Thursday, December 09, 2021


Reb Ahron Kotler said;

"The truth must be heard,
                         Even if the public doesn't like the sound of it.
Whatever the circumstances, regardless of the consequences.
                    The truth must be stated-loudly, clearly & unequivocally".
(Quoted by Bunim-Ob"m)


  1. Anonymous said...
    Reb Yudel.

    You got it mostly correct:

    1. Your posts are "stated-loudly, clearly & unequivocally".

    2. Your posts refer to "Whatever the circumstances, regardless of the consequences."

    3.Your posts, "the public doesn't like the sound of it."

    4. The part about the "TRUTH" that's your motto.

  2. Just don't follow this until after your kinderlach have been accepted to yeshivos since the baal habatim running yeshivos who THINK they are on a higher madraiga than gedolei Yisroel will punish your kids.

  3. Don't patronize the Lakewood Voice, or their advertisers.
    Don't patronize the Lakewood Scoop, or their advertisers.

  4. I used to believe the shvantzes running some Monsey mosdos THINK they are on a higher madraiga than the ben meah gedolim. What they really are thinking is that they are just untouchable & don't have to answer to anyone, man or G-d. Because when they engage in every petty, vindictive & sometimes even sadistic behavior, that goes against kol Hatorah kula, they know full well they are not tzaddikim. There is a place I would just love to expose for all the rishus they do. But they are known to be nokeim against their victims when the stories get out. I never before had a tayva to be mekalel another Yid until I found out the rishus being perpetrated from this place.

    With all the problemmen you have in Lakewood, it pales in comparison to what goes on here, starting with the lack of a Vaad. For all the shortcomings of your Lakewood Vaad, at least they find a place for kids. There are many Monsey children with no matzav and no one with a koyach to make the Monsey mosdos show an iota of rachmunnes. And even for those with a place there is a constant danger of the most benign nuances somehow being pogeya in the KUVED of the HIGH & MIGHTY who wouldn't hesitate to put you out in the street.

    This is no longer your grandfather's Monsey.

  5. Would R Ahron maintain his position if he saw what his grandsons have done?

  6. Its well known that only the Mishnas Reb Aron Foundation has all the rights to the real and truthful Reb Aron's Sayings, Quotes, Toireh, Gilyoines, or anyting of the sort.

  7. Among the Monsey yeshivos ketanos there are, for the most part, 2 categories: Sick & Sicker.

    Some display their ugly behavior on a daily basis.

    Some have a really ugly side to them that only some victims are 'zoyche' to see.

  8. Aye Thu May 25, 02:38:00 PM 2017

    Which place do you need to get your kaddishel into?

  9. Don't forget about the cheder in Monsey that a few Ferd baal habatim destroyed. It is not Stolin but is similar in some ways to Stolin in Boro Park. A few Satmar bums with some money hijacked the place and are throwing out both rebbeyim & yinglach like it's going out of style. The 8th grade had to close in the middle of the year thanks to them. One of them screams his name out loud (with a very prrrronounced Rrrrrreish) to munn kuved for himself.

  10. משה ליאון מועמד הליטאים לראשות עירית ירושלים הכריז היום כי אם הוא יהיה ראש העיר מצעד התועבה יתקיים בירושלים ועל הגאון ר' חיים קנייבסקי שליט"א להשלים עם זה, דהיינו נכדו הטפש יענקושי קנייבסקי עתיד אדם ליתן דין לפני המקום, לעתיד לבא. יענקושי- דַּע, מֵאַיִן בָּאתָ, וּלְאָן אַתָּה הוֹלֵךְ, וְלִפְנֵי מִי אַתָּה עָתִיד לִתֵּן דִּין

  11. Sounds like Reb Aron said one MUST speak Loshon Horah - Chas Ve'sholom. mean I'm taking things out of context! So is Reb Yudel.

    Thus take all he says with a Grain of Cyanide - in other words - check it out first the think hard if you are Allowed (Halachaicly) to accept it as fact.

  12. Bishvili nivra haOylamTue Oct 09, 01:14:00 PM 2018

    One of the heimishe magazines interviewed hanhalos of Brooklyn yeshivos for the Sukkos edition. One yeshiva said they will no longer take kids from young mishpochos unless the mishpocho vows not to move to Lakewood or Monsey at some point down the road AND shows PROOF OF FUNDS that the elterren are providing the means to buy a house.

