Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Israeli Chevra Kadisha Alert-

 Reb Yisroel Kohn of the various Chasidim Chevra Kadisha(s) has an interesting financial game going.

When people that deposited the full purchase price of a plot call to arrange for a Kevurah, Rev Yisroel Kohn says "we don't have a record that you paid, please send us the $25,000.00 now.

It's a professional scam- stand your ground, keep your records, don't use him for the Matzaivah.


  1. Asiatisher Marmorosher FerdTue Dec 14, 11:21:00 AM 2021

    $20,000 to $25,000 is the going rate among Satmar gangsters for a variety of shake downs.

    One type in particular is the most widely executed:

    On top of full tuition (both amounts required to be paid upfront) to get your kid into the cheider or Beis Ruchel when they claim they are "full" or that you are not the shnit they are interested in. They will sometimes then kick the kid out shortly afterward and simply steal all the gelt.

  2. Nu Nu meh darf machen ah Parnooseh. Without a 'highschool diplom' or a parnooseh degree.

  3. There was a cheder in Monsey affiliated with Ziditchov that was similar to Stolin in Boro Park that 40% of the student body were Litvisher. The aschalta d'puranusa when they started having trouble making payroll was a trio of gvirishe Satmar thugs said they are stepping in to cover any shortfall. It was the beginning of the end because they hijacked the place & drove it into the ground. They were throwing out both talmidim and rebbeyim like it was going out of style. This was usually due to the Chief thug among them, let's change his name to "Brrraun", supposedly feeling a pegiah to his kuved that he would miscontrue from an innocent comment of a parent. There were situations where so many yinglach were thrown out of a shiur, they would deem the shiur no longer financially viable & just shut the whole shiur down. Just like Margulies at Torah Temima, these Satmar chevra love counting their money in a timely manner. But even Margulies would not go as veit as them that the SECOND tuition was in arrears, the kid would be ripped out of shiur in front of everyone & sent home to stay there until tatty pays up, oyver lasoycher. No exceptions.

    (When you would ask Braun if he was HuRav Braun, he says just Brrraun & starts booming MY NAME IS BRRRAUN - BRRRRRRAUNNNNNN!)

    One classic horror story was a yingle was newly accepted from an interview with the Menahel & passed muster with the thugs because they figured out the parents could pay full tuition. The very morning the yingle is to report to cheder for the first time, Brrraun calls the father an hour early to inform the father, ya know dat seat on da bus dat you paid forrr? Well you gonna haf to drrrive yourrr son anyway 'cause it was da last seat & I deciding tze geb ess tze staff dat don't drrrive. You ok mit dis, yo? Entfert der tatten, oib azoi darft es zein. Brrraun flies into a rage: VHAAATTT??? DAT'S HOW YOU TALK TO ME??? MEH VAISST HOW DA ANDERRRA PARRRENTS SPEAKING TO ME MIT DA GRRRESTEH KUVED???!!! DEE KENST NISHT ARRREINKIMMEN IN YESHIVA!!! The poor father tried pleading with the ferd who mocked his voice & hung up on him. When some big rabbonim went running down there the thugs told them the father now has to pay 20 Grand "ESCRRROW" added to 1 year tuition, all in advance. They were at least honest enough to say they can't guarantee to give any of it back & that there is also no guarantee they will allow the kid to stay.

  4. When a matzaiva moicher asked to go under Queens Vaad hashgocho, they tried to milk him for such an exorbitant fee that it would have made him go out of business.

    In other Queens Vaad news, they made a public announcement to boycott Ben & Jerry's ice cream to retaliate against the company blacklisting disputed "Palestinian territories". It never bothered the Queens Vaad until now about the cholov Akum and that Ben & Jerry are pro-toyeva & every other anti-Torah meshugass. Only criticizing Tzionim is a big no no for Chaim Schwartz's masters from YU who must chanfeh the Modern Orthodox crowd.

