Wednesday, November 08, 2023

The Brisker Rov zt’l famously stated;

One of the main functions of a Rabbi is to advocate for and support the "weakest" members of his community, “to give a voice to the voiceless”.

He said; Gehenim is big enough to hold the whole varsha.


  1. Yudel, I didn't see recently your vort about why "gehenim" is sixty times larger than "gan eden".

    It's because of the required large Mizrach vant.

  2. This is a pirush of R' Chaim teitching up rabbonus that it's tafkid is to help those who have tzorus.

    Many have lost their way in the yeridas hadoros so there is hakoras hatov owed to this site for trying to correct things.

    1. “to correct things.”
      That is the understatement of the year.
      Yeah. To correct things on MY terms.
      That’s a shvacheh Rov.


  3. Keep the brisk out of politics and keep it for the hadasim

  4. C. Y
    Setting up an childish impudent strawman
    against ehrliche who as much as anybody out there bar none lay in bed at night worrying about Klal Yisroel

    Anon November 7, 2023
    Reb C: Apparently you missed the point while searching for the strawman. Worrying about Klal Yisroel is no excuse for blatant disregard of divrei raboseinu roshei hayeshiva shlit"a. Afilu al yemin shehi semol applies precisely to this, and no amount of ehrliche klal cheshbonos override that; you might as well be one of those young askanim you so despise.

    November 7, 2023
    Foolish.They aren't just ehrliche .They Would have been your Rabosainu EXCEPT because unlike the others drinking tea with shtellers they gave it up as much as anybody out there bar none worrying about Klal Yisroel

  5. Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility ComplexThu Nov 09, 12:42:00 PM 2023

    "Afilu al yemin shehi semol applies precisely to this"

    Cut it out already with your Agudah propaganda.

    It does not apply when crooked businessmen are feeding the wrong information which certain rabbonim then run with.

    And it certainly does not apply when the rabbonim are going against the gedolei Eretz Yisroel & all known Daas Torah since time immemorial.

    How dishonest of you to pretend that everyone until Rav Schach & R' Yaakov would allow voting for a Ferd who advocates for the chomursteh anti-Torah positions, or that non-American Agudah gedolim of today are in favor of it.

  6. against the gedolei Eretz Yisroel & all known Daas Torah since time immemorial.

    The daas torah from your rabanay and gedolay Eretz Yisroel is not binding nor effective for chutz Laeretz.

    The biggest "daat Torah' in Israel was wrong when it came to Artscroll just as 1 example.
    Its a good good thing Rav Gifter fought it tooth and nail and won. The amount of torah added via artsroll is immeasurable. And in Israel it boomed as well. Artscroll was and is the leader for all other publications includind Mesifta, chavrusa and Even Dirshu.

    So cool down and let all live with their Rabanim not with your krummeh views of what gedolim say or mean.
    Go back , or rather spend more time Free fressing. That is good for you and great for the world at large.

  7. 1:56 pm, are your hoizen on fire?

    When Rav Gifter found out teef teef what Rav Schach's taynos are on Artscroll, he had charotah & asked Scherman for his haskomoh back. It wasn't given back.

  8. "immeasurable " nuch a shallow johnny come lately

    Who,just who, can state for sure it was good?

  9. The BIG BABY 'You Know Who' in NYC's outer outer boro @ Thu Nov 09, 1:56 PM is so intent on baredding Dirshu & Rav Hofstedter that he even takes a potshot at them during his ludicrous promotion of Artscroll. Can anyone believe these shtussim that he shamelessly proclaims in his Artscroll commercial? We are 'so sure' that the quality of horvanya in Mesivta & Chavrusa is dargos more shvach than English mega-cheat-sheet Artscroll that is used by lazy bums, am haaratzim who don't know how to make a leinen or even tzuras osiyos & especially goyim which Rav Schach ztl was zeyer upset about, cried is being oiver on Maggid devorov Leyaakov. If 'You Know Who' shpatzirs over mit zein trademark zhloberrei to the main City library branch in Manhattan, he will see browsers of the English Artscroll who are lost souls with no yarmulka whether members of the Tribe or not. And even Galochim with clerical collars. Aaaahhhhh! Yetzt farshteit men why 'You Know Who' is so enamored with Artscroll! The Galochim who get "areingetung" in English Artscroll reminds him of his cherished kisvei Galochim fin zein eigenner shrank that he was matzdik befarhesya in the 'Metro' shul! (And ken zein also in Malden)

    And never mind I suppose that 'You Know Who' is constantly making hay that R' Yudel & co are supposedly "picking & choosing" poskim according to an unacceptable formula. Here he is alein with Artscroll (as he does in many other areas too) not following ANY daas Torah, he is simply making up his own krumkeiten.

    1. Is there such a thing as: Sooner Grumman Tall tales?
      Now there is.
      That comes along with FFing at that infamous Kollel and Bloomies.

  10. "immeasurable" nuch a shallow johnny come lately

    Cohen zugt tzim zach!
