yudel. It took 3 tries but you finally got it right. Mazel Tov.
    The only issue is that it is already 1/3 of the way through the 9 days.

  22. A&B is advertising that their "baby salmon" is free of lice.

    Some people have a different problem with A&B even since they moved their plant to Paterson, NJ. Can we assume they draw their workers from the local population which is the largest concentration of Arabs in America? Having Arabs working around kosher food might not be the smartest idea. There have been plots in Eretz Yisroel & Canada which BH were foiled but could have been disasters.

  23. Not all muslims are Arabs.
    Today most of the Arabs are AGAINST hamas.

  24. Chronicles of an OU mashgiachThu Jul 31, 11:20:00 AM 2014

    "3 tries but you finally got it right. Mazel Tov."

    And what exactly have you accomplished after all your immature shtechs against R' Yudel?

  25. "Arabs are AGAINST hamas"

    For their own selfish reasons, yes.

    But as Chazal tell us, goyim put aside their differences to get the Yidden.

    Muslim Obama is trying to pressure Israel to let Hamas survive. So much for being against Hamas.

  26. Hypocrite United Nations just slammed US Congress for giving anti-missile defense systems to Israel but not to Hamas terrorists.

    Was that an A&B salesman defending the Arab workforce at the Paterson factory?

  27. And what exactly have you accomplished ....

    When you advise people on anything get it straight before
    you start your advise. Otherwise people don't trust you (He'll change his mind soon) and they say it sounds like plain old 'yente'rei'.
    Also when your advice is based on what others say, Read it, UNDERSTAND it, and THEN quote him.

    So far for being a thick headed critique.

  28. "But as Chazal tell us"

    In that caes you should never hire any goy.
    Oh. Well. Us Jews will go out of business if we hire only Jews.

    As the facts show.

  29. Chronicles of an OU mashgiachFri Aug 01, 09:06:00 AM 2014

    thick headed critique

    Fort better than you who helps OU fool everyone.


    Is it a mitzva min hamuvchar to feed worms to homeless people or is the pollock fish that Dagim's A.J. Stefansky donated to Masbia properly checked?

  31. A&B fish in Patterson only uses the mexicans and their extended families.

  32. That's a relief to hear about A&B. Thank you for looking into it.

    There have been kosher restaurants that definitely did have almost all Arab staff working for them. Understandably it made a lot of people worried and you have to wonder what the restaurant owners were thinking.

  33. Herring:, including fillets- Fillets have less, but it is present. The Gavad of the Aida does not allow any herring in his Bais Medrash.

    SO how come the Edah gives a Hechser on Herring????????