    And Sholom Shuchat, the Chabadsker hitman from the notorious Mendel Epstein escapades, has been appointed Dayan on the Queens Vaad beis din. This is actually no surprise as the long time Queens Vaad Av Beis Din is already Peretz "the Sheretz" Steinberg, a historical co-conspirator with Mendel Epstein & Belsky shakedowns.

  5. Monsey and Qveens b'srikah achas. wow.

    Can't decided which color is better or worse. Black or Brown - Shvartz odeh Brohn ?

    Waiting for guidance from the west coast holy ghost and publicized by CooCooRiCoo.

  6. The OU mashgiach in Queens has already long been the kreina d'igresa of Agudah propaganda, eagerly attempting to shut down exposing of any scandal, bifrat when the Shulchan Aruch is mechayev pirsum like for his fetter Georgie assisting Leib Pinter sell treif sandwiches labeled "kosher".

    By the mashgiach it's not just a sicko / sikra achas to cover up for Queens Vaad & Monsey moisdos - the mashgiach is pushet all over the map, covering up scandal everywhere - especially where it concerns zein gantze mishpooche!

  7. to be expected that the OU mashgiach (perhaps currently on scene at Mamma Kitchen KGH to gorge himself with loads of babbaganoush & dafina in a post-Asarah Beteives binge) is only upset about negative commentary concerning Brohn & Shvartz-Satmar, but doesn't make a peep, is mistumme even enjoying the mockery of Marmorosher, so much so that his shmaltz rolls are bouncing around from jolly hardy-har-har-ing


    The wannabe Rebbe who bankrolls the mashgiach has a shtark dislike of Marmorosher. Vus ken men tun? It's long been the story that Romanisher with an inferiority complex cheer themselves up by putting down other Romanisher

  8. George R. has long denied he knew anything about the components he sold Pinter were being used to craft treif which Pinter labeled "kosher". Of course this also turned into a chilul Hashem of unimaginable proportions that was investigated by Congress & was covered by the NY Times and a big selling book written by a NY Daily News reporter about Pinter's wide spanning crimes including bribery of Senators, massive fraud, etc.

    Do I believe George? Frankly, I think it's kind of suspicious that he remained so friendly with Pinter if he was supposedly a victim as he maintains.

    One thing that is entirely clear however is that both George & his brother Larry spawned kids who are incredibly unstable & violent, whether or not they put on a fake kanoyi act to justify it in the name of "frumkeit". I agree with the upteitch I've heard that the mashgiach has the same behavior pattern when it comes to throwing rocks at the heads of the Mishmar Hagevul, frothing around Queens that Rabbi Shain and others are worse than Hitler, and defacing the Yudelstake website in response to every single report & comment.

  9. Tue Dec 14, 11:35:00 PM 2021

    What a big GREPS.

  10. Chronicles of an OU KamikazeWed Dec 15, 03:53:00 PM 2021

    True, that family is one big GREPSS - while the misguided mashgiach among them, with his holier than thou attitude, goes around on a rampage to trash almost everyone else.

    The most insane part of the mashgiach's incoherent actions is he won't stop his tzebissenna mouthing off, covering up & being moitzee shem ra on this very blog when he knows that is what solicits embarrassing exposures of zein gantze mishpooche of hypocrites, that would not be brought up if he ceases his online terrorism. But no, he keeps firing away which brings return fire to let everyone know what frauds he & his clan are. It's like he's on a suicide mission for WWII Japan or heintiggeh al Qaeda, abee he gets opportunities to badmouth anyone not shtelling tzu to his sick propaganda.

  11. The Israeli chevrah should get smart and contact CooCooRiCoo on howto rip-off more kevorim not just yesomim. If they sponsor a good fress he’ll be the number one ambassador. And if they sponsor a good BBQ fress including Erez Shabbos he surf the net for more ideas which will first be aligned with the Qveens people before he rips off the Israeli chevrah with the incentive that can make daullaren on the fraud.
