Wednesday, November 08, 2023

RE: Bais Yosef invalid Bais Din Hazmonahs and Siruvim

 The Bais Yosef Bais Din's summonses and excommunications are hereby declared invalid.
Ownership of the Bais Yosef institutions and affiliates, situated in Brooklyn, vests exclusively with Rav Joffen. He has conferred a Power of Attorney upon Reb. Yehuda Shain, based in Lakewood, New Jersey, for all matters concerning the Bais Yosef Bais Din.

Reb Yehuda Shain has been contacted by certain parties in relation to the summonses and excommunications recently issued. He has clarified that he did not authorize any operational activities of the Bais Yosef Bais Din; in fact, he has explicitly directed the cessation of its operations.

A formal communication will be disseminated to the concerned parties within the forthcoming days to affirm this directive.



  1. The FF Abd the Hadaasim Socher are trying to dry clean their pillows after wasting months and months with bitul toirah in order to over ride our Lakewood Roshay Hayeshivahs.
    All of a sudden all the posts and comments disappeared with no zecher of it- moichoi timchshe....

    Now for the next pet peeve about a "ownership" of a bais din (Must of got that term from either REY or RSZ in private - it couldn't be public when no such animal exsists in halacha).

    The new 'mitzvah' pf the day is to be machshil innocent Bnay toirah into thinking that such animal exsists and thus go to court and cause one of the largest chillul HaShams posibble.

    60 Bnai tairah going to arkoois - as if they don't believe in the basic jewish concept of 'Eloykim yoishev...."

    Once the "owner" decides that going to court is a Mitzvah Rabba there is no returning. There is only one way to be mechaper on a regular chillul hashem - kal vocher on such a huge chillul Hashem.

    And even if the owner comes up with more going to court mitzvos, Bnai Toirah - Geniune Bnai Torah have no business going to court even if they are right and they have a legit heter.
    The fact that a ben torah is in court is a chillul hashem period.

    Or should we assume that this bnay torah title attributed to these 60 ingehleit is a coverup. They are really not bnay torah at all - proof they are in court. Then lets get this straight. These 'bnon shel roshehShivahs' are a fraud to begin with. Not even doing Brisk has brought into them any kedusha and all the learn and studt is plain old fashion sam HaMoves.

    Its embarrassing in ant case.

  2. There is Heter Arkois that the Prime tenants received.

    By a "Gvar-Alim" one may go directly to Court.

    Brach, Glick and Spiegel are each considered a Gvar-Alim, therefore Bais Din is not the proper venue.

  3. In Lakewood elections, no one was concerned with the Gross Chilul Hashem, nor about the additional anti Semitic that the election caused.

  4. Wed Nov 08, 03:26:00 PM 2023

    Heterim are good for non bnai tairah.

    A ben Tairah should never be caught in a secular court dead or alive. Its by definition a chillul Hatoirah v HKB"H. They should know better.

    They never would eat anything with a hashgacha that has such a low level heter.
    You know it as well as everyone else.

  5. Wed Nov 08, 03:28:00 PM 2023

    There is no anti Semitism in Lakewood. Ask any ben torah. The Torah watches them.

  6. That langeh baloney pshettel at 12:10 pm is from 'You Know Who' in NYC's outer outer boro because his brother works for the fake Novardhok.

    He loves hearing himself darshan baloney as some kind of 'Holier Than Thou' pseudo baal Musser notwithstanding that his father was convicted of embezzling from his clients, hid out in Israel as a fugitive & was disbarred

  7. Is Brach the KJ Brach who says mit oomph MY NAME IS BRRRACH! BRRRACH! ???

    Which Spiegel? The gangster toyen who is banned from various batei din?

  8. Chronicles of a You Know WhatThu Nov 09, 11:24:00 AM 2023

    "the Hadaasim Socher"

    Geb a keek how 'You Know Who' is always trying to belittle everyone. He was always a nasty fellow who crosses lines in oinoas devorim so it's no surprise.

    While someone may sell arbah minim on the side, 'You Know Who' has a day job that's nothing to write home about. Officially anyway he "learns" at a "kollel" before heading off to watch salamis being loaded in da Bronx by foul mouthed truck drivers. In actuality you're lucky if he learns a word & catches a glimpse of any salamis because he's busy blogging insults from his verboten smart phone after he puts on an act as if far be it from him to own such a device.

  9. That R' Yudel HATER off the Interboro must really be 'learning a sach' in his one man basement "kollel", ad kdei kach that he doesn't even know the difference between a Socher & a Mocher.

    1. the difference between a Socher & a Mocher. OR MOLESTER.
