Friday, December 10, 2021

Kashrus Magazine's "Mashgiach of the Year"


  1. Mashgiach of the year is always the same:

    Horav Hagaon Reb yudel Shain Shlit'a Ravad VeMoireh Derech d'kehilas Koidesh Lehkvood VeSviaoisehah.

    There is no one in the world who did, does, and will do for Kashrus as much as Reb Yudel Shlit'a.
    We have to work on him to stick to Kashrus, which he knows better then any other, and not meddle in other areas.

  2. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachFri Dec 10, 02:12:00 PM 2021

    The mashgiach will even force himself to heap praise R' Yudel who he HATES, like he did 90 minutes ago at 12:38 pm, if he thinks his condescending lectures will work to stop the exposing scandals, that the exposing is al pi halacha.

    Why is the mashgiach so constantly crazed that all scandals must be kept quiet? It's a defensive tactic to cover up for his own kvoid tumas gantze mishpooche in KG Ir Hakoidesh & environs.

  3. It’s quite funny and sad that CCRC and co. decide what is ‘Al pi Halacha’ and how they pick and choose their “rabbis” and how they shop for their agenda pesakim.

  4. The OU mashgiach who is head of the Hate R' Yudel club has been banging on his drums & scribbling "picks which halachos fit their agenda" since the day he discovered this website.

    bemumoi possul!

  5. Never saw the molester ou guy quote any halacha. For sure has no halachic agenda to support.
