Friday, May 07, 2021

UPDATE: Blueberries, Raisins: "The rest of the story"

All raisins (including DOLE) are still infested.
Blueberries [all varieties] are commonly infested with
thrips, scale insects, mites and maggots.

Some Rabbonim seem not to be aware of the facts and the seriousness of this issue and issued some misleading  information.

Different seasons & different localities will harbor some or all of the above insects.
Wild and organic blueberries are the most infested.
Washing may get rid of some but not necessarily all of the insects.

Some of the areas that are more heavily infested include, New Jersey, California, Mexico, Canada, the Carolinas, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Maine, etc

Therefore all Blueberries, all seasons, all locals should not be used unless they were checked by trained experts in these insects.

The above includes, fresh, frozen, dried, filling, jams, etc


  1. Because of the maggots, does that mean that even with a mumche you would have to cut open every single blueberry?

  2. is this controllable in a greenhouse environment? maybe this is the next heimishe gesheft idea?

  3. One of the famous blueberry states is Maine.

  4. It seems that most if not all the hashgachas DISAGREE with you.
    Achray Rabim L'hatos...

  5. ALL of the Mumchim/Experts agree that they are still infested-big time.
    Even AKO just put out a bulletin that Blueberries are heavily infested, but AKO's Rabbi Eisen spoke to the blueberries themselves and they said only for the next few months they will be infested.

  6. There are plenty of frozen blueberries out there with many assorted hashgachas

  7. All Chometz All the TimeSun May 09, 12:36:00 PM 2021

    We were waiting for refunds & other factors before announcing.

    Rockland Kosher is the Monsey supermarket that was trying to unload their expiring chometz on who they hoped were unsuspecting customers submitting Pesachdik-only orders.

    This supermarket pulls all kinds of other geneivishe shtick during the year.

    And Rav Polatschek's kashrus standards seem to be a shifting landscape - DOWNHILL - especially in the restaurant division owned by a slippery Vizhnitzer

  8. Who didn’t get what they wanted this Pesach in Monsey?
    The YSV “lover”??

  9. Chevra Mevakshei BaksheeshMon May 10, 01:52:00 AM 2021

    Fool @ May 9th, 9:19 pm,

    Rockland K unloaded on all kinds of customers before Pesach, chometz that was spoiled or about to spoil altz expiration date - so that you couldn't even use it chometzdik - which they were hoping to profit off anyone too tzefloigen to realize. And then try getting your money back from those rude, arrogant people when you catch them, with all the hoops they make you shpring & tantz through

  10. Ah.
    He was looking for “Baksheesh” and got some real fresh kosher food instead.
    I can see why he is so mad..

  11. No, you May 10 8:40 pm, are just covering up for Rockland Kosher.

    He was making fun of the Vizhnitzer kashrus monitoring org known as Chevra Mevakshei Kashrus-Bakshish, who when it comes to their own chevra, they are blind to deficiencies & violations.

    The restaurant told everyone they use Postiv romaine but you see them using Bodek under the holy holy Chevra Mevakshei & Rav Polatshek.

    And that Vizhnitzer Ferd at the restaurant is also one of the anti-vaxx leaders. Even at the height of the pandemic after Purim 2020 when the Rebbes shut down the batei medrash, he organized a minyan that was hiding from the police in a garage.

  12. At least a feed is good for something.
    What could the Paulzie CCRC do??? Zero.