    The selfish shvantz from this particular yeshiva said why should I invest any effort in their kids oyb nisht?

    Ironic that previously the only other selfish shvantz Menahel known to say this out loud was in the 5 Towns and he was later imprisoned for stealing over $10 million that he put in his personal pocket. He actually stole a lot more than that but the this amount is what the government made a case out of.

  13. This is not Torah

    Monsey & Lakewood condescendingly ask who told you to move from Brooklyn? And if it's Yossi "Vaad Consigliere" Atlas from Anchor he throws in a dig "with your baggage".

    So now whoever doesn't have a sach gelt can't send their kids to Brooklyn yeshivos either.

    It's time to remove the unterveltnik imposters who have hijacked the chadorim & BYs along with their Mafioso Vaad'en.

    1. You pay the Rabeim and the other bills and then you call anyone you want mafioso.

  14. A few weeks ago there was another round of FBI raids in Monsey. One of the 6 am arrests was a local yeshiva Menahel. What are these people doing being 'mechanech' kinder if they can't even remotely behave?

  15. Perhaps the urge to cheat is built into the system. At least according to this site:
    "So then why is it that many talmidim learning in yeshivos are routinely advised by rabbonim and poskim to provide false information on insurance, welfare, and immigration documents? Whatever some leaders might say in public from time to time, the practice of signing fraudulent contracts to gain access to restricted services is widespread."

  16. בהסכמת החרדים – יהיה מצעד התועבה בירושלים עיה"ק.
    בהסכמת החרדים – יש חילול שם שמים ברבים.
    בהסכמת החרדים – יהיה כדורגל בשבת.
    בהסכמת החרדים – חברת חשמל עובדת כל יום בשנה.
    בהסכמת החרדים – רשת 'טיב טעם' מוכרת נבלות וטרפות. חמור מזה, היא מתפרנסת ברווח.
    בהסכמת החרדים – יש גיוס בנות – ביהרג ואל יעבור.
    בהסכמת החרדים – יש גיוס בני ישיבה.
    בהסכמת החרדים – אנשים הולכים ברחוב בחוסר צניעות מוחלט.
    בהסכמת החרדים – מלמדים כפירה ואפיקורסות בפקולטות מסויימות.
    בהסכמת החרדים – יש כמה מליוני יהודים בארץ הק' שאינם שומרי תורה ומצוות, לצערנו, בריש גלי ובפומבי.

    זהירות מוקשים לפניך – בהסכמת החרדים וזו סכנה אמיתית! חכי"ם ועסקנים, אתם צבועים, על מי אתם עובדים? ולמה הם רעים וחטאים? בגלל שאת כל התורה מכרו בשביל נזיד עדשים, ולא זו אף זו שאתם רודפים את היהודים האמיתים.

    אנא: תשמרו את השבת כדי שהיא תגן עלינו כשנצטרך…
    ושנית הסירו את הפאות הנוכריות, וליבשו כיסוי ראש צנוע,
    כדי שנעשה נחת רוח לבורא יתברך שמו,
    כן ירבו מקדשי שם שמים בישראל.


    Naftali, do you mean like the type of fraud with heimisher who pretend they are not married so they can illegally draw public welfare money?

  18. From all of the 10,000 's of maymarim from Reb Aron Zatza'l Reb yudel's favorite onre is the above.
    I'd use it too if I start anothe loshon "Tov" blog.

  19. How Low will they go?Tue Aug 24, 03:26:00 PM 2021

    Tue Aug 24, 12:49 PM is so scared of the truth, that he goes azoy veit to belittle one of R' Aron's maamarim!

  20. Tue Aug 24, 03:26:00 PM 2021

    Sounds like a "Reb Aron Purist".
    Won't find that even in the mishpoocheh itself.

  21. Ausnutzer women on Imamotherdotcom frequently admit to not having a civil marriage so that they can partake of public benefits. More common with those whose husbands are learning or working under the table for cash.


    Where is the Star K when you need them? They just love grabbing accounts dropped by other hashgochos for kashrus violations!

  23. Reb Aron ZATAL may of said ....if the public doesn't like it.... But he NEVER said if its against Halacha. Don't push Reb Aron under YOUR bus C"V.
