Thursday, August 31, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

From Zero to Hero

click on the link, order the book, when it becomes available it will be 4.99. 

YOU have the power and will get the zechus of helping thousands of children around the globe overcome learning challenges including dyslexia!!

Kindle edition


This book is for all parents, educators, social workers, speech therapists and anyone who cares about the education of a child.

The regular price of the book is 23.99 it is on sale now until school starts. 


Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Goal of a Girls school?

The goal of a girls school should be to transmit proper Jewish values and not to see how many Ramban's students can learn in a year.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Is price your criterea for kashrus? by many it is the sole criterea [sadly]

 It's no secret that Birdsboro poultry and KJ Kiryas Yoel poultry are way superior in kashrus to the Marvid poultry.

Just Marvid is cheaper.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Lakewood, NJ - Teen & adult Alcohol epedemic to be addressed

Teen Alcohol Rehab in Lakewood, NJ

Lots of cultures think of alcohol based refreshments to be a socially acceptable drug that grow up with it in the house, and the hard truth is this is a drug which is devastating lives when its abused.

If an adolescent should begin mistreating alcohol even in a small way, the problems for everyone around them is terrible. Action is needed without delay and the most effective method to get the teenager away from alcohol is by using a specialist teen alcohol rehab center merely because external help is often needed.

Alcohol addiction in teens needing rehab can begin with the teen ingesting intermittently with friends and as part of getting older which is known as a technique for avoiding the difficulties of school or to be part of the high school clique.

Those that take it further and consume alcohol to excess which can cause serious problems to themselves and any people engaging with them, chiefly family members.
Irresponsible drinking is a trend of ingesting that results in dangerous and repeating patterns of pessimistic characteristics or starts to have dreadful repercussions.

Lakewood, NJ has numerous alcohol rehab centers that will are skilled in serving young adults and less than the age of the age of 21 personalized drug rehab, which is more accurate when compared with those served in an adult facility.

Mom and dad getting alcohol rehab for teens has seen a dramatic growth lately near Lakewood, NJ and analysts declare this as being partly a result of the economic depression with a lack of careers.
There are lots of varieties of teen alcohol rehab facilities in Lakewood, NJ, starting from outpatient detoxification residential curriculum's to high end outpatient rehabs.
With regards to the finances or policy covering you have and considering any other conditions the teenager possess, there are many serious factors to decide on one or the other in line with the insight and their history.

If a teen is a going totally off the rails and also the alcohol abuse issues are only one of plenty of hardships it can be advantageous to enroll them in an extensive alcohol rehab camp.

If you have explored hard and none of the alcohol rehab centers for teenagers close to Lakewood, NJ are of interest to you, it will be worth searching through New Jersey because they normally have more selection.

Women before marriage are generally oblivious to it and it is often a source of terrible shalom bayis issues when a new wife realizes that her good yeshiva guy husband is a drinker.
See also Yeshiva Camps alcohol drinking by Yeshaya Dovid Braunstein – Lakewood

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Lakewood, Borough Park, Flatbush, Monsey, etc. Every community must eradicate this spreading disease

Shalom Zochurs,

Shul Kiddush,


Parlor meetings,


Organizational affairs,

Open bars,

At home get together w/ friends.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

it's not funny- Reform & Conservative kosher standards

I don’t know where it’s from or who made it, but it states that one should “take some time to learn different kosher symbols before you Jew-shame someone.

It then lists three symbols: the widely known “OU” symbol and two others — one denoting copyright protection; the other denoting registered trademark protection.

Noting the “C” and the “R” within circles, the meme refers to the former as for Conservative Jews; the other for Reform. So they eat anything & everything.  See you at the wall.