Friday, May 28, 2021

From an Email

 To: Subscription Dept. of The Jewish Press

I was shocked to hear you have fired Mr Resnick, your chief editor for the worst of reasons:
    • Resnick attended President Trump's rally in January.
    • Resnick ok'd the publishing of anti LGBT literature in the Jewsih Press .
    The Jewish reader is interested in the truth and in true Torah values. If you are embarrassed of such, you are not for me.

    I therefore demand you cancel both of my subscriptions and reimburse me for the remainder.  



    1. Can't believe you, Reb Yudel...
      Do you or anyone else, a bit heimish, REALLY care or goires the Jewish Press ?????
      Is this news?

      You just legitimized the Jewish press - the paper who really started this "agunah" non sense.

    2. Elliot Resnick was moving the paper in the right direction.

    3. Yudel wouldn't let Ami magazine re-publish an article that he published, as he told Ami what he thought of their magazine. I doesn't have much love for Mishpacha magazine especially their treif recipes.

      JP at least had Klass to it.

    4. Just because a recipe calls for a potentially infested item does not mean it’s Treif. It’s well understood that it must be checked.
      Just like a recipe calling for meat is not treif because it does not specify “Glatt Kosher meat that is ‘Nishchat by certain people only, checked by certain people only, nikured, soaked, salted, rinsed, butchered by some exclusive group in a specific way” ?
      Or is it some external ‘shtus’ not related to the core recipe ????

    5. Cancel Culture acting out once again.
      8:31 AM
      to me

      Hi ,
      Thank you for letting me know. I found several stories about this and am appalled at how he has been characterized. It's awful!

      I want to email my ad rep at the Jewish Press and ask her to stop our advertising. Mr. Resnick has been very supportive of us, and since he's been canceled, I think we ought to cancel our ads, and look forward to working with him when he accepts another position.
      Would you want to share the email with your recipients list?

    6. Strange name for a trashpaper.
      Its not Jewish (barring the owners)
      And its not a "press".

    7. takka a Low Klass publication

      a yellow shmatta
