Thursday, June 09, 2016

Notice: Re: Dunkin Donuts and it's cholov Yisroel program

 Notice: Hisachdus Harabonim Di'Lakewood is NOT involved in any way in the Dunkin Donuts cholov-yisroel program.


  1. Who cares if they are involved or not?

  2. Notice # 2

    Queens Vaad is NOT involved in MEHADRIN level kashrus despite claiming to be at that level

  3. #3

    queens vaad not even OU level!

  4. If one wants to be orthodox in Queens, rule # one: Only buy at stores without Hashgacha such as What can already go wrong if one only sells repackaged products.
    Rule # 2: Bash all local Rabbonim.
    Rule # 3: Bash all politicians.

    Rule # 4: If you have done all of the above then you may try out and taste any foods in any Queens Vaad store in order to decide if it is kosher enough for you family.
    Rule # 5: If the family likes the food then ite OK to eat there provided you bad mouth the eatery after you dined there.

    And so life goes in Queens if you want to be REAL orthodox.
